Our DD 12 is one lexipro and risperidol. We have also tried Celera, depakote, and clonadine. Celexa is a horrible waste of time, it has side effects and does not work like they claim. Despite that your insurance co. will tell you its the same and a generic to lexipro, its not. they are different, Lexipro had more active ingredients and is safer.
These meds have helped our DD to sleep at night. Before the PANDAS, I would kid her about breaking a world record for sleep, sometimes 12 hours. Once PANDAS hit she would be up doing rituals till 3 am, only sleeping 4 hours a night. The meds have made it so she gets sleepy at night and not frantic. She has gained weight on them. We will be doing an IVIG next week w/ DR Smith in New Jersey. We have seen Dr Swedo, Dr Murphy, and DR Trifeletti. They all have diagnosed our DD with PANDAS. Since being in the NIH study in May, we have seen the other doctors and then began the odyssey of trying to get insurance to cover the IVIG. We tried 3 weeks of OCD therapy in St Petersburg Florida. The 3 week therapy is the only thing that I thought did not help at all. She just has no control over the OCD and the therapy is all based on the idea that these kids can control their OCD.