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Everything posted by ameecram

  1. Thank you for replying. I wasn't really aware he was having "tics" so long ago, just looking back I can see that's what they were, so I don't really know if it was related to vaccines or anything. One more question, do you think it's a good idea to get mag levels checked before starting the kids calm, or do you think I'm safe to go ahead with things. My regular doctor is much into this sort of thing. Any other supplements you would recommend?? Thank you!!!
  2. My son is 4 years old, has had tics on and off since he was 2. We did see a neurologist a year ago who thinks he will outgrow these tics. Sometimes he has motor tics, but lately frequent throat clearing is happening with TV, eating, reading books, being out in a public place. Any time he is excited or anticipating something he starts clearing his throat. It does wax and wane, but right now it's very frequent. His regular doctor has given us no course of action besides seeing the neurologist again. I'd like to start mag, but don't know know where to begin with all of this. Our doctor said he could test levels, but he just thinks they will all come back normal. What kind of mag should I start and how much, he is 42lbs and 4 years old. And then should I start calcium as well. He also has many enviromental allergies too. Should I get levels tested?? Thanks so much!
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