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Hi there,


There has been a lot of talk about the natural calm - and I remember Chemar posting a link - but I can't find it - I did a google search and was not sure where or what to buy - everyone seems be be having such good results - my son only takes a multi right now - although when he is sick he is more open to taking other vitamins - he has hit a rough patch - we have all been sick with colds and he has had an increase in tics -nothing terrible - but there just the same.

Could someone advise what to buy -he is a 8 years old.


Hi there,


There has been a lot of talk about the natural calm - and I remember Chemar posting a link - but I can't find it - I did a google search and was not sure where or what to buy - everyone seems be be having such good results - my son only takes a multi right now - although when he is sick he is more open to taking other vitamins - he has hit a rough patch - we have all been sick with colds and he has had an increase in tics -nothing terrible - but there just the same.

Could someone advise what to buy -he is a 8 years old.



hi there, I just posted a question about supplements in the UK as can't get Natural Calm there and someone very kindly posted this link



which is the kids calm, which I have just ordered to be shipped from the US think that's probably worth trying first off they suggest you start at half a teaspoon and work up depending, here's keeping fingers crossed for us all!





We use 1/2 tsp of Kids Calm for our 52lb 8yr old. It has Vit C where the adult product does not. He likes it, I add the boiling water to it, drop in an icecube and he sucks it down. I believe it has worked in his case.



Hi all,

Now I am curious again, has anyone used the adult Natural Calm, and NOT felt it was beneficial? I ask since you all are talking about the kids calm which includes vit C in the formula, and the mom using the carnitine who mentioned something about using vit C along with that too. I havn't used the kids calm, but do have the regular Natural Calm (doesn't have vit C in it). Now I have given my son this, but I was always thinking this other brand that I usually use seemed more beneficial to him--I've mentioned it before called Super Mag. And IT contains 200 mg. of Vit C. SO, I think that's interesting, maybe something to the combination, don't know? Maybe vit C helps it absorb better, wonder why its in there anyway?





I used Natural calm for 2 days cause i could't get the kids calm and saw no difference between two. Both seem to work the same way . Only kids calm has more C and Zinc in it.




I'll be the first to admit I'm an amateur, so take this info for what it is worth.


My son's chart have cell regulation markers, and he needed mag for immune support. He also has Oxidative damage do to oxidative stress. If mag is vital for cell function, and he needs vit C to repair cellular damage, could this be how the two work well together?


It is interesting that his tests show he needs all the vitamins that most TS people find helpful.


OK... I welcome all to knock me down a peg, kind of scares me to think I might be understanding some of this.


Thanks colleagues,

DR. C.P.


OOPPS... I mean C.P.



Just a visual for you all... I'm jumping up and down in my chair my arms are flying all around.




Have to stop now my daughter thinks I won the lottery.



I'll be the first to admit I'm an amateur, so take this info for what it is worth.


My son's chart have cell regulation markers, and he needed mag for immune support. He also has Oxidative damage do to oxidative stress. If mag is vital for cell function, and he needs vit C to repair cellular damage, could this be how the two work well together?


It is interesting that his tests show he needs all the vitamins that most TS people find helpful.


OK... I welcome all to knock me down a peg, kind of scares me to think I might be understanding some of this.


Thanks colleagues,

DR. C.P.


OOPPS... I mean C.P.



Dear C.P.


How did you find out your son has Oxidative damage? What is that?

{Congratulations on conquering the smilies. Took me a few tries too!} ;)



Hi there,


There has been a lot of talk about the natural calm - and I remember Chemar posting a link - but I can't find it - I did a google search and was not sure where or what to buy - everyone seems be be having such good results - my son only takes a multi right now - although when he is sick he is more open to taking other vitamins - he has hit a rough patch - we have all been sick with colds and he has had an increase in tics -nothing terrible - but there just the same.

Could someone advise what to buy -he is a 8 years old.




Dear Ad,


I bought the Natural Calm from Iherb recently. I have to say, I think my son is the only child on these message boards who does not like it. He took one sip and gave it right back to me. I tasted it ( I had mixed it with iced tea) and my husband tasted it, and neither of us liked it either. Luckily, I had bought the mag pills as a back up, so they came in very handy.


Also, my son doesn't like the viactin calcium chews. I took one of those too. Actually, I take everything he takes at least once to try it out. Now I did like the calcium chews whereas he really, really hates them. He cuts each square into nine little pieces and swallows them. Unbelievable. I just bought calcium pills tonight, though.






the natural calm is best mixed in with hot water, the way the directions on the tub indicate


one can then add icecubes if needed


I havent tasted the Kid's Calm, but we have original and raspberry here and my husband and I prefer the tang of the original flavor, while my son prefers the raspberry


overall tho,my son has opted to stick with his mag supp as he just doesnt really care for the Natural Calm effect as much as his supp and of course the epsom salts tub


I also think it would be yuck in iced tea ;)




This lab was done by my son's Intergrative Dr. From what I understand Each person's cells are constantly subjected to free radicals, causing oxidative stress. (air pollution, chemicals, heavy metals, ect...)


Free radicals are less hameful with the use of antioxidants.


His chart shows he is 69.4% Antioxidant function which is average for a normal healthy person, but she wants him above the 75% because of the TS.




Re: Natural Calm

Oh, I just posted about this on the other thread, but I'll do it here too, since you are all talking about this product.


I mentioned that today i found Peter Gillham's "Natural Calm, PLUS Calcium. Same type of thing you dissolve in hot water. Thought some of you might like that since it has the calcium built in. It says 2tsp. contains:

Magnesium (citrate and gluconate) 300 mg.

Calcium 200 mg.

Potassium 99 mg.

Vitamin C 250 mg.

Vit D3 100 IU.

Boron 500 mcg.


I suppose its available on the order site too. So maybe good for those struggling with the calcium issue. And it says on the label "3 parts mag to 2 parts cal which will prevent a surplus of calcium robbing the body's vital mag supply and avoid the symptoms associated with depleted levels of magnesium" So I think the idea is not to get too much calcium with it, because calcium depletes mag in the body? Yeesh,...am I smarter than a 5th grader yet? .... (It's a new show) ;)


(P.S. I dissolve the tsp. in smallest amount of boil water in a cup and then add a little fruit juice. Best to mke the drink as small as possible (like a shot glass) so they can just down it fast and not keep sipping it if they don't like it.)


Oh, and thanks Dr. C.P. -- that is good observation. Possibly something to that. The label on the above mentions "includes boron, pottassium and vit D for better absorbtion". I suppose that goes for the vit C too.



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