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Hello. I am hoping to get a recommendation for what kind of physician I should contact. One of my triplets (boy - age 8 years) has been exhibiting tourette-like tics (without having been clinically diagnosed) and although I can be put on the wait list to see a pediatric neurologist (5-6 month waiting list,) I see the symptoms increasing and it scares me! I was wondering if was best to see an environmental physician or a naturopath - or they one in the same? Please - any guidance would help!


He started with excessive blinking and here and now:


throat clearing


severe stuttering (past month)

eye rolling and facial grimaces (this morning)

licking of lips (very chapped)


holding breath


Thank you!



Environmental or Integrative physicians are usually a good place to start imho

Naturopaths are good, but the reason I like the former is that they are qualified doctors who also specialize in more natural medicine protocols.


Tripmom, your son's symptoms sound very similar to my son. He was diagnosed with PANDAS. If you need more information you can look at the website pandasnetwork.

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Everyone. I just had to sign up to this forum to let you all know that Clerodendrum inerme has dramatically helped my sons tics :D .It is truly a miracle plant! We live in South Africa and I sent my husband to India in 2012 to source the plant which now grows as a bush in our yard. My sons tics began at age 3 (started with eye blinking, shoulder shrugging, got worse and worse...etc.) After years of research and tears,our prayers to Allah were answered when I came across the study on Clerodendrum Inerme for tics. My son is 10 years old now. And a 'normal' little boy in every way.We dehydrate the leaves, grind them fine and put the powder into capsules . We used to liquidize the leaves with water and strain, but he could not handle the bitterness. Right from the first dose there was a major improvement. In the beginning I would give him the juice twice a week, then once a week , then once a month. He can now tolerate all kinds of foods that were once forbidden. :D He will have 2-3 capsules every 2-3 months or so when I notice he is stressed about something or has gone overboard on junk food. A day later and he is fine again. I promised that if the plant worked I would share this amazing information and I pray for all the children and parents that you derive benefit from it.

  • 9 months later...

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