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Posted (edited)

Here is a very interesting video regarding multiple co-infections or successive infection and how you get multiple symptom overlap from differing disease i.e. 'night sweats'


I need to credit Elizabeth for finding video.


Edited by SF Mom

Here is a very interesting video regarding multiple co-infections or successive infection and how you get multiple symptom overlap from differing disease i.e. 'night sweats'


In need to credit Elizabeth for finding video.




WOW...that is so good!

And it supports the fact that even if you get rid of strep or myco p or lymes...there still may be other pathogens we don't know about or have name for, that are now effecting our kids as their systems are in a weakened state...


Fixit, agreed, and once again emphasizing IMHO that quote by Pasteur "The microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything....."


thanks for posting that SF Mom (and Elizabeth for finding it)


Wow! Awesome video! So different from the currently paradigm. Don't palliate. Stimulate. I like that :)

Does anyone know which foundation she belongs too? What exactly is this new treatment they are trying out?


The only bummer about the whole thing.... probably not in time for our kids. BUT, she explained so much, so simply in 10 minutes. PANDAS, PITANDS, LYME, MYCOPLASMA.... its the successive infections that equals auto-immunity. I have a link to her blog. Again, thanks to Elizabeth.




Does anyone here have experience with the Marshall protocol? We do use pulse dosing and have great success, but are at much higher doses at this point. In a year or so when we start to dial down, I'd be curious if a change to minocyline would work or not. Not sure when we'd have the courage to Change protocols, but interesting reading.


Wow - this is fascinating. When our son 1st became seriously ill, it was a couple of weeks after he had 2 consecutive infections. He came home from school in March 2007 with a very high fever, aching and shaking all over, but the school told us flu was rampant and we assumed that's what it was. The following week, our entire family had a (different) severe intestinal virus that our youngest brought home from daycare. My wife and I have often wondered if that combination of bugs a week apart led to the PANDAS....


Thanks for sharing this!


An interesting thought to add to this video is the philosophy of Dr. Ewald (who Dr. K mentions on the front page of his website).


Dr. Ewald ventures to say that familial illnesses may be due to the fact that family members share the same bad bacteria. For instance, some doctors think that heart disease may be due to chlamydia pneumonia and a family tendency towards heart disease may be due to the fact that family members are in close contact and are passing chylamydia pneumo back and forth.


Interesting thoughts to contemplate!




Love it. I think this theory makes the most sense and in my mind makes prognosis for our kids very good. Hopefuly we are able to identify the bigger bugs impacting our kids and treat them appropriately. Then perhaps they wont react to every little germ in which they are exposed. :)


Amy mentions infections "piling on" over time which makes sense to me.


Some parents report sudden onset as completely normal to WHAM undeniable disastrous behaviors while others report a crescendo of concerns that eventually took a WHAM turn for the worse that was undeniable. I wonder how this would relate to infection piling on? I see my dd10 as a definite crescendo kid who became undeniably worse in 3/2007 after myco-p.


Dr. Trifiletti posted this topic on toll like receptors (TLR) becoming overloaded as the infections "pile on"




Wow, how does one treat the unidentified microbes??? MP systematically switches the antibiotics to hopefully bring them all out in a way the weaken immune system can handle? This sounds like a similar approach as the LLMDs are reported to exercise, no?


So she would say definitely NO to steroids as it is suppressing.......what about IVIG? What if IVIG was done in combination with the systematic approach of abx?


It is a similar approach to LLMD theory. Our LLMD didn't know initially if it was LYME for our kids and felt Mycoplasma can be as destructive. He referred to our sons PANDAS as a hyper immune response to some unknown microbe/s. We have eventually unraveled Lyme for the kids but he felt he could help regardless. His perspective is entirely different than PANDAS... no auto-immune in absence of chronic infection. When infection is eradicated or bacterial load lowered, hyper immune response stops, immune systems recovers. He believes the immune system is very dynamic and he does focus on fixing terrain (gut issues, allergies, etc) throughout treatment process.




It is a similar approach to LLMD theory. Our LLMD didn't know initially if it was LYME for our kids and felt Mycoplasma can be as destructive. He referred to our sons PANDAS as a hyper immune response to some unknown microbe/s. We have eventually unraveled Lyme for the kids but he felt he could help regardless. His perspective is entirely different than PANDAS... no auto-immune in absence of chronic infection. When infection is eradicated or bacterial load lowered, hyper immune response stops, immune systems recovers. He believes the immune system is very dynamic and he does focus on fixing terrain (gut issues, allergies, etc) throughout treatment process.




On the premise that known and unknown infections/microbes are the target, do the LLMDs cycle through various abx systematically to lighten the bacterial load....even prescribing abx to infections that they don't know you have? How do that decide what order to prescribe them? Do they have to cycle through several times?


I do think myco-p is a BIG culprit in all this....I also think it is more common than folks realize, but don't get tested.


My dd's pediatrician just posted an Award of Excellence they received on her website.....guess who it was from? BCBS


Should I puke now or later?


Amy mentions infections "piling on" over time which makes sense to me.


Some parents report sudden onset as completely normal to WHAM undeniable disastrous behaviors while others report a crescendo of concerns that eventually took a WHAM turn for the worse that was undeniable. I wonder how this would relate to infection piling on? I see my dd10 as a definite crescendo kid who became undeniably worse in 3/2007 after myco-p.

I guess we've all had our proverbial LAST DROP... for us it was the flu, but at the same time there had been strep in the house the week before, and fifth's disease in our group of friends...

Posted (edited)

They do rotate antibiotics and use herbs for biofilm state. Typically, multiple antibiotics are used, one that attacks outer cell wall and one that works intercellular. So they are attacking all sides of the bacteria..... They eventually add a cyst buster for Lyme when bacteria rolls up into cyst form. Of course the antibiotics are targeted when specific infection is known. For example: younger son is on Alinia (anti-parasitic, cyst buster), Azith (kills when its out of cyst form), Sulfate (not sure how this one works) and he has Babesia which is a parasite. If the specific infection is unknown but the individual is symptomatic 'clinical diagnoses'.... they follow treatment response closely to determine future treatments (herxing cycle and symptom resolution or increases).


He hasn't been concerned about Myco yet for our children (said we may revisit in future) and not sure of the specifics antibiotics our LLMD uses to treat... In general, I understand Mycoplasma is typically a good four month treatment timeframe.



Edited by SF Mom

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