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I went to pick my Son up from school and his teacher told me about my son when he was playing with the other kids they were very excited and he would go up to the other kids anyone whoever was around him and wave his hands in their faces was like he is tickling them but only when he was excited and she said he was doing other tic's right after.

so i was wondering if this was yet another tic??

the kids were getting upset with him and didnt want to play no more ( he was not hurting them) was just in their personal space.

Thanks Again



I had a similar situation about a year ago where my son (10 at the time) would walk up to kids that he did or didn't know and would rub their back slash shoulder area but his arms would kind of wave around at the same time. I took it as a tic. I don't know for sure what it was but I new it was not the socail norm.


I wish you luck in the roads ahead when it comes to figuring out your son. Are best wishes are with your family.


yes, that can be a tic.



here is a list of tics that can occur in TS



the cognitive behavior therapy can be very helpful in learning to substitute socially upsetting tics. When a tic needs to "out" it is very stressful for the person to hold it back. CBT can help find ways to disguise the tic, while still releasing it.


I do know how hard it is to deal with these kinds of socially embarassing tics. Another reason why I have always felt it best to be proactive to inform school, classmates etc of the TS. Simple explanations like "ticcing is like hiccups" or "like blinking/sneezing etc" so that younger kids get the idea of the involuntary action.


it;s amazing how acceptiong kids are when they have something explained to them in ways they can understand


The TSA has excellent booklets to help educate teachers and classmates about TS tics



My son has always had a Problem with personal space, we have been trying to teach him about that, he was doing better with it but the when he gets to excited he will wave his hands in some faces. i feel bad i want to make all this right for him .... he is the most loving child you will ever meet, he is a little rough but i think that is a boy being a boy he is the same as the other boys in his class in that way.. i dont want to sit and think every time he does something out of the norm that it is a tic!

i think i am going nuts!

Thanks Ann




According to your attachment, stuttering is a tic. How about someone w/o tics/TS, but stutters? Does it mean this person has tics/TS? I am just a little confused :huh: !


My son has been experiencing more frequent urination than usual. Sometimes he would go 2/3 times 5/10 minutes within each occurrance and have very little pee (i hope is ok to write this). Can this be a bladder tic? I have been trying not to make a big deal out of it, and he seems to be visiting the bathroom less frequent in the recent weeks.


I start to realize many childhood corkinesses or habits are all part of development which they will outgrow. It is just that when your child has tics, it is that much harder to ignore these behaviors without worrying to death what that may lead to.






My son has the repeat need to urinate over and over at times. I don't know if this is an ocd characteristic but it seems like a compulsion. I have always thought it was a sign that he may have been exposed to the strep virus and is having a PANDAS episode. Usually he also gets strange behaviors such as he is emotinal and hard to reason with plus he gets really hyper. What other symptoms does your son have? Like you said it is hard not to worry at the time these strange behaviors occur. Also we pray they will outgrow them with maturity. At five I think we still have a long ride ahead.






According to your attachment, stuttering is a tic. How about someone w/o tics/TS, but stutters? Does it mean this person has tics/TS? I am just a little confused :huh: !


My son has been experiencing more frequent urination than usual. Sometimes he would go 2/3 times 5/10 minutes within each occurrance and have very little pee (i hope is ok to write this). Can this be a bladder tic? I have been trying not to make a big deal out of it, and he seems to be visiting the bathroom less frequent in the recent weeks.


I start to realize many childhood corkinesses or habits are all part of development which they will outgrow. It is just that when your child has tics, it is that much harder to ignore these behaviors without worrying to death what that may lead to.



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