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Everything posted by thereishope
Explaining tics to 6 year old friends
thereishope replied to worriedmommy's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
For future field trips, talk to the teacher ahead of time if she could be buddied with a closer friend. If not, request that a girl be her partner. Honestly, girls will find the squeeze either playful or just not have a problem with it. Boys tend to be more aggressive and would interpret the squeeze as something they need to 'defend". -
I am so happy for you and Allie!!!!
& here we go again... ..
thereishope replied to EmersonAilidh's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
They do sell already hard boiled eggs at the grocery store. It doesn't "fix" the problem, but at least you will have nutrition. Also, when you make them, bring the eggs closer to room temp and slide them in with a slotted spoon instead of dropping them. Try to get out of the house if you can, even if just to get some natural sunlight for a few minutes. It will help. Hang in there. You WILL get better! -
Would it be inappropriate to contact doctor on FB
thereishope replied to tantrums's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
If you got a response, it would probably be something the the effect of : Due to privacy laws, I cannot comment on anything via this form of communication. Please contact my office. You can try, but I don't think you'd get the repsonse you're hoping for. What you can do is if you decide to message her, do not ask a question. Instead, give an fyi that you have been desperately trying to get in contact with her and you'd like her to know that there is a chance your requests have not been passed on to her since you know she would respond in a timely fashion. Also, if you can pull up her "info", you might find her professional email. You can also search google for a professional email address. with enough sleauthing, you can usually find them. -
This breaks down various food dyes http://www.cspinet.org/reports/chemcuisine.htm#fooddyes Some articles... http://www.squidoo.com/DieDye http://www.cspinet.org/new/200806022.html
In past months, the title "winner" is posted until the 21st or the 22nd of the following month, so an announcement and a notification wouldn't really be expected yet.
Sophia's Cure called me last night to thank us for our support and to put a request in for some heavy voting. They are getting nervous as some causes are starting to push Rett out the way and they do not want to be next. The man I spoke to is the Father of Sophia. He is very kind. His daughter, Sophia, just celebrated her first birthday. I believe he once said the expected life span may only be 2 years. He is also expecting a baby boy in a few weeks. Let's pull together and help this family and help all the babies and kids that need this research!Thank you! Here's the link to the voting list I supplied at the beginning of the month.... http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=8891&hl=pepsi
Glad to hear things are going well! I am so happy and proud of your whole family!
Welcome. Everyone already gave you great answers. Personally, and this is just my opinion, I would get her another strep test and a different antibiotic like Augmentin or Zithromax before starting Lexapro. I'm assuming the doc gave her amoxicillin or penicillin the first time? Unfortunately, a lot of PANDAS kids do not clear on thsoe meds and there is a failure rate associated with them http://www.entrepreneur.com/tradejournals/.../169459644.html As for the eating, other PANDAS kids have eating problems as a symptom whether it be Anorexia, contamination fears or choking fears. Try your best to keep up the nourishment with what she is willing to eat, whatever that may be. Some kids will also have an easing of symptoms with Ibuprofen. You can try that as well. Here are some useful threads for you to read. They may answer some questions or lead to new ones... PANDAS Fact Sheet http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=6265 PANDAS FAQ http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=6266
Extreme separation anxiety is a symptom of PANDAS. Asking permission for something over and over when they already know the answer or continuing to ask even though the answer has been given is a form of reassurance OCD. A lot on here have/had that. The PBJ could be symmetry or could be needing that "just right" feeling. With that "just right" OCD, if it's wrong it's worse than finger nails on a chalk board. That is an AWFUL feeling, causes an overwhelming anxiety to them and thus why a meltdown will occur. At age 6, getting upset over the absence of a perfect PBJ should not occur. Maybe a "Mom, you know I don't like it that way", but not anxiety. But with a 6 year old with PANDAS, yes, it can occur-no doubt. My son was 5 when PANDAS surfaced. He is now 6, almost 7. As for the bathroom accidents, when a child is in a PANDAS exacerbation, they will have increase urination. I forgot how the signalling in the brain occurs and why this happens, but it is a symptom. So is bed wetting.
NY Times on kids who turn out bad
thereishope replied to fuelforall's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
Here's another article stating 1 in 5 preschoolers demonstrate signs of mental illness. How many of those are PANDAS? http://www.sciencecodex.com/1_in_5_prescho...ng_kindergarten -
Welcome. In my experience, even though a rapid does run a chance of a false negative, I always do the rapid test too. If the rapid comes back postive, you get your antibiotics faster. If it comes back negative, make sure they culture it and ask for antibiotics while waiting for the results. If the parent asks for a script while waiting for culture result, the ped may give them. But only if you ask. Here's a link to OCD tendencies as seen by parents on this forum. Look at the list and see if anything sounds like your son. The food part you describe sounds like a OCD tendency buried in the reason. I wonder if there's more... http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?...ic=6153&hl=
Brand Spankin New Here..Pls help
thereishope replied to PANDASmcnuggetsw/fry/coke's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
Antibiotics don't rule/control your immune system, they help with the bacteria. Your immune system will still activate when exposed and start building up a defense to avoid infection. PANDAS is caused by ANTIBODIES not by the actual strep bacteria. It's hard idea to grasp at first, but once it sinks in, it makes sense. Have your read Buster's FAQ page? http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=6266 If not, I suggest printing it, reading it, and bookmark it for reference. It has a lot of good info. -
Steriod burst to ABX~~HUGE MISTAKE?
thereishope replied to PANDASmcnuggetsw/fry/coke's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
I don't think you made a mistake either. If I were you, I would have put her on antibiotics too. -
Busy IVIG day today! At least this part is over and now you can look forward. Keep us updated on recovery!
Positive Strep while on antibiotics
thereishope replied to elf's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
nojo, you might be interested in this old thread http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?...ic=5520&hl= -
Glad it went well. Please keep us updated! Now try to get some rest:)
Brand Spankin New Here..Pls help
thereishope replied to PANDASmcnuggetsw/fry/coke's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
Was your child on antibiotics while doing the steroid burst? My son did a 5 day steroid burst during his second exacerbation. I did see improvemnt and it jump started recovery. It wasn't a miraculous improvement, but in the state he was in , any improvement was good. After the steroid burst, he continued with antibiotics. This one depends on whom you ask. I can give my opinion? I think IVIG can put a child into remission. One may say you can "cure" the child of that exacerbation, but it may not be immediate and I believe if the setting is right, everything can occur all over again. I use the word remission. I had never heard of this, but Dr K has seen a lot. How old is she? Has she been checked for a sinus infection after having all that mucus? I'd still get them all checked. Well, I answer in the way you said...every child is different. With mine, I saw glimmers of improvement within the first 5 days of antibiotics (with the exception of exacerbation #2-that one took longer). Now, I say glimmer. He did not improve overnight. I would say exacerbation #1 and #2 took 4-8 weeks to really say my child was back. #3 had residual OCD and took about 5-6 months. -
Positive Strep while on antibiotics
thereishope replied to elf's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
I believe the time frame between contracting strep and getting a + strep test can be between 3-5 days. I've asked a few nurses that since I bring my kids in when exposed. I never know the ideal time to bring them in. I'd hate to bring them in too soon but want to catch it quick if they did contract it. Prophylactic abs is to help prevent strep. But the key word is to help. It's not 100%. Also, some parents think that the anti-inflamatory aspect of some antibiotics help their kids as well. As for the swim meet and a fever....could it be the pool and the chlorine doing something? I read that one parent said too much chlorine can make yeast issues worse. It may cause other issues to worsen as well. I don't really know. It does also worsen tics. -
Just wanted to say we're thinking about you and your family today. Let us know how it goes!
fyi, the IOCDF fan page posted this So, you may want to allow yourself extra time if you are driving there that day and not staying at the hotel.
Positive Strep while on antibiotics
thereishope replied to elf's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
Oh, yes, that's the reason. The antibiotic and the fact that it was once a day. For some, amoxicillin (twice a day) works, but for the majority, amoxicillin (regardless of dose or how often) does not. When he finishes his script of Omincef, try your hardest for a different prophylactic. If the Omincef works, you can ask for that as a prophylactic. I read on here before that the only antibiotic with the longest half life that would cover a child being taken once a day dose is Zithromax. Everything else needs to be twice a day to fully cover the child. Here's an article about the failture rate of amoxicillin and strep http://www.entrepreneur.com/tradejournals/.../169459644.html -
Positive Strep while on antibiotics
thereishope replied to elf's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
Welcome. What antibiotic and dosage is he on for the prophylactic? What did they change him to? Yes, you can get strep while on antibiotics. You can also get strep when your tonsils are removed. Many on here will tell you their child contracted strep while taking antibiotics. Don't let immunologist hint that you are lying about dispensing meds. Find a different one if he remains close minded. As to the question whether all strep leads to symptoms...no one knows. So, no one can tell you otherwise. It can be many factors including how fast you caught the strep or whether the prophylactic helped some but not entirely. As for the strep w/o PANDAS symptoms in the past....well... he had symptoms (hyperactivity and moodiness). With each exacerbation, the symptoms and the severity may change. Also, he may have had OCD but mild and you just didn't recognize it as OCD. Many parents will look back and see their child had a previous excaerbation before the full blown explosive one. Make sure to check all family members every time someone test + for strep! Change tooth brushes 48 hours after starting meds. -
Help, My son has strange behavioral symptoms
thereishope replied to AshQuinn's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
I came across this and thought of you because of the excessive sleep along with the other symptoms. Thought I'd pass it on. http://brain.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/conten...stract/awh008v1