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Everything posted by thereishope

  1. Good morning! We are now going to let this thread run down the forum. Please refer to our pinned thread at the top of the main forum page from now on. Please read the update on that daily. Kelly is doing some major strategizing and that means our voting pattern might change day to day. If you don't see the pinned thread, let us know and we'll help you find it. This is today's strategy... Remember, only WMS in the 25K category . (Monday the 17th) Also, Please add Synergy, 250K, to your voting list........and, NO MULE MUSCLE votes!!! Also, don't forget to TRY to vote during one of the designated time frames.... 8:30....1:30.....6:30....and 10:30 (est) Thank you!
  2. I'm going on a limb here and saying not to strip down streaking:) I say stick with the steroid burst right now, esp since you're tapering down. A cold and/or allergies would worsen things. Do you know if he has seasonal allergies or dust mites? Can he breathe through his nose? If not, maybe he's sleeping with his mouth open and it's drying it out. That makes mine hurt a lot. It sounds like he's not really backsliding. If he starts to backslide bad, you could take him to the dr but you have to remember that he runs the chance of a false negative strep test since he's on abs.
  3. Reminder about the pinned thread! Important info being listed there. Thanks!
  4. Wanted to put an update on here. Some have asked whether we tried to contact Autism One to be represented at the upcoming conference. I contacted them awhile ago and have not received a response. I then went to their website and attempted to blog about it. Well, I am happy to say that they did post the blog entry! I was a little nervous since it said it would need approval prior to actually posting, but I went on this morning and it was there! To those who are going to the May conference, I really think it would be a good idea to print out the voting link on cards, paper, etc and have them available to pass out should the opportunity arrise. You don't know who you may end up speaking to. Also, you could print out the blue logo and pin it to your attire for the day to make sure everyone knows PANDAS is there and representing itself. If anyone is going to the free rally, have a larger 5 x 7 sign ready to hold up. If you live in the Chicago area but not going to see the speakers, there are some FREE activities going on as well. Visit www.autismone.org for more info. Again, our logo, along with other things, are available on photobucket. If you don't want to use that one, feel free to make your one. You can also have things printed at Walmart and Target if you don't have a printer at home. Thank you! Things on photobucket... Logo http://s905.photobucket.com/albums/ac251/P...omputercopy.jpg Flyer with rip off tabs http://s905.photobucket.com/albums/ac251/P...ANDASflier2.jpg Email sign up sheet for proxy voting http://s905.photobucket.com/albums/ac251/P...ANDASvoting.jpg
  5. That's the same one that causes strep throat. I think the rarity is when it goes toxic like that.
  6. Hopefully, this will be last day of bumping this thread. I hope everyone has seen where the pinned one is. On the pinned thread is where we will discuss who we are voting for and give updates. For those who don't know what a "pinned" thread is, look at the forum page with all the threads listed. It is at the very top of the page. That thread will not move. If you still can't find the pinned thread, just ask and we'll help you out in finding it.
  7. To Save Wife's Life, Man Opts to Sacrifice Her Limbs http://www.aolnews.com/nation/article/to-s...imbs%2F19478121 I hate strep.
  8. I'm sorry. I'm a little confused on what the question is. As you know,every chhild symptoms and severity of symptoms vary. This is true for recovery too. I think how fast you catch the strep, how long it took to clear it up, if you could keep the immune system calm afterwards can play into the equation. If your children had strep before (prior to first known PANDAS exacerbation) but w/o PANDAS symptoms, perhaps it was the strain that that got your children that "magical time" that set the wheels of PANDAS in motion. I'm guessing your kids show symptoms of strep? If so, that would play into too. My son does not show symptoms of strep so I really have no idea what the timframe is between him catching strep and PANDAS symptoms surfacing. But the PANDAS symptoms are my cue to take him for a test.
  9. I'm sorry. You don't have enough on your plate, do you? Did you take her in for a follow up strep test from the last time?
  10. Ohhhhhhhh.. I'm sorry! Hopefully, you will feel better soon and Danny will stay in the clear. Remember to do the basics, like changing toothbrush after being on abs for a couple of days.
  11. If you haven't voted yet, the 6:30 voting time to going to start soon. http://www.refresheverything.com/PANDAS Also, here's a reminder for when you cast your votes... Also, if you haven't noticed, there is a Pepsi thread pinned on the forum now That is where we will post important information. Starting in a couple days, that will be the only thread we update on. So, check it out regularly.
  12. Bumping as a reminder of the pinned thread. Also, the 1:30 voting block is going to start. If you haven't voted yet , this would be a great time! http://www.refresheverything.com/PANDAS
  13. Now on photobucket, a "sign up" sheet for proxy voting. You can print this sheet up, bring it with you to events, leave it in your work breakroom, etc. If you need help casting all the votes you collect, please contact P Mom or Vickie and we will delegate the voting to a trustworthy individual. Pepsi will not spam the people you sign up. We will not use the emails for any other purpose. Thank you! http://s905.photobucket.com/albums/ac251/P...ANDASvoting.jpg What's proxy voting? A strategy that is very important to winning this game is that we all need to be going out to co-workers, social organizations we are involved in, friends without computers, church, e-mail contacts, etc., and asking their permission to use their information to vote for them.( they need to be 13 or older) All they need to do is give you their name, birthdate, and e-mail address. You can choose one password to keep it easier for yourself. So, in essence, you will be coming home with your list of people who have given you their permission to vote for them, and, you will be casting their votes for them everyday! Once the alloted e-mail slots that your internet network provider allows you are used up, you can then make unlimited g-mail accounts for free. So, go out there and get those names and come back and place votes for them!
  14. Let's keep bumping this one all weekend so everyone knows it is now pinned, then on Monday we can let this one run down the forum. For those who don't know what "pinned" is, look at the forum page with all the threads listed. It is at the very top of the page. That thread will not move.
  15. Thank you for sharing your story. It is odd that at some point in the chaos (usually once it settles down a bit) you see something positive come out fo all of it. Life works odd like that.
  16. bumping http://www.refresheverything.com/PANDAS
  17. Hello, everyone. we are going to consolidate into one thread only that is devoted to the Pepsi Campaign. Please no more posts on this thread Here is the link to the new, single thread devoted to Project PANDAS. Thank you for your support! http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=8212
  18. The doctor whose hands are tied, if you have a way to contact him, you could ask if he knows of any colleagues in near by states that treat. Otherwise, is it at all possible for you to travel? When can you get into the immunologist (not the 2011 one). I had a similar expericne when trying to find a psychologist. we were on the "Emergency waiting list' and it still took 5 months to get in.
  19. I am so sorry. It's such a horrible feeling to see that explosion and know it's back. Yes, you need an antibiotic, but you know that. If he can take Ibuprofen, give that now too. Hopefully, it will ease things...even a bit.
  20. So, was she on the Clindamycin as a prophylactic? If not, I would say, if it worked before, use that one again. Every child does seem to have their "right antibiotic". If she was already on Clindamycin, then I'd probably switch to Azith like you said. As for the symptoms begin worse this time than the last, unfortunatley that happens. If there are any other factors (ie allergies) in adddition to the strep, that would cause things to be worse than before as well. So, look at the whole picture and see if there can be more than one problem. As usual, test everyone in the family now. If you take her for a strep test, remind the doctor that she is on antibiotics so she runs the chance of a false negative.
  21. Final post on this thread. We are starting a new, hopefully shorter, to the point one. Please just let this one run it's course down the forum. Thank you. New thread... http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=8208 And, EAMom, I think its the number of comments slowing the submissions down. The submissions that don't have many comments load up fast.
  22. Let me talk to Kelly and we will get something together. Before this month started, we did not realize all this strategy would come into play. We will limit threads devoted to this as well. Sorry for the confusion.
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