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My son has always been sensitive to tv/ screens. After awhile playing games or watching a show, he would rub his eyes and complain and sometimes they would water. This pretty much only happened during those times and I would have him stop. Well- back in Feb. he exploded into many tics. We spent 3 months getting these under control and I could not pin point exactly what was the reason, but by May he did not seem to have anything going except an occasional fist clench which was not noticable. I had started him on Kids Calm, B combo, multi vit.,and calcium and have continued with that. What I have noticed over the last couple of months is that his light sensitivity seems to be very bad lately. His allergies have also been bad. Could it be due to the allergies or a seperate issue? He started doing a heavy eye blink a couple of weeks ago. I usually only noticed it in am or during reading although the last couple of days it has been through out the day. I am cutting back on things like tv and game cube again, but I think the eye blink happens in places that have flourescent lights such as when he got his hair cut the other day or maybe it was stress. My questions are-the light sensitivity:is it due to allergies being bad? Should I address it with a naturpath or see if I can control tics by controlling tv? Is there a blanket problem when a child has this or individual? Any advice would help.


My son has suffered from light sensitivity since he was a baby. I am still learning, but I have read a little bit about this issue. My son had very high glutamate, combined with low GABA. When we brought the two back into balance, he improved. I have also read that cyano B-12 can help with light sensitivity, as can vitamin A. Light sensitivity can also be related to elevated mercury levels. You mentioned that your son reacts to flourescent lighting. That can be another symptom of excess mercury, so you might want to do a heavy metals test.


Best wishes,



light sensitivity can also be related to the sensory integration dysfunction (SID=hypersensitivity) that many kids do seem to have in their sensory mechanisms


Fluorescent lighting has been identified as a major tic trigger as is most other "flickering" light



Being that he was doing well for a while, just curious, have you relaxed on some of the precautions, (as you said, he was playing games again). It could be just a little too much for now and time to cut back on things (or eliminate totally, whatever the issues were), ie. games, diet, maybe up the magnesium supp a little. When I see a little blink starting, I give a little B1 with the magnesium for few days.


I might notice this at night while watching tv before bed, and I think some mom's notice a little eye twitching when the kids are tired--is he staying up much later than usual being that it is summer now?

I also think maybe you could have an opthomology check up, they can tell if there is some sort of eye allergy going on. I have a friend who's son was blinking during certain times of the year (years ago) and the opthomology exam determined an eye allergy and gave drops, he seemed to be fine after that, I don't think he ever had any other issues.




We have seen an increase in eye blinking lately. His eyes seem to be red, and he says they sting a bit. Not sure if this is due to an allergy or stress. He was a little stressed yesterday morning when he started a new day camp and we were at the wrong place. He said he would just like to go home, but we finally found the correct drop off and when I picked him up he was doing pretty heavy blinks, and his eyes did look sore. I put some Visine in his eyes and he slept very well last night and there were no blinks this morning.



Thanks all-it sure is hard to decide if it is allergy related or tics or what sometimes. I know when he had the explosion it was definite tics. Like I said, he has always had trouble with light sensitivity. I do think I uncovered some important info on the computer last night. I had been giving him Benedryl for his allergies and read that antihistamines can increase light sensitivity so I will have to figure out something else for his allergies. Any ideas? I got an Austin Air purifier for his bedroom and this seems to help a minimal amount. Does this ever get easier? Since Feb. my life seems to be consumed with my sons (and the worry of my daughters) health. Those who have been at it for awhile- does life ever return to normal? Just curious, as I feel like I am having a hard time accepting tics and was wondering if I ever will. Sorry for the down note.

Thanks all-it sure is hard to decide if it is allergy related or tics or what sometimes. I know when he had the explosion it was definite tics. Like I said, he has always had trouble with light sensitivity. I do think I uncovered some important info on the computer last night. I had been giving him Benedryl for his allergies and read that antihistamines can increase light sensitivity so I will have to figure out something else for his allergies. Any ideas? I got an Austin Air purifier for his bedroom and this seems to help a minimal amount. Does this ever get easier? Since Feb. my life seems to be consumed with my sons (and the worry of my daughters) health. Those who have been at it for awhile- does life ever return to normal? Just curious, as I feel like I am having a hard time accepting tics and was wondering if I ever will. Sorry for the down note.

We have been dealing with it for over a year, and I think it has gotten easier for me. I have seen my boy at his worst, and for many months now, I feel he is about %80 to %95 better. You will find most of the tics do not bother him near as much as you. Unfortunately for me, my days are better or worse depending on if he has tics or not. I try not to stare at him, but I find it hard not to. He is doing well now, but I worry about grade 3 starting and going to a new school. I think a lot of his ticcing is due to stress, but we have cleaned up his diet as well, so who knows. As parents we would gladly take on our childrens problems if we could, but we can't of course. The frustrating part to me is not knowing what the real cause is if there really is one. Your child gets a cold, you give him a pill and know he will be better in a couple days. He gets a scratch, you put a bandaide on it, but he has tics, and you feel helpless and feel like you have failed him. I hold on to the promise that God will never give me more then I can bare, and that keeps me from getting too depressed. So far, His promise is still true.





I know people are very different, and our outlook on life can really do a number on one's spirit. I do believe God will heal all of us, Kids and parents. When things were at there worst for me I must have had every thought one could think of. I was sure God was punishing me for things I had done in my life. I thought because I didn't breast feed the two younger children they would have TS. God must be reminding me how lazy I was to not breast feed them. God must me reminding me of how vain I was in my youth, always wanting attention, well He showed me I was going to have every head in the world turn and look at me and my son, so I thought.


God must be reminding me of all the times friends asked me to pray for them, and I half heartedly squeezed in their name before bed. Now I would really find out when one asks for prayer they depend on it, and need it very much.


And shame on me for ever thinking, I wonder what life would have been like if I had married so-so. I couldn't have asked for a more helpful, understanding husband.


When I stopped thinking God was teaching me lessons things finally got better. How could I let the devil rejoice in my sorrow. I finally woke up and realized I was causing all this pain on myself, not God. I was not listening to Him when He was telling me He would show me a better life through this.




Now I have a better frame of mind, and think about all the blessings that are coming out of this. Thank the good Lord He has chosen our children to be the victim souls, we will all be healthier, we may have even saved our grandchildren from some health problems. Us parents may be reversing cancer in our own bodies because of the healthy food choices we are making.


These and lots more blessings is what makes it easier for me.


I fine it amazing how I can relate to so many of the feelings other people have. bmom, I did the same thing with my son and left my daughters hanging out to dry.


Lenny, I too have days that hinge on what my son is going to be like that day.


I can truly say this time in my life has detached me from many evils in this world, and through that detatchment I think I have learned the meaning of love thy neighbor as thyself.


"along with the test He will give you a way out of it so that you may be able to endure it" (1 Cor 10:13)


God love you and keep you ALL... always,



Thank you both for your replies. It is crazy how my thoughts have been exactly what you both describe. I was just kicking myself today after meeting with the allergist for not breast feeding my son longer as maybe he would not have all these troubles-breast fed my daughter for a year and so far she seems soooo much healthier. Also the marrying so and so unfortunately creeps into my head too often lately as this comes from my husbands side and has taken a toll on our marriage because we do not meet eye to eye on the alternative way of addressing it. He believes completely in the Dr., but is trying somewhat. I know we will get through it and pray to heal my heart and son daily (ok sometimes hourly) and God has not let me down as my son seems to be doing great. I hope it continues and God will direct me. We can't all be wrong on that right? After the allergy medicine complications it just reinforces the idea that Sheilas book was right as I read in there after the fact that it could be a trigger. Makes me wonder how many families are suffering from something as simple as allergy medicine and just dont know that this could be one of the problems. Yes, my son has other problems as well, but perhaps there are some little boys and girls having tics just because they are taking allergy medicine.

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