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Everything posted by thereishope
deleted to avoid confusion. See suggested voting list further down in thread.
peglem...I tried to return your message but your box is full. this is what I was going to write Stay with what you have. I just pulled them for the night because we had sooooo many on there. don't worry. You stay with what you have. If we need you to change, we will personally contact you. You have a lot vote for and I want to make it as easy as I can on you. They are back on the list for today. thank you for asking! Kelly... I explained synergy in an email. Just trying to make friends with them again. I will watch comments today and see if they want to be friends with us. If not.....
For those that don't know this, if you go to your profile, your voting history pops up and it's much faster. Also, don't forget there's a pinned thread about this whole project with info, voting suggestions, etc. It's at the top on the forum. Thanks!
For the first time today, my computer started to freeze so I understand. It's all the comments slowing it down. Lesson learned. If we carry over to June,we tell alliances that we trust them and don't bother commenting. The offer is open that if someone cannot comment, let me know who you voted for and I will group our comments and post one big one before I go to bed. I also make sure I comment through logging in on my Facebook account so I have that bright blue logo as a pic drawing their attention. Don't waste too much time from your life and your family waiting for the little circle to stop turning.
We should make you a plaque that says "Proxy Voter of the Month"
You're good for now. Thanks for offering. You're our "hidden weapon" if a big offer comes:) We have made 3 smaller agreements over the last 24 hours so things are improving. Hopefully that rank will improve soon............ Vickie, if you need me to change one of my core votes (that I sent you), Let me know. Its not hard to change just one.
Well, I contacted Autism One about being represented there and no reply. I listed a blog entry on their site about us, but haven't checked on it in a few days. Here's the ideas I listed before about the conference. Will relist. This is a great oppotunaity to get votes! Lack of funds keeps me from going. If you're going to the Autism One Conference later this month, it may be time to start thinking how you can represent the PANDAS community there! We have a list of ideas in the comments below. If you’re not attending the PANDAS presentations, you can still attend some FREE activities being offered. Click here for more info on the free activities. The conference may be the first time many parents first hear about PANDAS. You will be part of the bridge of information that day. How exciting! Link to FREE events... http://www.autismone.org/2010-conference-free-free-free Comments -Print out the voting link on cards, paper, etc and have them available to pass out should the opportunity arrise. You don't know who you may end up speaking to. Use the logo we provide or make your own link cards. Link to our logo http://s905.photobucket.com/albums/ac251/P...omputercopy.jpg -Print out the blue logo and pin it to your attire for the day to make sure everyone knows PANDAS is there and representing itself. This will also be a good way to find other PANDAS parents. -If anyone is going to the free rally, have a larger 5 x 7 sign of the logo ready to hold up. -It may be a good idea to have some print outs of Buster’s Fact sheet with you. If someone asks you “What’s PANDAS”. You can inform the and give them a sheet to bring home and read. Link to Fact Sheet http://www.pandasnetwork.org/busterfact.html
I don't know where out rank would start. Our votes would not carry over. let's hope we win this in May so we don't have to worry about it:) Just in case we don't, we are thinking of a midnight madness voting spree on June 1 to set the tone for the month. (JAG's idea)
If you see a comment from Studio 33, ignore it. We have votes covered. Do not given them any more than what we have assigned. Only 3 of us (as assigned) should be casting votes to them. Thank you!
I really don't want to annoy people, but if you have a list of emails you are voting for, can you please tell your number of votes you have available. This is a bargaining tool for us to make sure we are reciprocated fairly. I have an offer on the table and I can't get back to them since I can't promise the votes right now. Thanks! All you will be asked to do is to add a specific submission to your voting list.
deleted to avoid confusion. New list further down in the thread.
Yes, I can vote for you. I will message you my email.
Hello, if you notice votes from Huntsville, we have those covered to be reciprocated. There is no need to send more votes that way. Thanks!
After you sign in, your name does apepar at the top of the page and it says "update profile". Haven't gone there yet, but I bet you can delete. I need to do that too.
Well, I am happy you asked then... What's proxy voting? A strategy that is very important to winning this game is that we all need to be going out to co-workers, social organizations we are involved in, friends without computers, church, e-mail contacts, etc., and asking their permission to use their information to vote for them.( they need to be 13 or older) All they need to do is give you their name, birthdate, and e-mail address. You can choose one password to keep it easier for yourself. So, in essence, you will be coming home with your list of people who have given you their permission to vote for them, and, you will be casting their votes for them everyday! So, go out there and get those names and come back and place votes for them! If you need help casting all the votes, message Vickie or P Mom with the voting information. Note...we are playing a "clean" game. Only set up accounts and vote for those who have given you permission to do it on behalf of them!
We're gearing up for the last week of May voting and I'm trying to grasp how many votes we have, specifically those with proxy votes. If you have 25+ proxy votes, can you please list the amount here? If you don't have that many, it's okay. I know everyone is pulling their weight and working as hard as they can, esp while living with PANDAS. I want to try to scale down our voting list and certain ones I may be able to delegate to one person or we can try to contact entries this weekend and make sure we are hopefully, appropriately, reciprocated. We need good communication this last week. We can pull this off. I know we can! Thanks. All I need to know is if you have more than 25 proxy votes, what the amount is. One of us (me, P.Mom, or JAG) may eventually message you with a request for a specific entry.
I updated the list a little from this morning. If anyone has a large proxy vote list and would like to have the same 10 everyday, let us know and we'll see what we can come up with. Let us know how many you have. We may be able to delete some from our list on here since we know they will covered daily
deleted to avoid confusion. New list further down on the thread.
I use internet explorer and it works fine. I'm wondering if it's the internet provider and/or region.
Hi. I was wondering if I can get some feedback on the way we're doing the list. Is anyone reading it, is it helpful? Just don't want to waste time doing it if it doesn't make sense. Be honest! Thanks! Also, I'm going through the boards of the entries we're supporting and see barely any PANDAS comments. I know the site is loading slow on the page of submissions.. If you cannot comment, please let me know and I will comment the number of votes for you. I haven't had real issues w/ the site yet by me. If we are not visible, they will not know we are still voting for them. Thanks!
Good to hear! Recovery and remission really is a long process. Even when I first declared my son "in remission" I would still have nice surprises. Like he would do something and I would be pleasantly surprised.Maybe one would say he had some minor residual issues that I had just become so used to that I didn't realize it was even a residual PANDAS issue. Anyway, you'll probably still have some nice surprises here and there.
Good luck! Hopefully, he will have the recovery and remisssion he deserves.