My DD is a Kawasakis, Pandas (I think PITAND) and double c677t MTHFR, would not sleep in her old room in Redmond, WA. Same as the laptop story above, each time I asked why she said she did not now but the room made her sick. Her amazing ND, Dr. Kim Kacoroski in Kirkland Washington told me three years ago take all electronic devices out of her sleeping environment. She also said to pick up the salt lamps for her room and her computer devices. She also told me of a environmental shield spray that she gave me to spray all around my house inside and out after the Tsunami in Japan because it was inevitable our environment and water would be effected. The spray would help the climate, terrain, plant life and the animals to survive since the radiation would deplete many things. Having a good outside and inside environment would benefit my DD. It worked. We lived in a residential development of garden style homes. Our small yard was blossoming and suddenly mallard ducks were showing up on our lawn to nest. Bees were everywhere. bunnies, baby bunnies, raccoons, squirrels, woodpeckers, blue jays, hummingbirds, all living in harmony on our little itty bitty lawn and shrubs. I will have to get back to you with the post on the exact product. She had me put uranium nutricum 30 c and radium bromatum 200c 2-3 tablets of each into the environmental mixture she gave me and spray.
My DD's amazing OT JacQueline Watson Bellevue, WA told me two years ago about the GIA Wellness chips and to put them on everything like Michael is saying. She said it helped her with everything including her skin rashes. We also found out two months ago that the very nice high end house we were living in did indeed have mold and had to be remediated. Five years later, we have moved to a new home in Santa Cruz, CA. I thought what could be better we are at the beach, fresh air, get away from the mold.....wrong. Thank goodness I read this thread again. We moved into a townhouse development. I'm sure I need to shield everything. I'm sure the neighbors are all plugged in! We moved in with her dad and he is a hi tech gadget kind of guy. EVERYTHING is wireless. EVERY room has something including those pod chargers everywhere! Ironically her school which is unplugged said "we notice she makes noises (vocal tics)" and her father just the other day said "I notice she's ticking (eye blinking) more then I've ever seen her do it before since moving here." Bottom line, it's back to shielding, unplugging, etc. Thanks for all the links, tips and reminders!