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There's a candlelight vigil this Sunday, so I'll get to pay my respects there. I'm doing much better than I was when I posted this. Definitely not 100% though. It all still seems surreal right now. I have been talking to people. She didn't have many good friends but we've all come together after this. Without going into detail, it wasn't too much of a shock but that doesn't make it hurt any less. I'm happy for her because I know she's at peace now, but I just wish there's something I, or anyone else for that matter, could have done for her. Gonna miss her.


Thank you all for your support. It means a whole lot. I would reply individually, but there's really nothing to say. Death sucks. Losing friends sucks. Suicide sucks. That's it. You don't even had to have experienced any of those to know that. I know that I can come talk to all of you, believe me. In this instance though, it's better & easier for me to talk to people who knew her. If that makes any sense.


Again, thank you.

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