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Posted (edited)

Recently, I have heard of so many stories about the mother's of our children with lyme/PANDAS showing up positive for lyme. Are there any mom's who have tested negative for lyme?


Our own story is that both of my children had lyme, babesia and mycoplasma. My son also had bartonella. My own IGENEX test was:


IGM: only band 41 was IND


IGG: IND for band 31 and 34 and one Plus for band 41


Our LLMD feels that I have been exposed, but I do not have an active infection. I did have a bartonella infection though. I also did pull a tick out of myself 2 years ago and asked for doxycycline for 2 weeks and maybe I treated myelf?


Anyway, I am interested to hear of other mother stories?



Edited by KeithandElizabeth

Our LLMD feels DS has congenital Bartonella. I haven't been tested yet but she feels that I got it from my mom and DS from me based on history and clincial presentation and DS's genetic bloodwork. Theres more genetic bloodwork yet to come back from the labs so I'll know more.




IGM: only band 41 was IND


IGG: IND for band 31 and 34 and one Plus for band 41Elizabeth


I am positive for lyme. But If I am remembering correctly, your test is exactly the same results as my dd9 (Oh, i think she was positive for 41 on IgM). The LLMD, based on symptoms, thinks she has lyme and is trying to draw out a positive result. How do you feel?




Right now I do not seem to have any lyme symptoms. I never realized I had bartonella, but when I was treated for it with 4 months of two antibiotics, my sciatica and eye twitch completely went away. And I always thought that my eye twitch was from my stress of dealing with sick children.




I am positive for lyme. I've had many mild symptoms for years and never thought much of any of them...muscle aches, head aches, floaters, brain fog mostly in the morning, episodes of blurry vision, and fatigue. Most of these were really not bothersome and I always just thought I was stressed and tired. Once I began treatment, all of these things intensified and I was shocked. I really don't know if my daughter's lyme is congenital but it makes me wonder.


I've had many mild symptoms for years and never thought much of any of them...muscle aches, head aches, floaters, brain fog mostly in the morning, episodes of blurry vision, and fatigue. Most of these were really not bothersome and I always just thought I was stressed and tired.


Kim, That's exactly how I was. When I started making my historical symptoms list, it was amazing how many symptoms I had that were on the lyme list. Mine became more obvious in the last 5 months as I had a major flare. I've had flares in the past but they were attributed to my thyroid or vitamin deficencies.




Both of my children have Lyme and I do too. I also feel that when I look back I had minor symptoms for many years. I do wish I knew if my children have congenital lyme or if this is something they acquired in the last couple of years.

Posted (edited)

I had Lyme 4 years before my son was born. I had the classic bulls eye rash and was treated with Doxy for 10 days <_< . My son recently tested positive with IGenex (one band shy of CDC positive for both igg and igm). He is currently being treated but I have somewhat put my own testing and treatment on hold for now. I do have an integrative dr who is treating me with supplements and also testing me for thyroid issues but when I look at the questionaire in our LLMD's office, I have so many of the symptoms. We do not know if my son has congenital Lyme or not. We live in CT (where the deer would come to my mother in law's front door to eat the holly bush which we thought was so cute - ugh) and spend summers on the Cape so he could just as easily have picked it up too.

Edited by justinekno

Both my DD14 and I have LD, though no way to tell how long. Our doctor thinks fairly recently (within past year). To the best of my knowledge my symptoms started ~ 2 months ago, whereas I think DD may had had symptoms for possibly 2-3 years. Her PANDAS started at age 2.


Pixie has had PANDAS since very soon after birth. Her first unexplained fever was when she was just days old, and she had her tonsils removed at age 4 1/2 and the ENT chastised me for the scarring, which he attributed to untreated strep. To my knowledge, she was never swabbed for strep, nor had a sore throat- only behavioral issues and allergy-like symptoms which the ped would dismiss.


I had the worst tick bite of my life when I was 10- it had likely been on me for days. I didn't get a rash that I know of, but I have almost every Lyme symptom now, and they increased in severity with each pregnancy. My younger daughter, Peri, is also suspected PANDAS (we have our follow-up with Dr K next week for her.)


We have our official dx appt with the LLMD on Thursday, but he has already told me that based on symptoms, he is 99% sure I have it, and it may be congenital because my mom AND grandmother AND great-grandmother all have/had symptoms as well. My mother is dx with Lupus, which he thinks is a misdiagnosis.


I still totally believe in PANDAS, but I think there is a reason behind having PANDAS and Lyme is possibly at the root of it (for us.)

  • 2 weeks later...

So sorry to hear your recent results. I can attest to better days ahead if you are symptomatic!!!!!!

Thank you! It looks like I have hyperthyroidism as well, and I've been having lots of heart racing/palpitations recently. My chest always feels like it's on fire. Anyone else dealing with thyroid issues with the Lyme?

Next step is finding a doctor!


It's common with lyme and so are heart issues. My sister had both with Lyme. The heart stuff went away but she still has a thyroid problem although her numbers are fine. Lyme messes up your metabolism too and often causes weight gain, sometimes weight loss. You can get rid of Lyme so don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. It's hard to find that info when you read about Lyme. My doctor told me he has a lot of success at getting rid of Lyme and he was successful with us. You need to attack it with all modalities though: antibiotics, nutrition (probiotics especially), biological dentistry (to deal w root canals, dry sockets from wisdom teeth and mercury amalgams), detoxing and possibly chiropractic, acupuncture, and energy medicine.Clearly the right combo of antibiotics make all the difference but you need to do everything you can to help remove obstacles to your health. For example, a chiropractic adjustment got rid iof the remaining headaches My son had that were not going away w treatment. He had gotten his neck out of alignment on some wave water ride at an amusement park the week before he was diagnosed w Lyme. So his headaches were part Lyme/bartonella and a chiropractic issue. Elimination of symptoms is the goal because then you can be done w treatment. Knowing what is Lyme and what is something else is important. It's hard to know but getting the body back in balance is very helpful. Now at least you know what you need and that is half the battle!

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