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Hi all,


We use a Brita filter to filter the water and then boil it in a tea kettle before drinking. Does anyone know if this is sufficient to have "clean and pure" drinking water for detoxification or just regular consumption? or should I still look into drinking reverse osmosis water (aquafina or Dansani)?


Our Naturopath recommended: Evian, Pellargino, Alhambra Crystal Fresh. I think there are not reverse osmosis water, just spring water.


BTW, we have always drink boiled water because the boiling process changes the constitution of the water (TCM). But we have only been using the Brita filter for about 9 mos.


Your input is appreciated.






So much depends on your current state in terms of metal toxicity. We had so many metals that our doctor told us to get the RO filter (and carbon filters).


We have the Multi-pure 750+RO. 800-622-9206


Now I ordered an electrolyte concentrate to put some of the good things back in...




Hi Patty

we have always been told that reverse osmosis is best


we have a Culligan reverse osmosis system and if we drink bottled, we use aquafina


Hi Patty

we have always been told that reverse osmosis is best


we have a Culligan reverse osmosis system and if we drink bottled, we use aquafina


We also have a reverse osmosis system for our drinking water and a salt water system for our bathing water. If we ever find a need to buy water it would be aquafina.


Too funny! Aquafina is the bottled water that we buy also...it just 'tastes' the best to both my son and me! (Which probably means it is more similar to our own filtered water).




I have RO and Salt water system for bath.

We drink water as well use the RO water for cooking.


Should I get Aquafina?

Should I buy their stocks :-)?


I hope our Culligan RO system is good enough for drinking.

I am so afraid it is not for our kids.




Hi Daniel


the Culligan Reverse Osmosis system makes the water fine for drinking :D

Just remember to keep it well serviced


Aquafina is just the bottled water we would drink when we are out etc

it is also RO water



Aquafina has an interesting 7 steps purifying process.

I just visited their website since so many people here buy them.


THe last step is called OZONIZATION..

passing oxygen into water..creating h30 then split back to h20...a process that claims to remove purity...




I'm recently reading lots of books about the water. After reading all those books, I increase lots of appreciation towards God's creation. Nature is always the best IF IT IS NOT POLLUTED BY MAN.


Our whole familly have been drinking water from our RO system for about a year. Now I found out my daughter is mineral deficiency. After all the reasearch I have done, I think 50% of the reason because of the RO water. It is true you can get very clean water from RO system, but it is just too clean, it lacks of useful mineral, therefore it is very acid (that's also part of reason my daughter's body is extremely acid). The problem with the RO water is not just too clean. It is a very complicated issue when comes to man pollute the water resource and now try to fix it by filter, RO system or distill, etc. You can listen the vedio presentation from the following webpage: http://futurewatertoday.com/ I'm not saying you shoulc buy the product from that page, I'm not going to do that either, it is too much. But you can get some new idea about the water.


Besides the above I mention, it is also very important for water keep PH value around 7-7.5 and keep hexagonal structure like you find in the nature spring water. That's the water truely hydrate, detox your body.


So in my opinion, (just my own opinion), if you buy RO system, then you shoold add something into the water to make it alkaline, have hexagonal structure if it is possible. But the best is always nature's spring water. It did not have something manmade to give side effect.


Cum Passus

SYFO seltzer water is healthy and tastes so good



Firm Believer

where I agree that what God has made is best, sadly man has contaminated so much of it and even natural springs are becoming polluted and toxic <_<


we replenish our minerals that are lost in RO water by using the homeostatic products recommended in The Maker's Diet by Dr Jordan Rubin


we started following the Maker's Diet principles to benefit my son, but our whole family has reaped the rewards!


Yes Firmbeliever.


People who drink filtered water are often deficient in Lithium. (That is why we carefully, occasionally supplement lithium). I recently got a concentrated electrolyte solution to add to the RO water to replace some of the minerals. (like a gatorade without the sugar or artificial crud). But you have to manage carefully how much you add back in, also...


It doesn't have to be in the water, but yes, one must be aware that you are removing all the minerals with RO and accommodate.



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