jkc Posted August 25, 2007 Report Posted August 25, 2007 Hi, I am new here, this is my first post. My son (9 and 1/2 year old) started excessive blinking about 5-6 weeks ago, I took him to the opthalmologist and he said my son has blephirits and prescribed antibiotic for eyes. His blinking reduced quite a bit for few days while he was on antibiotic but one day he started the excessive blinking again. Now there are few days where his blinking is less and other days its really bad. I can't stop looking at him and praying that it would stop. I took him to neurologist, he said his neurological exam is fine. He says may be he is starting tics or just anxiety or stress related. My son is usually very active, plays sports and does martial art but this summer he didn't do much physical activity. He was mostly watching tv or playing video games. I usually control his junk food but this summer I let him have whatever he wanted. I work full time so I was not home during the day when he was home with his grand father. Has anyone experienced same problems, can tics be stress/anxiety related, can the be caused by too much tv or video games or diet? I have been reading on line for few days now and came across supplement called 'attention' from liquid health. I started giving him this yesterday, how long does it take before the supplements have any effect? Has anyone has any success with other vitamins or supplement, I would appreciate any suggestions. Any diet changes I need to make. I am a very nervous mother right now and it breaks my heart to see him blink all the time.
Cum Passus Posted August 25, 2007 Report Posted August 25, 2007 Hi jkc, Just wanting to understand, your son has never had tics before? If not, try not to worry to much. It really could just be a childhood tic that will go away. My daughter had some tics this spring, but have gone away so far. We do have TS in the family so her tics could come back, but I think they were allergy or nerves do to softball. The team really depended on her she was their best pitcher, and fastest base runner. So I think that could have been the problem. Have not seen any ticcing in her since July 4th. It is good that you are reading up on the posts here. One thing is, I really really believe junk food is bad for all of us. I had some soup last week that I think had MSG in it and I got really tired, and my eyes felt funny. I think i have not eaten MSG in so long I really felt strange. Don't know if that could happen since I never was known to have a problem with MSG before. All the things you mentioned... yes, they could be triggers. Supplements could take awhile, and sometimes people see good results right away. Good luck, we are all here to help you through this, it is so painful to watch, but so rewarding to see Dr. mom and dad taking good care of the child God gave us. C.P.
itsme Posted August 25, 2007 Report Posted August 25, 2007 Hi, I am new here, this is my first post. My son (9 and 1/2 year old) started excessive blinking about 5-6 weeks ago, I took him to the opthalmologist and he said my son has blephirits and prescribed antibiotic for eyes. His blinking reduced quite a bit for few days while he was on antibiotic but one day he started the excessive blinking again. Now there are few days where his blinking is less and other days its really bad. I can't stop looking at him and praying that it would stop. I took him to neurologist, he said his neurological exam is fine. He says may be he is starting tics or just anxiety or stress related. My son is usually very active, plays sports and does martial art but this summer he didn't do much physical activity. He was mostly watching tv or playing video games. I usually control his junk food but this summer I let him have whatever he wanted. I work full time so I was not home during the day when he was home with his grand father. Has anyone experienced same problems, can tics be stress/anxiety related, can the be caused by too much tv or video games or diet? I have been reading on line for few days now and came across supplement called 'attention' from liquid health. I started giving him this yesterday, how long does it take before the supplements have any effect? Has anyone has any success with other vitamins or supplement, I would appreciate any suggestions. Any diet changes I need to make. I am a very nervous mother right now and it breaks my heart to see him blink all the time. Hi Jkc When our son started binking alot i knew it was TS since i've had TS for 30 years. I immediately started giving him "bontech" sups and they have helped alot. We also have him on a very restricted diet and took him to an environmental dr who ran alot of tests on him. Basically they do blood work to see where the deficiencies are in a person. Our son has been doing very well for the past 3 months. There are many people on here with very similar experiences who have greatly benefitted from vitamins, diet changes and allergy help. I'm sure they will be along soon to offer you comfort and support. It would probably be a good idea to go to a dr who can give you a proper diagnosis before you do to much. I would also continue paging thru the many threads on this forum....there is sooo much useful information. Hope this is helpful.
jkc Posted August 25, 2007 Author Report Posted August 25, 2007 THank you C.P. for your respnse. Yes, my son never had tics before. Just wanted to ask you how long did your daughter's tisc last? From what I know, we don't have any family history of this. Thank you 'itsme'! it helps to know what has worked for other people, I am going to look into 'bontech' and see if I can find an environmental dr.
michele Posted August 26, 2007 Report Posted August 26, 2007 Hello. Welcome and know you willget great advise on this site. If you use the search option and type in eye blinking or tics you will most likely read other stories about it. My 5 year old son started with frequent eye blinking very young around a year old. Neurologist said he may be prone to tic.Also if your son had a sore throat or strep you might be aware of PANDAS which is how my son started after a strep infection. My sons episodes usually last about a month or two following strep or viral infections. He has stopped ey blinks now but does finger and hand bending and cracking repeativly. It is sad but the Dr. said don't stare too much because it can cause then to tic more. My son has been doing it strong for a month now. He also gets hyper, emotional and compulsive during theses times. We have a hard time rationalizing with him. My son is on an antibiotic daily of penicillin but he stillcaught colds which brought this on again. I am trying a llow sugar and gluten free diet right now.Plus we give fish oils, vitamins, probiotics, calm child, glucosimine, AFP enzymes,. Currently we are seeing a Biomedical Dr. trying to sort things out. The immunologist did prescribe the antibiotic though. In the four and a half yeats of seeing neurologist they never gave any help other then ruling out with EEG and CAT scans seizures. Their philosophy was wait and see. At the young age of five they didn't want him on ADHD meds or tic meds. I do think stress makes the tics worse. Keep me informed on your son. Michele Hi, I am new here, this is my first post. My son (9 and 1/2 year old) started excessive blinking about 5-6 weeks ago, I took him to the opthalmologist and he said my son has blephirits and prescribed antibiotic for eyes. His blinking reduced quite a bit for few days while he was on antibiotic but one day he started the excessive blinking again. Now there are few days where his blinking is less and other days its really bad. I can't stop looking at him and praying that it would stop. I took him to neurologist, he said his neurological exam is fine. He says may be he is starting tics or just anxiety or stress related. My son is usually very active, plays sports and does martial art but this summer he didn't do much physical activity. He was mostly watching tv or playing video games. I usually control his junk food but this summer I let him have whatever he wanted. I work full time so I was not home during the day when he was home with his grand father. Has anyone experienced same problems, can tics be stress/anxiety related, can the be caused by too much tv or video games or diet? I have been reading on line for few days now and came across supplement called 'attention' from liquid health. I started giving him this yesterday, how long does it take before the supplements have any effect? Has anyone has any success with other vitamins or supplement, I would appreciate any suggestions. Any diet changes I need to make. I am a very nervous mother right now and it breaks my heart to see him blink all the time.
Cum Passus Posted August 26, 2007 Report Posted August 26, 2007 Hi jkc, I would say she started eye blinking and pushing her tongue to the side of her mouth in May. I know she has an allergy to grass. The mid-atlantic has had a drought this summer and our grass has been dead for at least 6 or 7 weeks. Don't know if that has helped her blinking. I do get worried about her having TS because so many people say they notice tics then they go away, and come back. So far she is no way ticcing like my son. By the way all, so far so good with him, I'll let you all know how the start of school goes. C.P.
janey Posted August 27, 2007 Report Posted August 27, 2007 Hi, I am new here, this is my first post. My son (9 and 1/2 year old) started excessive blinking about 5-6 weeks ago, I took him to the opthalmologist and he said my son has blephirits and prescribed antibiotic for eyes. His blinking reduced quite a bit for few days while he was on antibiotic but one day he started the excessive blinking again. Now there are few days where his blinking is less and other days its really bad. I can't stop looking at him and praying that it would stop. I took him to neurologist, he said his neurological exam is fine. He says may be he is starting tics or just anxiety or stress related. My son is usually very active, plays sports and does martial art but this summer he didn't do much physical activity. He was mostly watching tv or playing video games. I usually control his junk food but this summer I let him have whatever he wanted. I work full time so I was not home during the day when he was home with his grand father. Has anyone experienced same problems, can tics be stress/anxiety related, can the be caused by too much tv or video games or diet? I have been reading on line for few days now and came across supplement called 'attention' from liquid health. I started giving him this yesterday, how long does it take before the supplements have any effect? Has anyone has any success with other vitamins or supplement, I would appreciate any suggestions. Any diet changes I need to make. I am a very nervous mother right now and it breaks my heart to see him blink all the time. Hi, my son is 8 1/2 now and he started with eye blinking around 5. TV/video games is his main trigger. I had to take it all away from him to have the eye blinking go away. This summer he started with a nose twitch. Again it was brought on by stress and the TV watching/Ninetendo makes it even worse. I made him give up the TV/Nintendo all together and he is now only allowed to play on the computer. The computer screen is an LCD which for some reason does not trigger the tics. In addition I've been giving him some of the supplements recommended on the board. I know it's tough, but your best bet is to take the electronics away for a week. I bet you will see a great improvement. If you've ever read the warning that comes along with the Nintendo, it does say that it may cause seizures in some people. If it can cause seizures, I definitely think it can cause tics. If you read thru this forum, which is great, you will see many people mention electronics as a main trigger for their child's tics. Let me know if you have any more questions!! Jane
lmcgill Posted August 27, 2007 Report Posted August 27, 2007 Our son is 8.5 yrs old as well, this time last year his tics were much worse. We have virtually taken away Xbox and DS close to a year ago, as well as put him on Kids Calm as well as a few other supps. I can say that is tics are so minor that most would never notice. He still does the eye blink sometimes, and lately he has been doing a little humming, but somtimes I think I am a little to blame since I probably stare at him too much and ask him how he feels etc. We just moved this week, and he starts a new school this year, so if that doesn't increase his tics then I think I can perhaps settle down and realize it might just be Transient Tics and he will grow out of them. He has been on Penicillen for staph infection and that ends this week. We have no history of TS in our family and he is very bright with no AD or OC problems. Among other things, we did get the IGG testing done and found Soy and Eggs were off the charts. Now that we have practically taken those away he seems to be sleeping better and does not sweat at night like he use to?? Sorry to ramble on, it is nice to here other people with similar stories and what has worked and what didn't. Lenny
jkc Posted August 27, 2007 Author Report Posted August 27, 2007 Update on my son: Last three days his eye blinking has reduced about 50%, I notice that mornings are better and as day progresses it seems to get more. We have also taken his PS2 and DS games away also no tv time for last 3 days. He has been on liquid health's 'attention' supplement also for three days. I am also giving him homeopathy magnesium/phosporus. Is it a sign of recovery or he is just having better days? I have also stopped giving him milk and trying very hard so he doesn't get any dairy products. Janey, what supplements are you giving your son and how long did it take before you started to notice the difference? Thank you everyone for your suggestions and help, its very much appreciated. Imcgill, I can relate to you because I do the same thing about watching him. I have to keep reminding my self not to pay so much attention.
janey Posted August 28, 2007 Report Posted August 28, 2007 Update on my son:Last three days his eye blinking has reduced about 50%, I notice that mornings are better and as day progresses it seems to get more. We have also taken his PS2 and DS games away also no tv time for last 3 days. He has been on liquid health's 'attention' supplement also for three days. I am also giving him homeopathy magnesium/phosporus. Is it a sign of recovery or he is just having better days? I have also stopped giving him milk and trying very hard so he doesn't get any dairy products. Janey, what supplements are you giving your son and how long did it take before you started to notice the difference? Thank you everyone for your suggestions and help, its very much appreciated. Imcgill, I can relate to you because I do the same thing about watching him. I have to keep reminding my self not to pay so much attention. Hi again, I'm giving him magnesium taurate/calcium/zinc and also flax seed oil with omega 3,6,9 and some evening primrose oil. I think it took a couple of weeks to see a difference. But I must say that electronics are his main trigger. I'm not sure if the supplements made a difference or the reduction in screen time, or both. It's really hard to keep him away from this stuff, since he LOVES this stuff. I also try hard not to watch him, but he's my only child and it took me 7 years to have him. All my attention is focused on him. Oh, I also found baths with Epsom salt very helpful. Take care, Janey
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