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Well over the weekend I took my son to a health food store for information on what to give him. Here is what the man told me...first he compared him to autism...then he told me that he most likely has the tics because i was an unhealthy person when i gave birth... which i did not feel i was...never drank, smoked and according to my doctor i was fine. I also have another child who does not have tics. Then he told me that a little radiation, like a piece of jewelry giving this off would help him and to sleep on a mud stone which gives off radiation. The only thing i did kind of agree with him was he mentioned probiotics to boost his immune system and that he needs his system flushed out...


I was just really sad when i left being told that i am the cause of this... i never heard this before... i know we have it in both our families with his aunts and uncles, myself or my husband do not have them, and i did take blame that way but not that i was unhealthy...did anyone else ever hear this before.





my goodness....a person working at a health store told you this???? :blink:


my first comment would be find a new health store!!! :)




you are not to "blame" and this person is IMHO treading on very dangerous territory by what they told you


yes, a woman's health as well as the health of the father can affect the foetus (latest studies show older dads' sperm more prone to genetic mutations) but for that person to make statements about your health when pregnant without having any medical history on you is ludicrous, plus suggesting an autism dx that way for your child is actually something very serious...


as to the radiation thing? that isnt one I have heard before but again.....it sounds to me they are way out of line.


I have encountered health store people who are hooked on fads and make some pretty outrageous comments. ....ones I have checked with our very open minded docs and have met the same incredulous response as I had....so please dont take what this person said seriously and stick with a qualified professional


I read your post like three times because I could not believe what I was reading. Chemar gave you good advise. I can't believe a store owner said that to you; please, do not listen to that man! Maryann


I have learned NOT to listen to the folks working in the health food/vitamin stores. I have gone in to buy supplements and was told they were'n't safe for my son..(when I knew they were) I do my own research and only use them to help my find what I need. What a goof head...




Please take that man's comment with a grain of salt. Afterall he is not a medical professional! What really get me mad is that he said it is the mother's fought for your son's condition.


We as parents should not feel guilty for our children's tics, because it is out of our control, but we still secretly do, at least i can say that for myself. So for him to say those insensitive things to you, is like pouring salt in your wound and so not productive. We can't change the tics, but we can help alleviate the tics and hope for the best.




Thank you all for your comments... I did find out he is a chiropractic... if that means anything.. He has done extension research on autism and will be having a seminar and feels it would be a good place for me to be.


What about the probotics... is that a good thing to have him on...and for people who use them are they on them for a long period of time or just to get the immune system built up...


Thanks for all your kind words... it has been on my mind... and with everything else to deal with the blame is not helpful at all.




Yes, i feel probiotic is good for the immune system. But be careful of the "die-off" effect. My son is sensitive to most of the supplements that was recommended by his ND. When he took probiotic, it spiked his tics and had new tics. However, the tics did subside after about a month of discontinuing the probiotic.



What about the probotics... is that a good thing to have him on...and for people who use them are they on them for a long period of time or just to get the immune system built up...




Probiotics are actually good for the whole body. They are good bacteria that live in the digestive tract. They help us to digest food and absorb nutrients. They also help to keep intestinal yeast and and bad bacteria from taking over in the intestines. They are not specifically immune builders, though the immune system, like the rest of the body, will certainly benefit from good intestinal health.


This guy sounds like a salesman. He's telling you things to get you in to his seminar and sell his products. If you have to double check everything he says for validity, you may as well skip his seminar and do your own reseach. Be careful, there are a lot of skeezbags out there ready to prey on the desperation of parents. Okay, they're not all skeezbags- some of them are just ignorant and fell for somebody else's sales pitch.


I've been dealing with, and researching SERIOUS autism issues for ten years and have never, ever heard this radiation thing he talks about.


And, honestly, you could have had some kind of yeast issues or subclinical infections during pregnancy that could have affected your child. But, you didn't do anything on purpose to do harm (in fact I'll bet you did a lot of good things on purpose for the health of your child). Ultimately, speculating on that at this point makes no difference. You just have to deal with the issues presently at hand.

Thank you all for your comments... I did find out he is a chiropractic... if that means anything.. He has done extension research on autism and will be having a seminar and feels it would be a good place for me to be.


What about the probotics... is that a good thing to have him on...and for people who use them are they on them for a long period of time or just to get the immune system built up...


Thanks for all your kind words... it has been on my mind... and with everything else to deal with the blame is not helpful at all.




chiropractors are qualified in chiropractic and often have knowledge in other areas, but they are not qualified on giving medical dx

honestly I would be very careful of this one after those unqualified comments he made with no medical history on you or your son.


re probiotics......we no longer use them for my son as they seem to aggravate his GIT inflammation from the Crohn's...our doc says one needs to use them with care when dealing with autoimmune/inflammatory issues


the rest of our family uses natural kefir as probiotic,and my son tolerates small amounts of that far better than he did probiotic supps




I just had to say your comment, "He is a nut" made me laugh so loud. I don't know you, but I could totally hear your voice saying this. :P


Mary, ditto on all the advice here.



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