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Everything posted by ameecram

  1. Hi Pat, He takes (3) 250mg pills per day. It doesn't elimate his allergy symptoms completely, but things have been under control much better. We still need to work on that, he has definite mold allergies we need to address. Do you see a naturopath? How old is your child?
  2. Just wanted to say good luck with the naturopath, I don't know much about chelation - but finding a naturopath to work with was the best thing we ever did!
  3. Hope, I know how hard this is, desperation mode was setting in these past few weeks. Of course we strictly avoided all the allergens in his diet, no cheating whatsoever. We see a naturopath who put him on supplements including GI Revive, Zinc, Calcium, Probiotic, Digestive Enzymes, Vit D, Vit C, Boswellia, and Quercetin for allergies. He was a very allergic little boy, and still has bad seasonal allergies. But this time of year compared to last year has been much improved. He is so much healthier, no need for antibiotics this past year. Healing his gut has improved his health and strengthened his immune system. He really hasn't gotten sick the past 9 months at all. We are definitely going to go slow with the introduction of foods he hasn't had in a long time, we don't want to go back to where we were. But through this all, I'm thankful for what we went through. Our family is closer, more appreciative of what we have, much healthier as a result of our new way of eating, and all thanks to a little boy who showed us how strong he was, when we didn't think we could go another day. Please let me know if you have further questions, I'd love to share information.
  4. No longer IgE positive to CORN or MILK!!! 1+ IgG positive to gluten and milk!! These are huge improvements - HUGE - something is working, his gut is healing, and I'm overwhelmed at the moment! And I thank you all for support and your posts, just reading your own stories has given me so much information!! Things are looking up:)
  5. Hi GradyUnderPressure, Bison would be great, I know they carry it at our Whole Foods. So, do you stay away from all corn additives as well? Fridays must be tough....we have those days of "what are we going to eat?" Too many of those days lately. I'm hoping to get the newest allergy results this week, and I can hardly wait! I've tried so many different recipes, and many do not go over well. 7 to feed must be a huge challenge. And I totally agree, simplifying the way we eat has helped us a great deal. Once we realized we needed to eat more simple, we enjoyed our food more and cut our grocery costs a little. Thanks so much!!
  6. Thanks Laurena82! My son is 5, a very smart 5 year old who gets this. We are getting very down about it all. He's been so good about it all from the beginning, we had no choice but to embrace the change and do everything we could to ensure we eliminated his allergens. And things were ok for a long time, but he is so very tired of it all. Things he would eat and used to like, he can hardly stomach anymore, to the point where he just won't eat it. He does well with nuts, thankfully, but I'm worried about overdoing it on things just because he'll eat them, and ending up with a sensitivity to those things. Great suggestion on the Farmer's Market, we have an awesome one here in Madison. Thanks for the support!!
  7. I need recipes big time Chemar, I've tried so many different recipes that he just won't eat. I agree that there is stuff out there that doesn't contain corn, but we are on such a limited diet that it's like we are always eating the same thing. We can't have beef, so we eat a lot of pork and chicken, which was fine for awhile, but no longer. I'm just getting down about it all, we did ok for a while, but the past few weeks have been tremendously hard trying to find things he will eat. Thanks for you feedback, maybe I just needed to hear that:) And corn is one thing - items without dairy, gluten, soy, and corn is harder to come by.
  8. Almost 9 months ago, my son has blood tests done which showed 23 allergies/sensitivities to foods. He is being treated for a leaky gut which we feel is improving. He is so much better, healthier, and even though he still has extremely mild tics at times, he's great, and our focus isn't the tics, but his overall health which we feel is the most important thing. My son was IgE postive to CORN, BEEF, AND MILK - corn being the huge thing to eliminate. We have stayed away from everything corn, including derivatives. So basically not we are gluten, dairy, soy, beef, and corn free. We just had him retested and are awaiting the new results. But we really can't go much longer staying away from corn derivatives, he is no longer eating much of anything, and he's not picky, his choices are just so limited, and he doesn't like the things he used to. He's been wonderful about it, so wonderful, amazingly wonderful - but we know it's getting hard for him, and for us to feed him. He's sick on the things he used to eat, and told me the other day he's going to become allergic to cereal because he eats it all the time. He hasn't eaten one dinner this week we have made him. So, of course I'm worried about the tics coming back more if we alowl only corn derivatives. I need some reassurance or something that it's ok to be doing this. We've tried so hard, but the thought of going another week with him not eating is harder to think about. Any thoughts?? Thank you!!
  9. This is a quick summary I found: "Prevnar 13™, indicated for children 6 weeks through 5 years of age, offers broader coverage than Prevnar® because it helps protect against 6 additional strains of pneumococcal bacteria. If your child is 15 months to 5 years of age and has received a full 4-dose series of Prevnar®, you and your child's doctor can provide coverage against 6 more strains of pneumococcal bacteria with an additional dose of Prevnar 13™." I don't think I'm convinced No thanks!
  10. Our new ped suggested this new vaccine Prevnar 13, with more strains for my younger son. I'm wondering if anyone knows anything about it? I chose not to get it today. Thank you!
  11. Hi Pat, It's Pulsatilla 30c, 3 pellets, 4 times per day. Thanks for your thoughts!!
  12. It's being prescribed by our naturopath who is also certified in homeopathy. Why...should I be concerned???
  13. Pat, did you check to see if the quercetin has any corn derivatives in it? Or it could be some other filler that he is reacting to maybe? We've always used quercetin in combination products like D-Hist or our vitamin C supplement from Vitamin Shoppe. I've never noticed them to trigger anything in my guy, but then you know how variable these triggers are for our kids. Yeah, the dose does sound high. Ours ranges to ~half of our vitamin C dose. I've been seeing max adult dosages of 800 - 1000mg. Even in this interesting study - Reversal by quercetin of corticotrophin releasing factor induced anxiety- and depression- like effect in mice. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20447436 The max dose for the mice would work out to 1300mg. I would definitely double check with her. ameecram, I'm not familiar with pulsatilla. I see that it is generally considered useful for depression or anxiety - does it also help with allergies? P.S. How do y'all change the headers or titles of your replies? Our son is using the Pulsatilla for sinus congestion, eye problems related to his allergies. We'll see how it works. If we could keep those under control, I don't think he would be ticcing at all right now. And the only tic he has is a snorting type tic from the sinus drainage. We just started Vit C as well.
  14. Signed up as well, thanks for sharing!
  15. Hi Pat and Graceunderpressure, My son, age 5, 48 pounds, also on Quecertin, 750mg per day. Multiple food allergies and environmental allergies. He was miserable this allergy season, increase in tics with all the pollen in the air. The Quecertin has been good for us, he's been on it for about 7 months, but we also added Pulsatilla now because he needed better relief. Great to see we are on the same path! Good luck!
  16. Thank you Chemar - you ROCK:)
  17. I bought some Kefir today from TJ's for my younger son who is 3. He is not the one with tics, but his stools are a little concerning to me so I was thinking maybe a probiotic would help. I gave him some of the plain Kefir in a cup and he loves it! I'm wondering how often I should be giving this to him at 3 years old. Thank you!
  18. My son is 5 years old. We told him about allergies, that we all have different ones in our family, not just him. It it truthful to some extent, but we have done everything as a family. We all eat the same diet, along with our 3 year old son. He has handled it exceptionally well, no complaints at all. Some kids of course will have a harder time with it, it's a lot of changes at once.
  19. I agree with Cheri, I went one time in the beginning, was told his tics were most likely nothing to worry about too much. I was recommended to go back by our ped a year later, and did not see the benefit in it. We aren't looking for a diagnosis.
  20. Not sure which tests by dr C that you are referring to if it is the CamKinase test that she does to try to determine if a patient may be PANDAS, then no, this is a completely different type of test and is specifically designed to measure the levels of the neurotransmitters in the brain, nothing to do with PANDAS Thanks for all the info! How much would this test run about and would you know if insurance covers it. Mar I may be wrong, but I think it was around $200 and our insurance did cover some of it.
  21. Hi Mar, We've done the test 2 times through Neuroscience, we think it was useful. I thought it would be interesting to see the results because my son only tics when excited, anxious, anticipates things. We did try one of the recommended supplements, but didn't notice any change. We were working with a naturopath the second time we did the test, and she suggested supplements based on test results. I thought it was useful! Let me know if you have any questions.
  22. This is such a great article! My son struggles with food allergies, environmental allergies. eczema as a baby, now being treated for a leaky gut. Thank you for sharing this with me!
  23. This whole thing is a lot more complicated when you are mid schedule, but I do believe with enough time and effort, you can come to "informed" decisions regarding the best way to proceed (or not proceed). I truly can't thank you all enough, taking the time to answer my questions and offer support already makes me feel more powerful going in to this situation. I will read everything and gain the knowledge to make the best decisions for my kids. I appreciate everyone taking the time to respond.
  24. It is a very hard decision to make. I've been so focused on the MMR, I forgot about the other shots he is supposed to get at this appt. I need to talk to his naturopath and maybe think about switching doctors. I really think they think I'm crazy, and every time we see the doctor, even for something minor, it's uncomfortable. He won't even hardly discuss tics with us, so we don't even bring it up anymore. Anyone know anything about the other vaccines at the 5 year appt. Can we get titers for everything?? Thanks guys!
  25. They made it sound like because of the first MMR he got, he would show some immunity because of having some in his system. Not too sure either, I'm confused too:) I know right now I can't have the regular MMR done, I'm way too nervous about it. Cheri mentioned giving the MMR seperately which I wil check into. I feel like our doctor is so unsupportive in all of this...so those feelings alone should send me elsewhere. Hope, I think I came across your old post about the MMR when I was reading old posts on the subject. Thanks everyone for responding!!
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