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Hi Everybody

Thank you so very much for giving me all the details of how i can help myself with the tics. I am really very depressed. My neurologists kinda told me that besides the clonepezam medication he can't help me much....


For a start i've read so many threads but i just don't know where to start? How do i find out if my body is lacking in some minerals etc. How do i find out? help...!!!

Do you mean that if i take i take vit and mineral supplements, it can help my tics?


Actually I'd like to reduce my tics as soon as i can so i thought i'd start with the accupuncture first. Carolyn, you mentioned that i should go to one accupunturist that has a masters. I live in Singapore so there are many TCM accupunturists here so how do i select which one can help treat me, are u refering to the TCM ones? So do u mean i should try the Chinese cupping (with circle marks after treatment... is this the one?) + accupunture + TCM massage? Please advise......








quote=carolyn_lsc,Oct 4 2005, 08:35 AM]

Hi fuschia,


I get therapeutic (sometimes called deep tissue instead) massage done. For acupuncture try to find someone that has a masters in acupuncture. Chiropractors & doctors can do acupuncture, but my acupuncturist says its not the same as Traditional Chinese Acupuncture. Plus they don't have the training that an acupuncturist does.


My acupuncturist does Chinese Cupping on my back and I love that. Its released the tightness more than massage has.





My 10 year old son began experiencing the eye tic about 1 year ago. Within a few months he began accupuncture treatments and we have had wonderful results. At least a full 6 weeks without any ticcing over the summer. Recently, it started again, although not as severe as a year ago. I took him back for a treatment 1 week ago and we've had days without the eye ticcing this week. From our experience, it's worth a shot. I can tell you, the longer the person has had the tic, the longer they may have to go for accupuncture treatments before seeing results. The only other thing we're doing is some herbs/minerals. Maelic Acid w/ magnesium and a stress reducer - both from an herb shop in town. Best of luck to you.




Hi Nursepatti:


I have been treating my daughter that sufferzs from chronic tics from headjerking tic and vocal tics and it was driving us all crazy to see her like this so I went to two different neuro and one said I should learn to ignore it and the other decided to take it slow with the diagnosis and they did not help much. In the interim, I found a website for natural herbs which I decided to try and they also have a forum and testimonials for tics and autism and adhd. Well I must say, I started her on two small tablets and two different tincture form herbals liquids and My daughter has stopped her vocal tic completely and head jerking has stopped of course with some diet modification I think these herbs are working. I am so happy right now and so is she. In a matter of three weeks we have seen major results. The medicine is giving on weekends 3/times a day in 1/4 of juice (preferably tropical punch becuase the taste is bad) and during school days twice a day once in the morning and before bed. She now has a milder tic which is jumping but I can deal with that until we get the PANDAS results from the NeURO in which they are taking their sweet time getting back to me (very frustrating), but anyway, for now I have managed to control her tics myself. If you are interested let me know and I can forward the information to you.


GOD BLESS ALL and I'll keep trying to help.



Hi Fushia:


As I informed nursepatti, I believe I have been able to control my daughters tics with a simple herbal remedies from nativeremedies. It has been three weeks and her headjerking is gone her annoying vocal tic is completely gone, she has a milder tic which is jumping but it is slowly down also. We are very excited about this and so is she. We just made the discovery this weekend after we missed all her tics not coming into play. If you are interested I think its worth a try they are naturally based and easy to take.


Good luck and GOd BLess

Evelynr :)

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Deirdre
  Giselle said:

Hi Fuschia,

Welcome to Latitudes! Boy is this the place for you. Please take some time and read the posts here as there are a whole bunch of things you can do for tics! There are several tests you will have to have that can really pin point what's going on in your body. People have found by finding out their allergies, treating vitamin deficiencies, treating neurotransmitters, and avoiding food dyes and artificial foods that their tics completely disappear. And if not disappear completely, their tics are greatly reduced.


My son had very debilitating tics, including the neck whiplash tic, lots of vocal tics and the list goes on and on. We found he was deficient in B6, calcium, magnesium, and Vit. C. He had a copper to zinc ratio that was 2 to 1 where it is supposed to be 1 to 1. His neurtransmitters where out of whack as well and we are giving him some of the building block amino acids to help with that. And he had very high levels of yeast and bacteria in his gut. We have been rectifying this. The difference is truly amazing! His vocal tics are completely gone and his motor tics are an occasional finger crunch once or twice a day - mostly in the evening (tired). But that's it! It is wonderful for him as no one even notices and therefore we are very happy.


Other people have different deficiencies or issues but the tests reveal that and they are dealing accordingly and having success as well.


It takes a while to soak all the information up so go slowly and ask questions. This method (more natural) is a little slower and has a little trial and error so is not as quick as popping a pill - but the rewards are great. The tics are simply a symptom of something out of whack in your system. Covering the tics with medication many times is just a bandaid - healing what's wrong really works.


People here also have advice on finding a great doctor who can help with these more alternative remedies. We use an Environmental Doctor as well as a DAN doctor (DAN stands for Defeat Autism Now) and not that tics are part of Autism it's just that DAN doctors are able to order and understand many tests that regular docs don't - as well, they are more up on how nutrition plays a part in all this (vitamin deficiencies, etc.)


Good luck and welcome!





Hi Geselle--I have read some of your posts and have found them very informative--I too have a 91/2 year old son who just presented with severe multiple motor and vocal tics--he had been doing well on a few supplements-I think the magnesium especially has helped him. The day after halloween his tics came back with a vengence-possibly due to candy?--I am so depressed because he was basiclly tic free on the mag-- I am trying to find a good dr to understand this, use a natural approach, and test for allergies etc. Do you know how I can find a decent dr in the southern NY or northern NJ area? I am so anxious to help him.

  • 3 years later...

My son is 8 and started violent neck tic when he was 7. Drugs did not work. We opted for Botox in his neck. Miracle. The tics were gone for 5 months. Then the neck movement started again, so we got him more Botox. In about a week, tics were gone. It is possible to get Botox every 3 months if needed.


Such a wonderful relief.


Here's a great link with more information on safe use of Botox for children with movement disorders:




Best wishes to all parents going through stressful times with tics.




  nursepatti1 said:

Please - anyone that can help my grandson, age 12. He has 2 tics - Head jerking and now, eye blinking.

Is there any treatment available right mow?

Is there any medicine that he can take?

What about herbal treatments? Vitamins? Rub downs?

PLEASE - someone help me to help him.




Thank you all very much. God bless you.


Hi I new to this forum and I have a few questions. My nine year old has had tics for over a year and a half. He is being weaned off of the clonindin now because it is to sedating. I have him on magnesium, calcium, and b vitamins. I have noticed and increase in tics over the last week could I be giving to much vitamins??



could you give more info please? how long have you been giving the mag, cal, and b vits and how much each? b vits can sometime cause a reaction in some people if they don't agree with them, this seems to be for my son in the past, he didn't seem to do well on high b vits, altho b6 alone seems to be okay. you also have to look at the type of vitamin and make sure it doesn't have any added artificial ingredients. If you are lessening his clonodine, that could also be a reason his tics increased, but if you want to get off it, you may have to deal with that for a bit before you find something else in the way of natural that can help. Are you also paying attention to his diet? perhaps there are some things you can fine tune there to. In the beginning, it is a alot of trial and error. Once you see something being beneficial, you can start the ball rolling and jump off of that. good luck.






sorry I did not see the response until now--can to much of a b vitamin worsen the tic?? he is on s super b complex and another b12 vitamin--I have really been tweaking his diet but he seems to be ticking more.





Deanna, my son cannot tolerate B complex at all. he seems to be sensitive to niacin (even the no flush kind)


he can have his Bs in a multi or individually, but every B complex we have tried has been a negative reaction

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