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My son has been on Peter Gillham's Natural Calm (Magnesium only) for about 2 mos. Just made the switch to Peter Gillham's Calcium & Magnesium supplement last Sunday, and he seems to be having slightly more noddings ( mild & infrequent ).


Does anyone have similar experience?


According to my research & people from this board. It is best to have Calcium & Magnesium together than just Magnesium alone.


I am wondering if my son is waxing, so no matter what i am giving him, he is still going to have more symptoms?!





I will go back to old one. I have a feeling the main reason is change in some supplements. Stick to the one which is working and don't chage it.




I could be wrong, but something I read suggested that calcium was an antangonist, meaning that too much of it could inhibit the absorbtion of magnesium. When it is suggested to have 1:1 or 2:1 cal/mag, I think the reasoning is that you don't want TOO much more calcium than magnesium, not that you necessarily NEED calcium. Patty, could you try an experement of just giving calcium like before and see how it goes after a couple weeks? I am curious too, for I never give much calcium other than what he gets in food, but I also have this Peter Giliams Natural Calm PLUS calcium, and I was giving that on and off only at night instead of the regular one I usually give. I am thinking now that some other ticcing was poking through and was worried--wondering if this could be a factor now that you mentioned this.


I'll try to find where I read this (incidentally they also mentioned wheat or phyates to be an antagonist too).




Very interesting, I have our son on the childrens natural calm and thought he should be getting more calcium so I added a calcium tablet and he started ticcing more. Not sure it was that, but since I stopped giving him the calcium he is much better.


Thank you all for you reponses.


I gave my son the cal/mag in the ratio of 2:1, 162mg/81mg respectively, 1 tsp daily. For the last 2 mos., i have been giving him magnesium only, 85mg daily.


Since i notice a little bit more ticcing, i decided to switch back to magnesium only. When the tics diminish, i will try 1:1 cal/mag ratio. I have heard from someone that the latest research suggests 1:1 is a better ratio than 2:1.


Does anyone know that Peter Gillham's product can be mixed together? I want to mix the Kids Calm with CalMag to get to the 1:1 ratio.


I will let you all know what happens after i switch back to Mag only.





sorry, could you check your sentence in first paragraph - just want to make sure I am understanding correctly. Are you saying last two months you only gave magnesium? or did you mean the cal/mag supp?


Here is that link I was referring to about calcium being antagonist (about halfway down the page). I came across this about a year ago, and had printed it, so it was in a folder of info I keep. I'm not exactly sure who is the author of this tho.










I have been giving my son 85mg of magnesium daily for the past 2 mos. I swithched to cal/mag about 1 week ago, and noticed a little bit more tics than the past 2 mos. Anyways, we are back to mag only now.


Faith, i still give my son an Epsom Bath every other day. I just came across info that epsom bath may change skin's ph balance, therefore, may cause rash on the skin. Ever heard of it?


Also, how much mag are you giving your son?





sorry, hope I didn't put you in panic mode! As I mentioned, I don't really know who the author of this info is, but no matter, just use it as info to look into. If you noticed more ticcing when adding the calcium, than maybe that COULD be the reason. I think what they are saying is that some people get lots of calcium in their diet, but if not getting enough magnesium with it, than that's not good. I think the cosensus is that magnesium is a much needed supplement for our kids, but as Chemar points out, one supplement is not the magic bullet. Everyone's biochemistry is unique. Some may do great on a cal/mag combo, but maybe not for all. As I mentioned, I was giving the cal/mag on and off at night, and have since stopped last 4-5 days. Just take it as anecdotal, but things seem better. You know it could be anything (I also added a little B1), but we all watch and take notice.


As far as the epsom salts bath, I think someone mentioned a while back about getting itchy while doing the baths, and that could very well be the reason, but if it's not a problem for your child, then I wouldn't give it another thought. Alkaline is not so bad a thing, I think slightly alkaline is what is touted to be optimum ph balance for the body. If one sees a problem, one way or another, than it is good to know what it COULD be, and then we adjust accordingly.


My son is 42 lbs and I am usually giving about 100 mg. am and pm. That is the amount of magnesium it indicates is in a quarter teaspoon for our product (Super Mag), it also has vitamin C added in. Right now, I'm feeling things are better with just the magnesium in the amount just stated. (Lenny, if you could comment on your feeling re your above post, that would help too, just for comparison). Remember, as with everything we speak of here, our experiences are all anecdotal, so give and take on discussion is important.


Hope that helps


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