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Everything posted by thereishope

  1. I am sorry this has affected your home life. I really am. I am the stay at home mom of 3 children, only one is in school full time, one isn't in school at all and summer break is here next week. I am really trying to make June easy.One day of everyone typing in who to type for in their profile and then vote nightly. Granted, depending on how many proxies you have that can still take a bit. I admit I am nervous. I don't want to waste everyone's time and have June not work out. I am optimistic but it's a lot on my shoulders trying to figure this out. Just know I really am trying. Thank you. I don't and can't always leave comments. Next month I simply cannot leave comments. I have neglected my children, work, etc. I love to have allies that don't require comments and whose cause is of a medical nature. If I had the money, I'd just write a check and we could all get back to taking care of our sick children. Thank you for all your hard work. You are amazing. May
  2. I willl let everyone know May 31 who we are voting for. I'm still fielding numerous emails from various submissions. Some people who told me their proxy number will get a personal message from me with a customized list for them. That will handle our agreements. Then I will post who everyone else is voting for. It will VERY IMPORTANT to check in on the 31st to see who we are voting for. Things may be added up to the very end of the month. WMS....Whittman Middle School. You do not have to vote for them.Just if you want.They will not be in the contest next month. Update on Warrior's Wish....I had some email exchange today. They are voting for us. when I last emailed about an hour ago they still had a couple hundred to cast (trust me, the agreement was substantial). Please stick it out with me and my decision to go with Warrior Wish. If anyone wants a full explanation of why I approached them, message me. Thank you so much!
  3. To comment or not to comment that is the question:) We're not a secret of Warrior Wish's, it just slows down the voting process and eventually slows dow the page. Luckily, so far all entires we have on board for June have agreed that comments are not necessary! Yipee!
  4. Reminder....vote for Warrior's Wish. Do not leave a comment. We have a trust between us. Thank you! I know they may be improving and we aren't but I have to give it a whole day to see the impact. I am hopeful and confident. Also... Reply form Pepsi I responded to them saying how we may lose based on a technical difficualty and how I do not see that as fair. Then our votes and ranking should roll over as well. I know it won't but I felt compelled to express that to them.
  5. Reminder....vote for Warrior's Wish. Do not leave a comment. We have a trust between us. Thank you! I know they may be improving and we aren't but I have to give it a whole day to see the impact. I am hopeful and confident.
  6. I will bump this thread for today since it is new and important info. Thank you to everyone. Warrior's Wish (Must vote) No comments needed (agreed upon by both parties) Try not to vote for Tacoma. If you do, you MUST COMMENT or they will not reciprocate. btw...Since the whole Tacoma thing happened when I was home with only my kids last night, I was frustarted and told them someone said they would trade votes with me and they didn't do what they said. They took my votes but didn't give me theirs like they said.My 6 yr old PANDAS son said "Mommy, were those votes to win the money for those people who needed it?". I said yes. He got upset and mad. He told me that wasn't fair. A 6 year old understands it, why can't grown ups?
  7. MUST VOTE for "Warrior's Wish" in 50K (this agreement could change everything)http://www.refresheverything.com/warriorswishfoundation Please do NOT vote for Tacoma unless you can leave a comment for every single vote you cast. They will only vote for left comments (they decided that w/o telling us awhile ago!). Do not say "50 votes fro...m PANDAS". They may only return 1 vote. Read last night's entry for more info. PANDAS is "squeaky clean", following rules, and keeps their word!We expect that respect reciprocated...along with votes:) I want Warrior's Wish support for June. I think we are on a trial. PLEASE support them! They promised they will keep their word as verteran's. I respect that. I know some may not know why I am still pushing so hard for May, but big groups look at our ranking when deciding if they want to join us in June.
  8. Peg, I went to our page. In the last 24 hours, tacoma has left 9 comments. I have a feeling that represents 9 votes. This is a hard decision. If you do stop voting for them, peg, don't bother replacing them with anyone else. June is going to be here soon enough. Why replace those profiles twice? When June comes, if voting varies from this month,which I think it will, I can take some of your emails for the day and help you load up your profiles. I don't know how time consuming it is to do that for 300 emails. I may even take all those who listed their proxy number and just ask if I can assign them who to vote for. No guessing of where to cast them. Lot of work to still do. Time for me to start voting. Off topic, one of our allies explained something to me. On the first day of the month, all entries are randomly given rankings ( it represent nothing). They stay like that for 3 days, then our new rankings are given to us based on the first 3 days of voting. Pepsi explained it to them. That is very helpful information.
  9. I am sorry if I am causing confusion. I was really blindsided by this. I will try to make it simple.... Tacoma....Let's say only vote for Tacoma if you can comment. No big votes.They have only left 9 comments in the last 24 hours! I think that represents 9 votes only They said they are struggling to support themself and cannot support us more than they have been. With this being said, I just can't bring myself to vote for them. Technically, they owe us 1,000's of votes already. It's up to each of you. However, because of all of this, I say we can now vote for those ahead of them, which include WMS. Tacoma is taking advatange of the fact that the system is slow and many cannot comment even if they vote. Warrior's Wish...I contacted them and said we will concentrate on voting,not commenting. Rest assure,we will vote for them. Now, if you want to comment, feel free to. But if you are busy, in a rush, etc, the vote is the most important thing.
  10. I just got an email from Tacoma after inquiring about their honoring our agreement. They told me they have only been voting for those who leave comments! Wish I new that! So, they dropped the ball. So that is why our ranking dropped. We need to steer away from Tacoma. They messed us up. Well, we can vote for WMS now:)
  11. edited 5/28 (to communicate it more clearly) MUST VOTE for "Warrior's Wish" in 50K (this agreement could change everything)http://www.refresheverything.com/warriorswishfoundation We do NOT need to comment. They prefer we do not. They will not comment on our page either. Please do NOT vote for Tacoma unless you can leave a comment for every single vote you cast. They will only vote for left comments (they decided that w/o telling us awhile ago!). Do not say "50 votes from PANDAS". They may only return 1 vote. Read last night's entry for more info. It's further down in this thread since I edited this original one. PANDAS is "squeaky clean", following rules, and keeps their word!We expect that respect reciprocated...along with votes:) I want/need Warrior's Wish support for June. I think we are on a trial. PLEASE support them! They promised they will keep their word as verteran's. I respect that.
  12. ATTENTION! We MUST vote for Warrrior's Wish. Yes, they are in 50K and ranked 16, but we have an agreement with them that was made today and I need everyone to vote for them every day for the rest of the month. THIS CAN STILL BE WON IN MAY. Thank you! http://www.refresheverything.com/warriorswishfoundation
  13. ATTENTION! We MUST vote for Warrrior's Wish. Yes, they are in 50K and ranked 16, but we have an agreement with them that was made today and I need everyone to vote for them every day for the rest of the month. THIS CAN STILL BE WON IN MAY. Thank you! http://www.refresheverything.com/warriorswishfoundation
  14. We are taking this a step further. We vote PANDAS, but we are also trading votes with other submissions in other price catagories. Often, people will leave a comment on the other page's wall to let them know they got votes and how many. If you haven't done this in May, don't worry. In June, it would be awesome if you could do this for yours. On May 31, I will hopefully have alliances to list and have agreements that no comments are necessary and we will build relationship on trust. I explained proxies earlier in the thread so I think you can reference to that. You are, in essence, voting on behalf of someone. Maybe they don't have internet, they don't want to go to the website, they will not remember to vote. So, you will sit and vote for all those people on their behalf. That's also where it helps us find allainces. we can guarantee big number. If you have proxy votes, in June, I will need those cast to our supporters as well. Again, our supporters/alliance for June have not been announced yet. It may vary from this month and I hope to scale it down and make it more cut and dry. Still working on it. A lot to contact and only so much time in a day in between voting and taking care of the kids:)
  15. When you read this article, remember I am NOT saying to give your kids aspirin. Some PANDAS kids do react well to Ibuprofen, but I do not endorse giving aspirin to kids. I am sharing this to show the correlation betwenn schizophrenia and inflammation as PANDAS correlates to inflammation of the basal ganglia. http://article.psychiatrist.com/dao_1-logi...=40173234257663
  16. Good to know, Deb. I will try to post that on our own wall at least and I may contact those we have agreements with.
  17. To anyone who was voting late last night... I know the system was VERY slow. It seems it goes through periods like that . If that happens, just walk away and try again in an hour (if you can). Last night, it did eventually go back to it's regular speed on the profile page for voting. Reminder, if you're going on vacation Memorial Day weekend, I need to know if you need me to direct voting to anyone. Also, on the last day of voting (May31) please try to get your votes in early in the day. They close system on the last day of the month around 8pm and it starts to get really slow down due to people working on applciations on the site too. If you have any questions, let me know. Thanks!
  18. I agree, Cheri. When recruiting friends to vote, PANDAS is always the most important one to cast. They may seem overwhelmed if you start talking about trading votes and this and that. When my friends do agree to vote, I pretty much only mention PANDAS to them. But, if you proxy vote for them, then you have control of trading their vote with others
  19. If anyone who hasn't voted yet, I need some votes posted to phi theta, ashlea, and fisher. thanks! Now I have to start my voting. It takes about 3 hours on my computer...and it's new!!!!
  20. Ways to vote.. Few ways to vote if the site slows down... 1. Be patient and wait for it to load up:) 2.Go to the main Pepsi page www.refresheverything.com and type keyword "PANDAS Kids in Crisis". Vote from the skinny red box w/o loading up our whole page 3.Sign in and go to your profile.Voting history appears there 4.Facebook has a Pepsi Voting Application that is VERY easy If we agree with our hopeful future alliance to no commenting, you will be able to vote for all of our alliance through the FB Pepsi voting App. This will also speed up our own page for occasssional voters who find us on websites. I know some do not have facebook. For those people, by limiting comments, all pages should load up faster on the Pepsi site or you vote from everyone's skinny box w/o fully loading the page. Depending on what we agree upon with our alliances, some smaller trades with others may still be allowed. At that time, I will see how we should handle it. No chicken running around w/o a head. I contacted Pepsi asking them if they delete comments when the month rolls over. They better! Please continue to vote in MAY! Our good ranking is a bargaining tool!
  21. Bed wetting is a symptoms of my son's. What I worry about is that he has wet his bed 3 times this week....... However, the ped did say strep has been bad the last 2 weeks. I haven't seen the OCD, meltdowns, or anything. I'm hoping with my son it is just a growth spurt.
  22. Proxy voting is pretty much you are doing the act of voting for them. They have allowed you to set up a Pepsi account for them (if not already set up) and cast their votes how you see fit. Yes, it is in the rules. Thank you for asking! Suggestion- Have the same password for all your proxy votes. It will go faster.
  23. For those who do not know the website that is being referred to... http://www.pandasresourcenetwork.org/ Thanks for all the hard work, Lynn!
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