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Everything posted by kim

  1. Sarah, I had to wonder how many parents brains would light up when they read this statement Since dopamine is the suspected culprit especially in tic type movement disorders, I have always found it ironic that so many kids seem to exhibit symptoms of too little dopamine concurrently. I have always thought that it must be different areas of the brain that have a high/low problem. It seems that I have read that the neurotransmitters have a modulating effect also. Again, is there a compensating factor? Seems that glutamate is getting more attention now too, which is where I suspect the main problem lies with my boys. If you have an area of glutamate that is off (low), could dopamine try to compensate? Anyway, I thought the supplements that were recommended here (L-tyrosine /DL-phenylalanine) were interesting. Tyrosine being a precursor to dopamine, is not something that ticcy people would normally be anxious to try, but again it may be helpful in some circumstances too. If dopamine were the "end all" it seems that the current drug arsenal would do the trick. I did see GABA there too. Thanks for sharing the site, and I hope they are able to provide useful info to help your son. I also wanted to tell you that I had read a parent talking about her PANDAS daughter having 9 IVIG's and doing wonderful. The group recently shut down. I was sorry that I wasn't able to get you in contact with her before that happened. I do know of another group that has a couple of parents that have done IVIG (don't know how often they post) but I'll send you the link, if you'd like. I know one said they were seeing Dr. Gupta.
  2. My understanding is that it is very difficult to get a medical exemption across the board, even from a DAN Dr. You may be able to get one for a particular vaccine for a period of time, but not one that will exempt medically indefinitely. Personally, I feel a religious exemption is the best way to go, if you are not in a state where they are drilling parents, sometimes in front of a "panel" regarding their beliefs, which I thought was totally illegal. I have read in several places that religious beliefs were not to be questioned, nor should you volunteer any info in that area. Just a brief statement like " Due to our strictly held religious beliefs, we are opting out of the vaccination program at this time. " The child's name etc. has to be included. You can use the link that someone posted here, to get the form from your state, and change the format to something that you are more comfortable with. Our state form says something like, "I understand that not vaccinating is placing my child and others at risk." This is a statement that I would NOT sign, but would use some of the language from the state letter as a guide, if I were filing philosophical. My boys records were checked when entering Jr. High and High school, which happened for both boys last year. We JUST made it, without having to file. We had just a couple of months before the TdaP was required. It will not be checked this year as a 7th grader and sophomore. If the 2nd varicella is mandatory, we will be flagged tho, and the dreaded note will come home. I should get our exemption in place too. I think a philosophical exemption is easier in states that allow it, but if the "powers that be," have their way and philosophical exemptions are no longer accepted in the future, my feeling is that religious exemptions may be grandfathered in (possibly). Talk about human rights violations. If I had a daughter that was being required to complete the Gardisil series (HPV vaccine) I have no doubt, I would be sitting in jail! That statement goes for many of the vaccines that are now mandatory. If I could turn back time, there are maybe two, that I would consider at an older age than the current schedule, and I'm not even certain I would do those. Just my personal feelings. You can read posts from others discussing exemptions here http://www.mothering.com/discussions/forumdisplay.php?f=47
  3. emma, Check out this ad for adacel....the one that they are pushing on the adults now and was recommended for the 6th time for my sons last year (declined). Can you imagine the $$$$ involved in giving this vax to everyone every 5 yrs? How many cases of supposed asthma are now going to be called pertussis ? How many cases of so called asthma really were pertussis in the past? How well has this vaccine ever worked? http://www.vaccineplace.com/index.cfm?FA=p...mp;P=HowS_pread Notice the statement under the 2nd picture It is unknown whether immunizing adolescents and adults against pertussis will reduce the risk of transmission to infants. This link will give you the ingredients http://www.vaccineshoppe.com/image.cfm?ima...fπ=400-10 They gave my Dad and my sister this vaccine when they were stung by bees with some horrendous ficticious # about the cases of tetanus and how it can be acquired through bee stings. I don't know if the number was from every case ever recorded in every 3rd world country (where they still pack umbilical cords with dirt) or what, but it certainly was not from cases in the US. I was furious. They are giving it to kids who have had their last one less than 10 years ago (tetanus componenet). I am probably much more at risk for tetanus than my boys. Young people with healthy circulation are not as susceptable as older people and I haven't had a tetanus shot in ages. I don't plan on getting any either! Hopefully I'll have time to get back to you with some Hep A and meningitis info, or maybe you have time seach/ post some. The only way I know to make an informed choice regarding vaccines, is to do the homework. You have to weigh the risk/potential reward for each and make the best choice you can, taking into consideration YOUR PARTICULAR FAMILY CIRCUMSTANCES and history. So much of what we are told is SO misleading.
  4. This is a 2008 pub med article. They are discussing Guillain-Barré syndrome but the anti GM antibodies statement caught my attention. Does anyone have any thoughts here? bolding mine http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18522505 along with several contemporary vaccines were tested for hemagglutinin (HA) activity, the presence of Campylobacter DNA, and the ability to induce anti-Campylobacter and anti-GM(1) antibodies after inoculation into C3H/HeN mice. RESULTS: We found that, although C. jejuni was not detected in 1976 swine flu vaccines, these vaccines induced anti-GM(1) antibodies in mice, as did vaccines from 1991-1992 and 2004-2005. Preliminary studies suggest that the influenza HA induces anti-GM(1) antibodies. CONCLUSIONS: Influenza vaccines contain structures that can induce anti-GM(1) antibodies after inoculation into mice. Further research into influenza vaccine components that elicit anti-ganglioside responses and the role played by these antibodies (if any) in vaccine-associated GBS is warranted. I looked at this study trying to to verify that lysoganglioside GM1 was the same thing that I thought was being discussed in regards to PANDAS? http://www.csus.edu/bios/faculty/Kirvan/Ki...JNI_article.pdf Abstract Behavioral and movement disorders may have antibody responses where mimicry and signal transduction may lead to neuropsychiatric abnormalities. In our study, antibodies in pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococci (PANDAS) reacted with the neuronal cell surface and caudate–putamen and induced calcium–calmodulin dependent protein (CaM) kinase II activity in neuronal cells. Depletion of serum IgG abrogated CaM kinase II cell signaling and reactivity of CSF was blocked by streptococcal antigen N-acetylbeta- D-glucosamine (GlcNAc). Antibodies against GlcNAc in PANDAS sera were inhibited by lysoganglioside GM1. Results suggest that antibodies from an infection may signal neuronal cells in some behavioral and movement disorders.
  5. powerofprayer, I'm so glad that you are really giving this the thought that you are. These are some sites that might help you out. I don't believe for one second (personally) that the DTP or DTaP are the only vaccines capable of causing/triggering problems in our kids. Wish I had more time to comment (would luv to see you ask your Ped for copies of safety studies on the use of aluminum adjuvants etc.) but for now, I hope you find something helpful here. Dr. Tenpenny's site http://www.nmaseminars.com/VaccineTiter-Info.html This is "clickable" within the text...will give you the chart Direct lab with price list...use the slide bar to the side to get to the vax titer tests https://orders.directlabs.com/dl-locator/or...ests.aspx?re=40 MMR 154.00 Tetanus 168.00 Varicella 69.00 etc Parents discussing obtaining titer testing http://www.autismspeaks.org/community/foru...ead.php?p=85666 http://www.hopefromholly.com/ Holly's law http://www.state.nj.us/health/cd/antibody_titer_law.pdf Remember even the CDC acknowledges that adverse events are underreported This is in regards to the older DTP and my understanding is that Dr.s still look to the newer DTaP as being the culprit when multiple vaccines are given and there is an adverse reaction. Maybe someday they will accept the fact that there are other things going on that might be causing problems too. bolding mine http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=3825033 Résumé / Abstract In August 1991, the Institute of Medicine released a report entitled Adverse Effects of Pertussis and Rubella Vaccines, wich examined, among others, the relation between immunization with whole-cell diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) vaccine and both acute encephalopathy and chronic neurological damage.
  6. Patty, Were you giving Omega 3 only or the 3 6 9 combo? We have both in the Nortic Naturals. The omega 6 can have proinflamatory effects. Just a thought.
  7. Valentine, I'm wondering if your son had any blood work after the seizure activity. This article made me wonder about the way his body may be utilizing (or not) calcium? How about liver function? I hope your appt went well and started you on the road to some answers for your son. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/562684 September 11, 2007 — The safety labeling for ceftriaxone sodium injection (Rocephin; Roche Pharmaceuticals, Inc) has been updated to describe the potential risks associated with concomitant use of calcium or calcium-containing solutions and products in patients of any age, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advised healthcare professionals in a new alert today. Edit.. I can not get the link to this article to work. If you search.... Rocephin Plus Calcium Linked to Fatal Reactions It will pop right up. I thought the med scape article was most helpful
  8. Valentine, Is this the drug that your son was given? ceftriaxone or Rocephin Roche Pharmaceuticals
  9. 1KT, Since you mentioned the use of Reglan and also concern over side effects, maybe you are already aware of this but thought it was well worth posting. bolding mine http://lasvegas.injuryboard.com/defective-...googleid=245100 Dangerous Drugs: Digitek and Reglan August 04, 2008 - 09:46 PM Category: Defective & Dangerous Products http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metoclopramide Metoclopramide was first described by Dr. Louis Justin-Besançon and C. Laville in 1964.[1] It appears to bind to dopamine D2 receptors where it is a receptor antagonist, and is also a mixed 5-HT3 receptor antagonist/5-HT4 receptor agonist.
  10. I'm sorry you're going through this fright with your little one! This is a great place to get a little support for yourself too. Most of us really understand those" all night searces." My youngest son did the gagging thing and started elimimating foods that he had always eaten with gusto somewhere around your sons age, althou I think he was closer to 15 mos? He also turned very orange. I don't know if you are seeing anything like that, but thought I would mention it. Cheri brought up many of the points that I was thinking too. Please consider holding off on any immunizations until you have a few more answers. I suspect they will be recommended at this appt? It's a subject that I have some pretty strong feelings on, and I hope you will carefully consider what you really feel is in your son's best interest, not just the Ped keeping his schedule current. In PANDAS situations or even conditions like antiphospholid syndrome, the potential for immunizations to trigger/contribute to autoimmune response is really concerning IMHO. Hope you will let us know how your appt. goes today. Edit...removed info that apparently didn't pertain. Either I got posts mixed up, or I'm losing my marbles. Both are possibilities!
  11. Lots of TS studies and recent research http://www.medworm.com/rss/search.php?qu=T...p;r=Any&o=d Rick, I wanted to let you know that I shared a lot of the info that you posted with a young man who has become a very special internet friend over the past few years. He recently underwent an operation where he literally had lesions burned on his brain to try to lessen his motor and vocal tics. He has been on almost every drug known to man. Some have had some really horrendous effects. I know one Dr. had suggested trying to obtain this drug for him a while back. He has had ups and downs since the surgery, and is currently using an old med and doing quite well (he thinks the surgery alone may have had about a 50% improvement rate but again there are ups and downs) He really appreciated the info. I hope you are able to overcome the feeling of defensiveness and keep participating here. Knowing Cheri's compassion and well rounded responses, I'm positive that was not her intention at all. Her questions were the same as things that I was wondering! I found some info that may help explain. I was actually looking at studies regarding the use of nicotine. On one of the TSA links that Cheri provided a while back, I saw where they said something like the apparent helpful effects of stimulating nicotine receptors made them wonder if blocking them could also be helpful. That made no sense to me at first, but then I read where it's thought that the use of nicotine could actually be causing the receptors to become less sensitive. I'm wondering if degrading the dopamine with the use of a drug like Tetrabenazine could stimulate receptors sites which could be beneficial in Parkinson's? It seems when the body is lacking something or receiving too much, it will compensate with altered receptor sites? I'm sure this is a WAY simplistic attempt at an explanation, but just a thought on one of the paradoxyl effects that can sometimes be seen.
  12. Is this the same study? http://archneur.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/65/7/952
  13. tnksmom, I think the first article is some of the latest work that Singer was involved in, and probably not going to help PANDAs patients get a trial of antibiotics. There are numerous other studies implicating immune system involvement and strep prompted exacerbations. It seems this is one tricky puzzle. From Dedee's post above.....so true. Hang in there! http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1851949...Pubmed_RVDocSum 1: Pediatrics. 2008 Jun;121(6):1198-205. Links Serial immune markers do not correlate with clinical exacerbations in pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections.Singer HS, Gause C, Morris C, Lopez P; Tourette Syndrome Study Group. Collaborators (41) Kurlan R, Tanner CM, McDermott MP, Pearson N, de Blieck EA, Kieburtz K, Denburg J, Lahey B, Leckman JF, Oakes D, Walkup J, Gilbert D, Lipps T, Coffey B, Geller D, Gianini L, Vivas F, King R, Grantz H, Hanrahan E, Peterson-Cremer B, Quatrano S, Dure L, Lane J, Pendley D, Coffey B, Shechter RG, Santucci L, Singer H, Bridges D, Budman CL, Petrizzi D, Baker K, Newman J, Como PG, Deeley C, Schlaggar B, Wernle A, Lowe T, Darlington S, Lindemann C. Division of Pediatric Neurology, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Rubenstein Child Health Building, Suite 2158, 200 N Wolfe St, Baltimore, MD 21287, USA. hsinger@jhmi.edu OBJECTIVE: Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections is hypothesized to be a poststreptococcal autoimmune disorder. If clinical exacerbations are triggered by a streptococcal infection that activates cross-reacting antibodies against neuronal tissue or alters the production of cytokines, then a longitudinal analysis would be expected to identify a correlation between clinical symptoms and a change in autoimmune markers. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Serial serum samples were available on 12 children with pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections participating in a prospective blinded study: 2 samples before an exacerbation point, 1 during the clinical exacerbation, and 2 after the exacerbation. Six subjects had a well-defined clinical exacerbation in association with a documented streptococcal infection, and 6 had a clinical exacerbation without an associated streptococcal infection. All of the serum samples were assayed for antibodies against human postmortem caudate, putamen, and prefrontal cortex; commercially prepared antigens; and complex sugars. Cytokines were measured by 2 different methodologies. RESULTS: No correlation was identified between clinical exacerbations and autoimmune markers, including: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay measures of antineuronal antibodies; Western immunoblotting with emphasis on brain region proteins located at 40, 45, and 60 kDa or their corresponding identified antigens; competitive inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to evaluate lysoganglioside G(M1) antibodies; and measures of inflammatory cytokines. No differences were identified between individuals with pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections with or without exacerbations triggered by streptococcal infections. CONCLUSIONS: The failure of immune markers to correlate with clinical exacerbations in children with pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections raises serious concerns about the viability of autoimmunity as a pathophysiological mechanism in this disorder. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1851948...Pubmed_RVDocSum Streptococcal infection and exacerbations of childhood tics and obsessive-compulsive symptoms: a prospective blinded cohort study.Kurlan R, Johnson D, Kaplan EL; and the Tourette Syndrome Study Group. University of Rochester School of Medicine, Mt Hope Professional Building, 1351 Mt Hope Ave, Suite 100, Rochester, NY 14620, USA. roger_kurlan@urmc.rochester.edu OBJECTIVE: If pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections is a unique clinical entity, we hypothesized that children meeting diagnostic criteria would have more clinical exacerbations temporally linked to bona fide group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus infection than matched control subjects (chronic tic and/or obsessive-compulsive disorder with no known temporal relationship to group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus infection). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Subjects included 40 matched pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections case-control pairs who were prospectively evaluated with intensive laboratory testing for group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus and clinical measures for an average of 2 years. Additional testing occurred at the time of any clinical exacerbations or illness. Laboratory personnel were blinded to case or control status and clinical (exacerbation or not) condition. Clinical raters were blinded to the results of laboratory tests. RESULTS: The cases had a higher clinical exacerbation rate and a higher bona fide group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus infection rate than the control group. Only 5 of 64 exacerbations were temporally associated (within 4 weeks) with a group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus infection, and all occurred in cases. The number (5.0) was significantly higher than the number that would be expected by chance alone (1.6). Yet, >/=75% of the clinical exacerbations in cases had no observable temporal relationship to group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus infection. CONCLUSIONS: Patients who fit published criteria for pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections seem to represent a subgroup of those with chronic tic disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorder who may be vulnerable to group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus infection as a precipitant of neuropsychiatric symptom exacerbations. Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus infection is not the only or even the most common antecedent event associated with exacerbations for these patients. Additional intensive studies are needed to determine whether there is clinical or scientific evidence to support separating out subgroups of tic disorder and/or obsessive-compulsive disorder patients based on specific symptom precipitants. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1848536...Pubmed_RVDocSum Age-related gene expression in Tourette syndrome.Lit L, Enstrom A, Sharp FR, Gilbert DL. M.I.N.D. Institute, Department of Neurology, University of California at Davis, 2805, 50th Street, Room 2420, Sacramento, CA 95817, United States. Because infection and immune responses have been implicated in the pathogenesis of Tourette syndrome (TS), we hypothesized that children with TS would have altered gene expression in blood compared to controls. In addition, because TS symptoms in childhood vary with age, we tested whether gene expression changes that occur with age in TS differ from normal control children. Whole blood was obtained from 30 children and adolescents with TS and 28 healthy children and adolescents matched for age, race, and gender. Gene expression (RNA) was assessed using whole genome Affymetrix microarrays. Age was analyzed as a continuous covariate and also stratified into three groups: 5-9 (common age for tic onset), 10-12 (when tics often peak), and 13-16 (tics may begin to wane). No global differences were found between TS and controls. However, expression of many genes and multiple pathways differed between TS and controls within each age group (5-9, 10-12, and 13-16), including genes involved in the immune-synapse, and proteasome- and ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis pathways. Notably, across age strata, expression of interferon response, viral processing, natural killer and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte cell genes differed. Our findings suggest age-related interferon, immune and protein degradation gene expression differences between TS and controls. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1699648...ogdbfrom=pubmed 1: Biol Psychiatry. 2007 Feb 1;61(3):273-8. Epub 2006 Sep 25. Links Decreased numbers of regulatory T cells suggest impaired immune tolerance in children with tourette syndrome: a preliminary study.Kawikova I, Leckman JF, Kronig H, Katsovich L, Bessen DE, Ghebremichael M, Bothwell AL. Department of Immunobiology, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut 06520, USA. ivana.kawikova@yale.edu BACKGROUND: Post-streptococcal autoimmune inflammation of basal ganglia was suggested to be an etiological factor in some cases of Tourette syndrome (TS). Since regulatory T (T reg) cells play a major role in preventing autoimmunity, we hypothesized that a defect in T reg cells may be present in children with TS. We also postulated that group A beta hemolytic streptococcal infections could promote autoimmune responses by releasing exotoxins (streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxins [sPE]). METHODS: We analyzed peripheral blood of TS patients and healthy age-matched control subjects by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) on multiple occasions and determined the numbers of CD4(+)CD25(+)CD69(-) T reg cells. Further, we quantified the number of CD4(+) and CD8(+) lymphocytes with regard to Vbeta chains to which SPEs are known to bind. RESULTS: A significant decrease in T reg cells was observed in patients with moderate to severe TS symptoms compared with healthy age-matched control children. A decrease in T reg cell number was also noted during symptom exacerbations in five out of six patients. Further, we found a significant decrease in numbers of CD8(+)Vbeta18(+) T cells in moderate to severe TS patients. CONCLUSIONS: These data support our hypothesis that at least some TS patients may have a decreased capacity to inhibit autoreactive lymphocytes through a deficit in T reg cells. Interactions of host T cell immunity and microbial factors may also contribute to the pathogenesis of TS. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1848499...Pubmed_RVDocSum Eur J Neurol. 2008 Jul;15(7):749-53. Epub 2008 May 15. Links Immunophenotyping in Tourette syndrome--a pilot study.Möller JC, Tackenberg B, Heinzel-Gutenbrunner M, Burmester R, Oertel WH, Bandmann O, Müller-Vahl KR. Department of Neurology, Philipps-University, Marburg, Germany. carsten.moeller@med.uni-marburg.de <carsten.moeller@med.uni-marburg.de> BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The cause of Tourette syndrome (TS) is not precisely known, although several lines of evidence point at an involvement of the immune system in its pathogenesis. RESULTS: Here, we report the results of a pilot study investigating frequently analysed lymphocyte surface markers in 20 adult patients with TS (16 males; 37.3 +/- 15.8 years) and 20 matched controls (16 males; 37.5 +/- 15.3 years). Statistical analysis revealed significant differences for the investigated lymphocyte surface markers. The difference in CD69+/CD22+-B cells (23.0 +/- 10.5% vs. 13.1 +/- 6.1%; P = 0.001) and in CD95+/CD4+-T cells (41.5 +/- 12.1% vs. 24.6 +/- 10.0%; P = 0.0001) was still significant after Bonferroni-Holm correction. CONCLUSION: Our preliminary data indicate that TS may be associated with an increased peripheral immune activity.
  14. I wanted to add this info to this thread in case it could be important to anyone. There is a Mom posting about her daughter having a very bad reaction to nitrous oxide on the enzymes/autism group. Another mom responded that low B12 and the MTHFR mutation can cause complications when NO is used. This little girl is autistic and has developed very self injurious behavior. If anyone has known (or suspected) problems with B12 or MTHFR mutation, you might want to do a little research on this before allowing. This is info that I had read a while back too, and had forgotten about.
  15. Ortho, In addtion to the links you supplied, these pages have some good info on why addtional sulfur can be a problem for some and very beneficial for others;cd=1&gl=us CBS (Cystathione-Beta-Synthase) – helps to convert homocysteine into glutathione (major antioxidant in the body). If a defect exists it will affect ammonia detoxification because excess sulfur in the body (endogenous or exogenous sources, ie. supplements like MSM, Epsom Salt or medications such as DMPS) can be converted to ammonia. Also, this defect can affect an enzyme called G6PDH which has negative effects on blood sugar metabolism and red blood cell formation and blood vessel stability (easy bruising, bleeding, broken blood vessels).• CBS C699T (-/-) = no mutation. Lower potential for ammonia detoxification issues. • CBS C699T (+/-) = heterozygous defect. Partial defect. Higher risk for ammonia detoxification issues. • CBS C699T (+/+) = homozygous defect. Both genes affected. Significant propensity for ammonia detoxification issue. Will need to be careful with sulfur containing supplements, ie. MSM and medications, ie. DMPS. http://www.heartfixer.com/AMRI-Nutrigenomi...Beta%20Synthase CBS initiates the trans-sulfuration pathway, converting homocysteine in to cystathionine and its downstream metabolites. This is the most important Methyl Cycle defect and is present in 90% of the patients who we have tested. The CBS defect is an up regulation. CBS is operating at up to ten times its normal rate. Homocysteine and all of the upstream methyl cycle precursors will be “pulled down the CBS drain” to produce toxic levels of cystathionine metabolites. The C699T and (to a somewhat lesser extent) A360A defects are associated with CBS up regulation. Homozygotes (+/+) will be more severely affected than will be individuals heterozygous (+/-) for a CBS abnormality. We treat CBS ( +) individuals with dietary animal protein and sulfate restriction and supplements designed to neutralize ammonia and speed up clearance of sulfite/sulfate. Laboratory findings consist of an elevated urine sulfate level, a low or low normal blood homocysteine level, an elevated or high normal blood ammonia level, and positive findings of ammonia, sulfite, or sulfite upon Asyra testing. My initial observation is that individuals with high heavy metal burdens upon provocative challenge testing are likely to be CBS positive. CBS (+) individuals will be intolerant to sulfur containing drugs, nutritionals, and foodstuffs (I am +/- for CBS A360A and cannot tolerate DMPS or glucosamine sulfate. A cold beer tastes great but I do not like wine, which is high in sulfite).
  16. http://vaccineawakening.blogspot.com/2008/...up-15b-for.html . . If the State can tag, track down and force citizens against their will to be injected with biologicals of unknown toxicity today, there will be no limit on which individual freedoms the State can take away in the name of the greater good tomorrow." .
  17. http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-fi...0,4886525.story Along with beauty, fireworks create a beastly mix of pollutants Lori Shepler / Los Angeles Times Disneyland developed aerial launchers that replaced black powder with compressed air in 2004. Traces of metals, fuels and other toxics can stay in the air and water for days, even months. Scientists are creating cleaner versions, but they're still not widely used.
  18. Bolding mine...Kim http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-kirby/...n_b_108398.html CDC officials conducted at least five separate analyses of the data over a four-year period from 1999-2003. The first analysis showed that children exposed to the most thimerosal by one month of age had extremely high relative risks for a number of outcomes, compared with children who got little or no mercury: The relative risk for ADHD was 8.29 times higher; for autism, it was 7.62 times higher; ADD, 6.38 times higher; tics, 5.65 times; and speech and language delays were 2.09 more likely among kids who got the most mercury. Over time, however, all of these risks declined into statistical insignificance, statistical inconsistency or else outright oblivion: The relative risk for autism plummeted from 7.62 in the first analysis, to 2.48 in the second version, to 1.69 in the third round, to 1.52 in the fourth, and down to nothing at all in the fifth, final, and published analysis printed in the Journal Pediatrics in November of 2003. Vaccine officials attributed the steady drop to the elimination of "statistical noise" from the data through due diligence and the endeavor for excellence in governmental statistical analysis. Indeed, the VSD study was the main pillar of a hugely influential 2004 report by the Institute of Medicine, which also concluded that there was no evidence of link between mercury, vaccines and autism. To this day, public health officials routinely point to five "large epidemiological studies" representing the "highest quality science," none of which found any link to thimerosal. AND "CDC concurs," Dr. Gerberding wrote again, "that conducting an ecologic analysis using VSD administrative data to address potential associations between thimerosal exposure and risk of ASD is not useful." Read that sentence one more time. The head of the CDC is saying that its most powerful and convincing piece of exonerating evidence for thimerosal is, in effect, "useless." http://www.ageofautism.com/2008/06/sick-hamsters-m.html SICK HAMSTERS: MORE EVIDENCE THAT THIMEROSAL HARMS INFANTS June 17, 2008 By Mark F. Blaxill In his best-selling book Evidence of Harm, our Age of Autism colleague David Kirby saved his "final note" for a comment on the global legacy of thimerosal exposure in vaccines. In the book's closing passage, he wrote: "If thimerosal is one day proven to be a contributing factor to autism, and if U.S. made vaccines containing the preservative are now being supplied the world over, the scope of this potential tragedy becomes unthinkable http://www.vitalitymagazine.com/apr_08_helke Shiv Chopra, former Health Canada Scientist on the Vaccine and Antibiotic Controversy by Helke Ferrie “From the right to know and the duty to inquire flows the obligation to act.” Sandra Steingraber Dr. Shiv Chopra, PhD, must be fire-proof. As a vaccine and drug regulator for Health Canada for nearly forty years, he evaluated every red-hot topic in public health and tried to protect us from unsafe drugs, vaccines, and agricultural practices. Over the years, he tried (sometimes successfully) to stop our government from allowing Canadians to be exposed to ineffective and harmful vaccines, genetically modified foods, pesticides, carcinogenic antibiotics and hormones used in food-producing animals, and agricultural practices that promote Mad Cow Disease. He even went public with his findings, supported by Canada’s public service union, which resulted in legal battles initiated against him by a government determined to shut him up. The courts, however, tended to find in favour of Dr. Chopra, and instead ordered the government to shape up.
  19. Dedee, Thanks for taking the time to explain that! My husband slipped on a ladder, his foot went thru the rungs and snapped both bones in his lower leg a few years ago. I remember seeing a bone fragment on the x ray that looked like a mini dagger. Those breaks are no fun. I'm so sorry you and your son have been going through all of that. I don't know how you feel about a supplement like 5HTP, but it sure did make my oldest son sleepy and many seem to feel that it helps a lot with anxiety. I have the NOW brand capsules, 100 mgs. I like the capsules that you can pull apart and start with a sprinkle and work up, to make sure that it won't cause unwanted effects. If the sleep issues continue to cause problems, may be worth a try? If you decide to try it, I would suggest you give it during the day at first so you can see what it's doing. I gave a sprinkle several times a day to be safe, then moved to about 1/2 of the capsule, again during the day. I don't think we ever used a whole capsule (he is adult size). I was using it to see if it would help head shaking. It did help a little as it was calming, but them main effect was drowsyness.
  20. Deedee, I'm just wondering if the scenerio that the Dr. is giving you makes sense to you? I don't mean that in a snide way at all, I'm just wondering if they are SURE that it was a calcified bone fragment that they removed. Was that fragment at the end of the bone? If so, I'm assuming the break was not at the end of the bone right? So this fragment traveled and then reattached? Has anyone acted like the amt of scar tissue or the situtation with the bone spur is an unusual situation? I'm sorry for all of the questions here, but your post really caught my attention. Opps, one more question. Did your son take any other antibiotic during this whole thing, I'm thinking specifically of any Fluoroquinolones? http://www.healthatoz.com/healthatoz/Atoz/...oquinolones.jsp This is something I have been reading about in relationship to my sons bony growth (tendon rupture possibility) thinking that I was glad that I decided not to give him Cipro when it was prescribed for a staph infection. After checking with a pharmacist, I decided to just go with the bactrum that he was given originally.
  21. http://www.ageofautism.com/2008/06/news-from-the-f.html NEWS FROM THE FRONT: THE NEW YORK RALLY By An Observer Hundreds of parents converged on Albany, the capital of New York, on Tuesday to demand a philosophical exemption to mandated vaccines and to protest a group of bills that would radically expand the number of vaccines required by children, and shift authority over vaccine rules from the state government to an obscure federal committee.
  22. Wanted to add that I just hung up from calling both of these offices. It is very simple to use the language in the above message that Pmom posted saying "I AM OPPOSED TO ASSEMBLY BILL 10942 AND IN FAVOR OF A5468/S3031" The 2nd office of sheldon Silver...I was asked for name and address, which i gladly gave. First office just said a note would be made of the call. It took 30 seconds total for both calls. Please, anyone concerned about this issue CALL! Governor David Paterson (518) 474-8390 Speaker Sheldon Silver (518) 455-3791 Your message: 'I AM OPPOSED TO ASSEMBLY BILL 10942 AND IN FAVOR OF A5468/S3031' (A5468/S3031 is the one allowing philosophical exemption).
  23. Pmom, Do you find the timing of this bill just a little ironic? The audacity of them trying to pull this right now, of all times, sickens me. They're trying to fast track this hau? Why would that be? Do we have a pending epidemic in HPV or rotovirus? How about a rise in meningitis? Why the rush? The thing that I see that's on the rise, which vaccines have been at least partially implicated in, is MRSA staph. Here is an excerpt of what the former head of the NIH has to say on the vaccine subject. Bolding mine http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/05/12/...in4086809.shtml Dr. Bernadine Healy is the former head of the National Institutes of Health, and the most well-known medical voice yet to break with her colleagues on the vaccine-autism question. In an exclusive interview with CBS News, Healy said the question is still open. "I think that the public health officials have been too quick to dismiss the hypothesis as irrational," Healy said. "But public health officials have been saying they know, they've been implying to the public there's enough evidence and they know it's not causal," Attkisson said. "I think you can't say that," Healy said. "You can't say that." Healy goes on to say public health officials have intentionally avoided researching whether subsets of children are “susceptible” to vaccine side effects - afraid the answer will scare the public. "You're saying that public health officials have turned their back on a viable area of research largely because they're afraid of what might be found?" Attkisson asked. Healy said: "There is a completely expressed concern that they don't want to pursue a hypothesis because that hypothesis could be damaging to the public health community at large by scaring people. "First of all," Healy said, "I think the public’s smarter than that. The public values vaccines. But more importantly, I don’t think you should ever turn your back on any scientific hypothesis because you’re afraid of what it might show."
  24. Andy, There is another parent here with a child with a bony tumor as my son has. He tested positive of a CBS mutation. We also have funky finger and toe nails in common when our boys were infants. I'm having a hard time sorting out the lack of proper cysteine synthesis and what would be a symptom of lack of sulfur. I think I need to go back to the basics and look at the relationship btwn sulfur and cysteine again. I need someone to list memory enhancing supps. as I seem to have forgotten what they are I get so deep into my subject, I forget the easier stuff. I wanted to add that we had high yeast marker, with normal ammonia levels (youngest son). I believe the reason the ammonia level was low was because of the protein avoidance. I do understand what you're saying about chelating agents feeding yeast and causing higher ammonia levels, though. As you can see from the list from the Yasko forum NAC, B6, taurine, protein, glut can also provoke, so I guess testing is the only way to keep an eye on it. I'm only now learning about some of the mutations. If I'm understanding correctly, really high levels of taurine will indicate a problem with CBS. Not sure if there are other mutations that will cause that too though. Faith, There was a flyer that came from one of the labs that does a lot of testing. I only scanned the article, but it was talking about a Dr. with an autistic step daughter. They removed eggs due to sensitivity testing results. Her behavior deteriorated. They added egg back in, and she was better. I think the bottom line was that the cholesterol was needed.
  25. Interesting articles http://www.energywellnessproducts.com/NSPN...tters/Liver.pdf MILK THISTLE He was using it to protect a swim team against chlorine and chemicals in the pool
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