Tracey111 Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 My son had the skin allergy test today. They tested him for a TON of things ($1,000 test!!!). He came up negative to all of the items. The doctor did go through the explanation of allergy vs. intolerance. He did not seem too concerned about the Candida. I don't understand the heavy metal tests. I am a little concerned now that I have been chasing after anything I can find.....and if this test becomes an insurance issue I may be out of pocket a lot of money for no solutions!! I don't have funds for a NAET doctor. I can not find a nutrition specialist in this area (and it is not covered by insurance anyways). I feel like I am on my own without the support of my insurance paid doctors. The tics are better with what I have done, but I feel like I am chasing the newest topic on the forum! What is my question, I don't know...maybe just venting....thought the nuerologist would be the answer, thought the French magnesium was the cure, thought the allergist would find the magic I sit looking at an ADHD/Tics-twitches/LD diagnosis with no Dr. direction on which way to go to make it better (but come back when I am ready to medicate this 50LB child!!!!!!!!)...I read and read and read and get more confused as to what "MY" son's nuerological issue may be........Oh, and I have seen what happens to this child in the schools...ughhhh..I am trying to teach him to be a strong child who does not care about what any child says or thinks about him. OH, and I overdid the Niacin this AM and he turned bright red and his ear started burning (mommy and her loco internet research!!!) Sorry to go on and on..... SO.....I am thinking that I should wait on more testing (to avoid being stuck with tons of bills) and go for the Feingold Diet? I don't even want to spend $70 on this program and have another dead end though......the low sacylates/no or limited artificial stuff and supplements APPEAR to have decreased the tics. Maybe I need to adhere more strictly to a certain diet......does anyone have some input on this? Does the Feingold outline the supplements? Sorry to vent so much! Thanks for any help you can give me!
Chemar Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 ((((((Tracey))))))) I am so sorry you dont have any clear answers and really want to suggest again that you try to find a D.O. (no differently qualified than an M.D. but a whole lot more clued up and open to alternatives) Many D.O.'s are covered by all major insurance, including medicare and medicaid, as are many INTEGRATIVE doctors (conventionally trained, specialized in alternatives) Do you have any family members with tics, Tracey? I know it isnt something many want to hear but it really cant be stressed enough that, if your child has Tourette Syndrome, then please dont expect a magic fix for the tics. Yes, doing healthy diet and supplements and many other things can help enormously. But it isnt a "cure" for TS, only a help. and even if your child doesnt have TS, there can be so many variables causing the tics that honestly the only answer is to take things really slowly and one step at a time. I know only too well that feeling of seeing info on something that has helped someone and rushing to implement it only to find either no improvement or sometimes ( as with the niacin) a negative reaction (my son cannot take any supplemental niacin, not even the "no flush" ) As you menton that things are definitely improved by what you have done, maybe just focus on those areas for now. maybe start to keep a journal of foods eaten, places visited, activites etc etc and see if you can begin to find clues that way. I do hope you are feeling better this morning. And that you will have extra energy and strength and wisdom to move forward. blessings Cheri
Caryn Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 I echo Cheri's sentiments wholeheartedly, Tracey. I just want to add that the cure may take quite a long time. Don't expect an immediate, overnight cure because you started doing something. Diet is not like drug therapy. There isn't a 24 hr. time period where results can be noted (most of the time). In our case we were on a new diet over 3 months before we got great results. We just saw a gradual decrease in tics over time. If you want to view my little blog I have a section full of Feingold recipes (that are also gluten and corn free (many dairy too). Feingold doesn't go that far. But at least you could get the gist of it without spending the money on the program first. There are some foods high in salycilates that I use in moderation for my ds. If so I will mention that in my description/listing. For example, I have some recipes with tomato sauce in them. Feingold also has a website that you may find quite helpful. I joined last year and got a huge welcome packet that included a safe foods booklet but to be honest I never utilized it because most of the foods are wheat and corn based. My recipes are just whole foods, for the most part. In the beginning I relied a lot on commercial GF products but I am getting away from that as it can really kill the budget. The most simple rule of thumb is this: When you are at the grocery store look for organic condiments. If a package lists ingredients that you cannot pronounce or don't know what they are, then don't buy it. You can do this without breaking the bank, and if you buy in bulk from places like Costco you could save a lot of money. Costco sells a lot of organic products, including ground beef, chicken, and several varieties of veggies. I have also found organic juices there that we can have. We do not buy purely organic but we try really hard to do it as much as possible. Take a deep breath. This isn't easy, but I promise you it will get better. You just need to find out what makes your child tic and then do whatever you can to reduce those triggers. And yes, as Cheri pointed out, for some kids there will be waxing on of tics at times regardless of what you do (but the overall severity and duration will diminish as healing takes place). Caryn
Pamela Kay Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 I know exactly how you feel. My son had a LD too. It has been two years since I started searching for help for my son. Just now I think I have finally narrowed things down. I could be wrong though. Eliminating foods is what really started working for my son. It really helped to look at the foods he craved and started from there. Sometimes when your child craves foods it is because they are actually allergic. The book that really opened my eyes in the beginning is was "Is This Your Child" by Doris Rapp. As for the Feingold program I really don't think that it outlines supplements. I did purchase the Feingold book but not the program. Honestly I think the book by Doris Rapp was much better. Let me tell you this and I know it may sound crazy, but in many ways I am grateful for all that has happened with my ds. I am grateful for every attempt I have made even though it may not have helped. Just the other day I heard that song "Bless The Broken Road" by Rascal Flatts . It reminded me that even though it has been a difficult time searching for triggers it has led me strait to a happier healthier boy. This whole experience changed me and I think I am a better person for it. I think it is great that you are searching for answers. Don't give up you will find them.
Calicat Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 Hi Tracey, Don't give up! Our children have very different things that have triggered the tics, from genetics to environment to a virus. Or who knows... maybe a combination plays a role underneath it all? I am in that happy time right now where we only see a tic here and there (well, except for the sniffs the other night after a chocolate/coloured cupcake!) But I have seen them come and go, and each time it breaks my heart but also helps me solidify my knowledge on the triggers for my daughter. The last big one--I had mistakenly given her two foods DAILY for a week with carmine and artificial flavours, and the tics started building up. I removed them and the tics went away. So now I feel more confident that I am on the right track with taking the artificials out of her diet. You might wonder how I was so dumb as to let those two ingredients slide through... well, they were in the most innocent-looking of foods--grapefruit juice and Activia yogurt. I learned my lesson... must read every label! When I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off at the beginning of this journey, there was one thing I did that I think helped me pinpoint what would help my daughter in particular. I really focused on OTHER things/issues/symptoms particular to her, like the fact that she was always a kid who could not fall asleep at night like the other kids I'd hear about from my friends. No matter how tired she was, K would lay in bed for 45 minutes to one-and-a-half hours before falling asleep. This (and some other things) gave me a clue that she had a problem with serotonin, so that led me to magnesium, which has been, for her, an absolute boon to her sleeping, and tics too. I also looked to the fact that she basically never wants to eat most kinds of meat. She does like other protein sources such as yogurt, cheese, beans, and eggs. So, that led me to thinking she might be lacking in taurine, and sure enough, taurine was a BIG breakthrough in taking away vocal tics for her (throat clearing). On top of that, I give her calicium to balance the magnesium, and also because she's not a milk drinker. I give a multivitamin for basic insurance. I give fish oil (omega 3s) because she tolerates it and I believe it's important for everybody's health. Also, a digestive enzyme because she seemed to have a few minor digestive issues, like she was a rather gassy toddler until I told everyone I believed it was linked to apple juice and to stop giving it to her, and the gassiness went away! Also, she has stomach aches quite frequently. I was the same way. So, I'm not spelling out our program to say, hey... this works and you should try it. I guess I'm just trying to encourage you to look at the big picture of your child and see what clues lead you to particular supplements. I hope you are led to answers soon Oh, and about the doctors, check out Environmental Doctors. I am on a waiting list for one, but the office visits will be covered. There is just a one time fee up front of a couple hundred dollars in my case, plus any tests that are not normally covered. Calicat
CarolynN Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 Tracey, My son is highly sensitive to MSG / Yellow Dye #5, Yellow Dye # 6, Caramel Color, Red Dye #40, and High Fructose Corn Syrup. The thing is I don't think these would show up on an allergy test. Like my doctor said they are not an "allergy" they are "toxins." All I can say is the difference with my son has been nothing short of a miracle by getting these out of his diet. He is 7 and 50 pounds. These were his main culprit. I also started a vitamin regimen that has helped him enormously too. This includes Bonnie Grimaldi's TS-Plus 6 a day, Additional Magesium Taurate 200 mg a day, Additional 500 mg of vitamin C a day, Glycine 4,600 mg a day (Amino Acid to help with Neurotransmitters), Phosphatidylserine 200 mg a day (this really helps promote brain function), Dr. Houstons Enzymes AFP (1/2 capsules 2 times a day), Dr. Houston No-Phenol 1 time a day 1/2 capsule, mega 3's (I use Nordic Naturals), and I give him MindLinx Probiotic. I cut back on Bonnie's Grimaldi's TS-Plus from 10 to 6 because the enzymes should be helping his body absorb the vitamins better. I have to say he is just doing great on this combination of vitamins. I know it is a lot and it costs me over $100 a month to do this for him but the results have been great. I should add we break up his vitamins so he has 1/2 in the morning and 1/2 at night (other then the No-Phenol we just give at night) With all this said and done I could give him all the supplements in the world but without the diet changes he would still be having tics. Tracey, there are answers. I believe in all my heart, because of what I have seen with my own son, that many people in our country are experiencing reactions to the chemicals in foods but they are coming out in different ways. For example Fibromyalgia has been linked back to MSG intolerance. Also some Migraines are caused from these chemical foods. I did a link on the different names of MSG;mode=threaded . The food industry has gotten very tricky at hiding names. I have become like an eagle when I read food labels. I learned the all the names of MSG and I make sure Daniel does not get this in his diet. This also includes school lunches of course. Believe me it is there too. I found it in about 70% of his lunches at school. Also here is a list of the foods I feed Daniel that he does not react too . I can only say as strong as a reaction as my son has to MSG, and I also know Chemar's son reacts too, I can only imagine many people on this forum are also dealing with MSG and the other artificial things as huge problems. When you have a nervous system issue adding things eating things the diet that "naturally" (I say that word loosely) excite the nervous system in people are not going to help people with nervous system issues. It would be like adding fuel to the fire. I really think one of the main problems is people, including myself a year ago, do not realize how much MSG we are eating every day in our normal everyday foods. Simply because we do not know what to look for in the ingredients since the names are hidden under unusual names. It is a very frustrating problem but not an impossible one by any means. So don't be discouraged if the allergy test did not show anything. My guess is you are dealing with chemical type foods like I my son is and many others too. Just take it one day at a time. Read, read, and read more labels. Be careful about eating out and check the internet sites for ingredients prior to going to the restaurant. My son may not be happy at times with not being able to have "everything" but he would choose not having the foods over the tics. The thing is most of grew up thinking eating "Lucky Charms" and drinking soda products are just a "normal" way of eating and drinking. When the fact is it is so far from what God created us to eat. Like my naturopathic doctor told me if Daniel could just live on a farm he probably would have had a lot fewer problems. In other words, eating as God intended us not what we have created through chemicals to eat and drink. Carolyn N.
faith Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 Tracey, I am guessing the skin test was for true allergies, not for sensitivities or intolerances, correct? What kind of doctor, regular allergist? I am not surprised that he was negative to everything, that is good, at least you covered that base. Really, I would have rathered see you spend the money on the Igg type testing through a naturopathic doctor or just do it directly through the labs that offer this.... BTW, our Dand doctor did not believe in the Igg testing and reliability, he is an allergist so just does the intradermal testing. Since I have sort of dead ended with him on things to do, he did suggest we could try the allergy testing for foods (already did environmental), but I am not running to try this (even thought I think it is covered by insurance), because I pretty much think it won't show anything useful if it is just true allergies. The others have given you the right advice and direction. I remember when we gave the advice to remove the foods he consumed alot of (especially since it sounded like they were alot of salicylates) and you have done that and seen a diminishing if not disappearing of the head tic? That to me means something and is a big step in the right direction (if you recall, I said that happened for us when we removed the corn products as he tested Igg sensitive). I don't believe that it is all as simple as just that (because I deal with other tics too) but it is a major clue to what could be going on and what sensitivities are a big trigger for him. I have mentioned that I have a hard time getting my son to comply with his dietary restrictions, but nevertheless, I am pretty convinced it is one of the important pieces and never give up on it. So just stay with what your doing presently, and keep piggy backing on that. Its not easy, don't I know, but you are heading in the right direction. (the head jerk is still gone, right?) Good Luck Faith P.S. ...maybe Caryn could send you a copy of her literature on the Feingold since she says she doesn't use it that much? Whatya say Caryn?
Caryn Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 P.S. ...maybe Caryn could send you a copy of her literature on the Feingold since she says she doesn't use it that much? Whatya say Caryn? Just PM me for details, Tracey. I would be happy to help you with more info. I hate to broadcast their stuff over the internet, but I would be happy to thumb through the stuff if you want info on specific brands you use a lot, etc.... Off list of course! Also, I just want to add that gluten intolerance will cause ADHD symptoms according to recent research. Apraxia is a common side effect of a neurological manifestation. If you have a 'clumsy' kid (ataxia) who has trouble verbally-- mixes up his/her words in conversation ie, says the opposite of what he/she means, has poor word recall, substitutes similar words out of context.... ie: Put the dishes in the washing machine, oh, I mean dishwasher. That kind of thing. There is currently no specific research connecting tics to gluten intolerance but there is a growing number of research on ADHD and gluten in the diet (for those that are gluten intolerant). Currently some experts believe that 10% of the population is gluten sensitive to varying degrees. Sorry ladies, I know I sound like a broken record. Caryn
CarolynN Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 Tracey, I noticed something that Faith referenced. That when you took out salicyates you noticed a change in a tic. Well from what I have read it seems to indicate that when you are sensitive to salicyates then you will also be sensitive to MSG and food dyes. They use the same system of the body to process through called the sulfation system. So if you have a "faulty" sulfation system you are going to experience problems with these foods. This is what I am convinced is the root of the problem with my son. I am going to a doctor, in a few weeks, that I am hoping to get some answers to how to improve the sulfation system. I know one way is epsom salts but I want to see what else I can find out. This is an old post from Latitudes that discusses this. Look at the second posting on this;mode=linear . I also did a post a about a month ago where I discuss this whole sulfation system . One product that helps with salicylate intolerance is No-Fenol by Dr. Houston . There is also evidence that it helps in general with process food dyes. So I have Daniel on this. I just would caution going slow and easy with enzymes because it can increase tics at first. The enzymes also clear out the "junk" in the system so when this happens toxins can get released and hence more tics at first. I would again reference the book by Karen DeFlice "Enzymes for Autism and other Neurological Conditions". It is a great book to understand how enzymes work and why they work. Carolyn N.
Tracey111 Posted February 20, 2008 Author Report Posted February 20, 2008 Thank you all!!!! I went to a DO allergist. He did explain that he was doing pure allergy testing and it would not indicate food intolerances. He did indicate that maybe I should try a nuerologist he knew of who was certified in this and that and that. He did state that we give kids vaccines and no one is researching the nuerological effects of them. He said he sees my situation all the time. I just did not feel like I got any "answers" on what to do next. There is a natural wellness center that I am going to check out and try to find out what "type" of doctor he is. Faith, no head jerks last week or this week. I think that I have eliminated artificial colors and flavors. I will have to look at his bread and peanut butter again. I bought him kashi waffles, plain oatmeal, apples, lettuce, celery, carrots, organic granola bars, and organic cookies...I think they are all Kashi brand. He still loves his OJ, so he gets about 1/2 cup watered down each day. I have made two trays of homemade brownies from scratch. I have bought Breyers Natural Vanilla Ice Cream seems to be the purest one. He is getting pretzels at school, but who knows what is in those. He does not eat much so it would be easy to track. I will start my more detailed diet research and buy the Feingold just as a start (maybe it will increase focus at least). HOW LONG should I have to eliminate a food before I see an improvement? One, two, three weeks? (The salicylates seemed to improve tics within a week) Maybe I will start with corn. Corn Syrup is in everything...I don't know how you guys do corn elimination. BUT, I do remember one night when we went for Mexican and his tics flared up after the corn tortilla maybe I need to look at that. Pamela, I don't see any food cravings...but I am going to keep my eye out for it (maybe OJ??). I will look at that other book for some Spring Break reading pleasure! Cheri, I do have a nephew with TS. My sister used to say it came from her husband's side because he twitches some. We have one male cousin who had tics when he was young, but outgrew them. No history on my husband's side. I find it interesting that my older son had childhood asthma and stuttering (both of which I have seen "possibly" linked to vaccines). He outgrew both....but the stuttering was after the kindergarten shots. Interesting...... Caryn, I think I will buy the book and start there. I did go gluten and milk free for one week and I saw no change and it was tough on I quit, maybe too early. The allergist said it may take 6 weeks or even 3 months for an intolerance like gluten to be corrected. Gluten free is tough and I will probably save that one for last. Carolyn, did your naturopath doctor give you that vitamin "recipe"? I have picked up some of them based on Bonnie's formula and based on what I have read. I am wondering if I am missing something....but once my supplements run out I will buy her vitamins, as I think the tics are not just transient. I did eliminate MSG and artificial flavors/colors. Do you give your son GABA? I am wondering how it compares the the Glycine that you mentioned. Thanks everyone. I think I will print out all of your links and then read them over the weekend with a BIG highlighter. I do not intend to give up..... I am a teacher and I pour my heart into my students during the day! I have always begged for the struggling kids that no other teachers want to lately I am trying to determine if God gave me my baby so that I could help more students learn.........or did God give me these students to prepare me for this child. I have seen LD kids who struggle and give up. I have seen LD kids who don't have a clue but work so hard that they end up conquering the material! I have told students for years that children do not choose to be born with the issues that they have and that making fun of ANY child is totally unacceptable. I now hope and pray that my hard work of spreading the love and encouraging children is repaid ten fold to my baby!!!!
CarolynN Posted February 20, 2008 Report Posted February 20, 2008 Tracey, My vitamin regimen came from two naturopathic doctors primarily. I had read about Bonnie Grimaldi's vitamins and ran it by both of them and they both agreed it would be a good multi to be on. The others just developed over time but the "formula" seems to really be working. It is such a shame it costs so much but it is worth it. The money we are now not spending on eating out, because of Daniel's MSG issues, is now being spent on vitamins. But it is sooooooo worth it! The Glycine has a function of helping neurotransmitters function more efficiently overall. The GABA is for anxiety and yes Daniel is on GABA too. I forgot to put that one on my list. It does seem to work. The glycine came as a suggestion from one of the naturopathic doctors. It is fairly inexpensive. We use a brand called "Carlson" and buy it at the Vitamin Shoppe. The GABA I get straight from my doctor so I don't know what brand of GABA is a good brand just to outright buy. Have a blessed day! Carolyn N.
Pamela Kay Posted February 20, 2008 Report Posted February 20, 2008 I am a teacher and I pour my heart into my students during the day! I have always begged for the struggling kids that no other teachers want to lately I am trying to determine if God gave me my baby so that I could help more students learn.........or did God give me these students to prepare me for this child. I have seen LD kids who struggle and give up. I have seen LD kids who don't have a clue but work so hard that they end up conquering the material! I have told students for years that children do not choose to be born with the issues that they have and that making fun of ANY child is totally unacceptable. I now hope and pray that my hard work of spreading the love and encouraging children is repaid ten fold to my baby!!!! Thank you! I can only hope that my kids have compassionate teachers like yourself. Corn as well as other eliminations, is hard at first but once you get used to what they can have it gets a lot easier. I really think you are on the right track.
Caryn Posted February 20, 2008 Report Posted February 20, 2008 Tracey, Yes, save the gluten for last. I think you are going about it the right way. One thing at a time and careful observation. We used the GABA in the beginning and I felt it helped a lot, especially with my Tigger's high anxiety issues and mild pyroluria. It took the edge off and really helped him to relax. We dropped the GABA after being gluten free for about five months. I agree that when you commit to the diet it has to be all the way and you have to commit for at least six months. We did not get results until the fifth month. Now he is symptom free for over a month and without supps. It takes time to heal the gut. As far as corn. I hate to say this, but it is easier IMO to be gluten free than it is to be corn free. It may very well be that the corn is a major trigger for your child. Check out Jenny Connor's site: I used to refer to it regularly for help and information. She is highly allergic (intolerant) and so her list will reflect that. Our son is highly reactive too, and so we are pretty extreme on our avoidances (no white vinegar, very limited on commercial iodized salt, no corn starch, corn syrup, corn flour, not even 2% or less..... ) We buy special condiments for our ds and basically bring them with us in a cooler bag wherever we go. We are also very careful with hygiene products (it is in most soaps and shampoos). Are you getting nauseated yet? I'll stop there. Anyway, if you want to cut back on corn start with the biggies first and see what happens. Then get goofy like us and bring it down to the nitty gritty. According to many corn allergy (intolerance) sufferers the levels of tolerance vary. Some don't even buy meat that comes from corn fed animals! Corn is dusted on many cheeses and can also be in meat packaging. Check out my safe-products list for some safe stuff. It is not a complete list. I just add to it whenever I discover something so that I don't forget. To really root out the corn you have to contact the manufacturer's of the food one by one and wait for a response. It is time consuming and annoying! Thanks to the corn refiner's association and their lobbying power corn is not a recognized official allergen. Grrrr. As far as vax's go, I think that for some kids the digestive issues due to allergies/intolerant foods in the diet create faulty immune responses and in some cases the vax just kicks it into high gear and causes an autoimmune response. BTW I also taught kids with special needs for seven years before Tigger was born. I know EXACTLY how you feel. You've got that MAMA FIRE burning under your feet because you don't want to see the same thing happen to your baby. That passion will serve you well, just don't let it make you crazy too. Try to get some sleep. The answers will come in time. One thing I think God has really taught me this year (in spades) is to have patience. And a lot of faith. You will know when you are on the right path, but it may take some time before that peace settles in your heart. Thank God you are a teacher. Sometimes I look back at some of the students I used to have and wish I could use what I have since learned about diet and supplements to help their parents cope. Imagine how much you will be able to help others in due time.... Caryn
Tracey111 Posted February 24, 2008 Author Report Posted February 24, 2008 God Bless you Caryn. That corn allergy list is EXHAUSTING! It even lists Calcium Citrate, which is one of the supplements I give my child!!! I can tell you that there were quite a few items on that list that my child has consumed in higher quantities the last two weeks. NOW....the tics are staying at just eye blinks (except two days when I gave him English Muffins). His teacher said this week that his attention and hyperactivity were really off. She asked if I was still following a special diet or not. So, now I need to determine why the tics were OK and the ADHD was increased! It may have been increased sugar....but it could be all the ingredients listed on the corn list. Thanks for all of the are all a GREAT help!!
warmwinds2 Posted February 28, 2008 Report Posted February 28, 2008 My son had the skin allergy test today. They tested him for a TON of things ($1,000 test!!!). He came up negative to all of the items. The doctor did go through the explanation of allergy vs. intolerance. He did not seem too concerned about the Candida. I don't understand the heavy metal tests. I am a little concerned now that I have been chasing after anything I can find.....and if this test becomes an insurance issue I may be out of pocket a lot of money for no solutions!! I don't have funds for a NAET doctor. I can not find a nutrition specialist in this area (and it is not covered by insurance anyways). I feel like I am on my own without the support of my insurance paid doctors. The tics are better with what I have done, but I feel like I am chasing the newest topic on the forum! What is my question, I don't know...maybe just venting....thought the nuerologist would be the answer, thought the French magnesium was the cure, thought the allergist would find the magic I sit looking at an ADHD/Tics-twitches/LD diagnosis with no Dr. direction on which way to go to make it better (but come back when I am ready to medicate this 50LB child!!!!!!!!)...I read and read and read and get more confused as to what "MY" son's nuerological issue may be........Oh, and I have seen what happens to this child in the schools...ughhhh..I am trying to teach him to be a strong child who does not care about what any child says or thinks about him. OH, and I overdid the Niacin this AM and he turned bright red and his ear started burning (mommy and her loco internet research!!!) Sorry to go on and on..... SO.....I am thinking that I should wait on more testing (to avoid being stuck with tons of bills) and go for the Feingold Diet? I don't even want to spend $70 on this program and have another dead end though......the low sacylates/no or limited artificial stuff and supplements APPEAR to have decreased the tics. Maybe I need to adhere more strictly to a certain diet......does anyone have some input on this? Does the Feingold outline the supplements? Sorry to vent so much! Thanks for any help you can give me! High, This is my first time to respond to anyone. Go check out Sage labs or delayed food allergie testing. Years ago I had a cytotoxic food allergy test and it changed my life. I had been sick 6 years after coming back from living in Guatemala in my twenties. The Sage Lab has a test that is better and it is the only one in the country that does it. I tell you it is so worth it. I am in the medical world . I know that the test you spent your money on only tested for IgE mediated allergins. That is so inaccurate for looking at other varieties of food allergies or intolerances. I have been waiting a long time for someone to come up with this test. Go to the site. I just found them but I know a fair amount about how it works. Warmwinds2
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