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Everything posted by thereishope

  1. We're up to 36! "In this sad world of ours, sorrow comes to all; and, to the young, it comes with bitterest agony, because it takes them unawares." -Abraham Lincoln Help Kids in Crisis! Refresh the Research! Vote Project P.A.N.D.A.S. http://www.refresheverything.com/PANDAS
  2. http://www.refresheverything.com/PANDAS
  3. Is anyone good at Twitter? I had an idea to bounce of of you? What if we twitter celebs with OCD and ask them to support a cause that will help kids with severe OCD behaviors? I think some celebs actively participate in their twitter accounts, don't they? Here's a list of celebs with OCD... Alec Baldwin (actor) Billy Bob Thorton (actor) Cameron Diaz (actress) David Beckham (professional athlete) David Sedaris (commedian) Donald Trump (businessman) Fred Durst (muscian) Harrison Ford (actor) Howard Stern (radio personality) Howie Mandel (comedian) Jane Horrocks (actress, musician) Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jessica Alba (actress) Joey Ramone (musician) Justin Timberlake (actor) Kathie Lee Gifford (TV Personality) Leonardo Dicaprio (actor) Marc Summers (TV host actor) Natalie Appleton (musician) Rosaanne Barr (actress) Rose McGowan (actress) Woody Allen (actor) Anyone up for the challenge?
  4. I haven't looked at those 2 causes yet. What are their rankings? In order to win, you need to be in the top 10. The top 10 submissions each get $50K. So, if they are both capturing high rankings, they are probably in it together. As long as we don't vote for anyone in the $50K catagory, I think we just have to hope that they are actually voting for us. We did make a jump from the 40's to the 30's after we started this strategy so I have to think some are voting. Just spread the wealth (of votes) and hopefully some are voting for us. Like Survivor, we have to hope no one is stabbing us in the back!
  5. I believe so. I went out and bought all generics yesterday. The other brands are all off the shelf.
  6. Can you put it on you tube? Otherwise, my husband once explained that whenever you view something on your computer ou can track that file down and save it. I'll ask him. He's sneaky like that.
  7. Have you called to make the appt? His assistant would book that, not him. I say get the date secured now as you wait for a response from him.
  8. Good morning, early risers! Time to start voting again.... http://www.refresheverything.com/PANDAS
  9. So, did the doctor give a prescription since it looked like strep? Did they culture it as well? The swearing could be a tic, rages, the other tics mentioned, mood swings, unreasoning, ADHD, physically hitting, kicking, frequent urination, OCD...those symptoms can be seen in some PANDAS kids. Here is a list of symptoms. Not all have to be present http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=6265 Here's also a link to OCD as witness by PANDAS parents... http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?...ic=6153&hl= So, my first question, again, is if he is on antibiotics, which one and for how long now? Also, you can try Ibuprofen. That eases symptoms for some kids.
  10. I thought if titers showed immunity, you were able to get a medical exemption?
  11. Yes, it sounds like he contradicted himself. Did you politely remind him that PANDAS is caused by antibodies, not strep itself?
  12. Here's from the Survivor strategy thread
  13. A reminder for the evening crowd... http://www.refresheverything.com/PANDAS
  14. Has everyone voted? We slipped a spot! http://www.refresheverything.com/PANDAS
  15. I've been there. My son skipped his preschool graduation too because of PANDAS. I struggled with the decision to the very end and decided it wasn't worth it to put him a situation that could have caused extreme anxiety and, ultimately, turned him into a side show. It was very hard for me since my older son went to his when he was in preschool and I felt I was depriving him of the experience. But, I also knew it was just preschool. He had a long life ahead of him with many more memories and moments to feel pride. This year, he's in kindergarten and he is recovered. He has had a beautiful year.
  16. I just tried. You can comment w/o giving votes. So it is the honor system. Hopefully, these people aren't slimy and lying, but we will never know. All I can suggest is if we see that we continue to slide in ranking, to switch who we vote for and see if it helps. I think it's also good to spread out the votes to various causes. Maybe if you see that 5+ of us just voted for someone in a row, move onto another cause. Also, if you venture out to a new cause, keep an eye on our comments to see if they reciprocate.
  17. Awwwww. Our first internet PANDAS match up:)
  18. We're still steady at #37. http://www.refresheverything.com/PANDAS
  19. We always bribe with ice cream after a throat swab. This is where I guess I've been "lucky". My son was 5. Sometimes he refused to take his meds. But he was also only around 40 something pounds, so sadly I had to hold him down and squirt little by little the meds into the back of his cheek and wait for him to swallow.
  20. http://money.cnn.com/2010/05/05/news/compa...ex.htm?hpt=Sbin
  21. We need "like" buttons on here:)
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