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My son has never had a problem with the flu shot, then again the PANDAS symptoms just started in May, so this will be the first year with PANDAS that he gets the shot. And yes, he will get it as he has asthma and was hospitalized one w/that. I figure that first and foremost, breathing comes first. If he didn't have asthma, I probably wouldn't get it. Somehow I survived w/o ever getting a flu shot until I was an adult w/kids (I get it since no one allows mom to be sick).

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I have gone round and round in my head over what to do with this.. Last year 3 of my 4 kids ended up with H1N1 before we were able to get our hands on a vac. The one who didn't end up with it was my PANDAS dd(thank you Lord) After that time when I could get the vac for her her pedi told me there really was no point since she had already been exposed to it she should be fine.. But all 4 of the kids did get the flu mist..

At the time I had never heard of PANDAS.. but they got th flu mist towards the end of Oct 2009 and the whole month of Nov and Dec IIRC were awful for my DD(PANDAS) She stopped wearing sock and underwear at that time, started tugging on all her cloths, throwing fits and crying every day..

I never put the two together before because this PANDAS stuff was coming on and off since Feb 2009 but now looking back Nov and Dec 09 were bad months with this. It never got better after that just worse until she she was dx in May10


I asked her pedi what we should do about the flu vac this year.. at 1st he said he didn't know but if he was going to have her do it he would say do the flu mist.


I didn't have it done at the time then 2 weeks ago I was on the phone with Dr T and he told me NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't and he repeted DO NOT get the flu vac.


So for my DD8(PANDAS) we are NOT getting it..


Now I don't know what to do with my other 3 kids.. I think I would like to have my older two done.. my 10yr old has a mild case of asthma and I would like him to have it.. and I think my 14 yr old will do fine with it also.


I question if I should have my 5 year old done or not.. because sometime I question if maybe he might have PANDAS also.. or is he just seeing his 8 year old sister(PANDAS) acting a certin way and he is copying her. I would hate to have him vac and have that start the whole PANDAS thing with him.


THEN my next question would be.. what would having the rest of the family vac do to my dd(PANDAS) would her being around us if we had it give her symptoms???


I'm so confussed.


Ok..so the big question. The outbreaks of H1N1 have started here...one kid I know of already hospitalized. Several in my son's school have had high fevers, etc. We vaccinated last year and didn't see any issues but then we didn't have PANDAS yet. That started in May...who knows if that was related to the vaccination he got the previous October. I had made the decision not to vaccinate - just to take my chances - but it looks like he is going to be exposed pretty quickly. Last year we had 400 kids in his school out at one time with the flu. So do I vaccinate and know that his immune system is only dealing with a dead virus or do we roll the dice and hope he doesn't get sick. Or should I go get the mist and let him be exposed to me so his immune system has a chance of developing a resistance before he's exposed to the actual, full-strength virus?


I know there are many critics of vaccinations in general and I'm hoping to hear from both sides here. This is an incredibly difficult decision! Dr. Latimer told me that she asked Dr. Cunningham this question and Dr. C said the vaccination creates less of an immune response than the actual virus so we should probably vaccinate.


Confused in TX!


We had our follow up with Dr. L today. She confirmed ( via all our bloodwork)what I have known was PANDAS since discovering it over the summer.

She told us to get the flu shot. She said she and Dr Cunningham had spoken about this topic and that the auto-immune response to the vaccine will be considerably LESS than her auto immune response if she were to get the actual flu/H1N1.

Of course, there may be kids out there in an exacerbation who could not tolerate, even, the vaccine, I suppose.


Last year my son did not get the vaccine in time. He got the flu. It ruined him. It was that flu that made me really lose him. We have had three ivig's this summer. He is really improving but he is still not back to where he was before he got the flu.


So I guess you have to hedge your bets. It is a gamble. Horrible things have happened to people who get vaccines. Horrible things have happened to people who get viruses and bacterial infections.

Posted (edited)

Does anybody know if there are adjuvants such as squalene in this years vaccine in the US?


It seems as though the vaccine issue is still a guessing game, even for the big docs. Last year Dr. L told us absolutely no flu shot, and then after that seemed to change her mind when speaking to other people. I think there really is no definitive answer at this point and still too many unknowns. Kids have been harmed by the flu and harmed by the vaccine. There's no good choice...

Edited by monarchcat

Our daughter had a mild exacerbation of symptoms after flumist last year. These symptoms stuck around for over 2 months. No one in our family will receive a flu shot or mist. Our daughter is done with vaccines all together.

Posted (edited)

For those of you who might not be aware of this, thought it was worth posting so if you do decide to go ahead with any flu vaccine you will take the message seriously (that others have mentioned) in regards to thimerosal free vaccines (along with all of the other issues to consider in regards to vaccines). bolding and underlining mine




CDC: Mercury in Vaccines Damaged Your Child. Or Not.


And what if your government's most trusted public health agency, the CDC, announced it had funded a study that replicated the findings of a 2003 CDC analysis, which also detected an association between vaccine mercury and tics, and that researchers were now suggesting "the potential need for further studies" between thimerosal and the neurological disorder?


Can't help but to wonder how these studies would be viewed in light of the issue which is before the Supreme Court for review.




Before the High Court: Can Drug Companies Be Sued Over Vaccine Designs?

Edited by kim

For those of you who might not be aware of this, thought it was worth posting so if you do decide to go ahead with any flu vaccine you will take the message seriously (that others have mentioned) in regards to thimerosal free vaccines (along with all of the other issues to consider in regards to vaccines). bolding and underlining mine




CDC: Mercury in Vaccines Damaged Your Child. Or Not.


And what if your government's most trusted public health agency, the CDC, announced it had funded a study that replicated the findings of a 2003 CDC analysis, which also detected an association between vaccine mercury and tics, and that researchers were now suggesting "the potential need for further studies" between thimerosal and the neurological disorder?


Can't help but to wonder how these studies would be viewed in light of the issue which is before the Supreme Court for review.




Before the High Court: Can Drug Companies Be Sued Over Vaccine Designs?


This blows me away, researchers say there is a potential need for further studies? I'm sorry, but hasn't mercury already been studied and found to be TOXIC!!! Call me crazy, but sounds like a no-brainer, dear researchers :angry:


Mercury is the second most toxic substance on the planet. The only thing more deadly is plutonium.

Ethyl mercury, the kind that is in vaccines, is perfect for crossing the blood-brain barrier and staying there.


I would never let anyone in my family get a thimerosal containing product. Ever. It is not so much that it CAN be dangerous, it is that it is beyond a shadow of a doubt, absolutely, positively, extremely, horrendousely dangerous. Anyone with a neurological disorder or an autoimmune disorder is at especially high risk of severe consequences from mercury.


I am currently reading the book "The Age of Autism" by Olmsted and Blaxill. It chronicles the use of mercury in medicine. A fantastic book that I would highly recommend.



These are a couple of things that parents struggling with this decision might want to take into account too. The 2nd article about the flu shot making you more susceptible next year, raises an important question in my mind. If the antibodies can create confusion for "next year," (he is assuming that they are guessing right, as to which strains are circulating each year) how about in the same season? Can vaccine induced antibodies make it less likely that your body will use the right antibodies to fight off other strains or "flu like illness?"


I'm wondering if anyone has heard about this 1st study from their physician?



Children Who Get the Flu Vaccine Have Three Times Risk Of Hospitalization For Flu, Study Suggests


The inactivated flu vaccine does not appear to be effective in preventing influenza-related hospitalizations in children, especially the ones with asthma.




Will a Flu Shot This Year Make You More Susceptible Next Year?


My DS's issues all started last Oct after being given the FluMist. He will never be vaccinated again.




My sons symptoms started after the flu mist as well. He has been receiving treatment since May and has been doing amazing. They gave the flu mist at school (not my son) but others and today he started with blinking again. This is how it all started last year immediately after the flu mist. I think he is reacting to the live virus. Not looking good.


Guys, I am not a thermisol expert, but I know many on this forum research this topic. Recently read that ivig from baxter, is contraindicated for people whom are sensitive to thermisol. Called pharmacists and asked if ivig has thermisol in it and have never gotten answer. Is mercury in ivig? If so how much?


Kim, Really like the "rice" article you posted above, thanks for posting. The idea of us making 100X greater antibodies against recent illness and antibody diversity is very interesting and helps me to better understand the whole pandas reaction and how ivig may help create more diversity minimizing the overproduction of recent antibodies to illness. Vaccines reduce diversity, thereby weakening our ability to fight infection. Imagine that, so the more we give our children vaccines to diseases they will never be exposed to the more we weaken their ability to properly fight infections and virsus that they come in contact with. This is very similiar to what I have been hearing from docs lately, vaccines are weakening our immune system. Thanks for posting. Very interesting!

Posted (edited)



Called pharmacists and asked if ivig has thermisol in it and have never gotten answer. Is mercury in ivig? If so how much?


I remember reading that early on too and almost had a coronary. I don't believe any of the products discussed here contain it though




Glad you found the article as interesting as I did.


Vaccines reduce diversity, thereby weakening our ability to fight infection. Imagine that


seems this possibility is something they leave out of the risk/reward equation.

Edited by kim

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