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Everything posted by thereishope
We've qualified for ESE - now what?
thereishope replied to airial95's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
I'm not familiar with the term EH classroom, but our school district does have a preschool for some kids with Early Childhood IEP's. To be honest, in our preschool (this is the only preschool classroom our district offers), your child needs to have mutiple problems to qualify. In their classroom, they have "model children" mixed with special needs. the ratio varies in each classroom. My son did not qualify for that preschool since I answered all questionnaires based on pre-PANDAS behaviors, even though PANDAS is reflected in his speech IEP and he was in an exacerbation at the time. So, in the district's eyes he only had a speech disorder and that did not qualify him. I say give it a chance and pull him out if you're not happy. Otherwise, as he recovers more, the district will see that and by kindergarten adjustments to his IEP will be made. -
Do you give Danny Omega 3's?
Need immediate feedback please
thereishope replied to RNmom's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
Talk about stress! I have a question about her possible PANDAS child. Did she tell you if she knows her child had strep and, if so, got treated or does she think the strep healed itself. Perhaps nicely remind her that parents can carry strep without symptoms and it may be in the family's best interest to rule out strep in the parents as well. Realistically, you cannot make her test her kids for strep whenever they are sick. You could try to follow rules like you prefer her to stay outside your home for 48 hours after her kids have a fever to try to see if she gets one. But, if you do this, you need to discuss payment too and make sure she doesn't expect payment since she cancel due to rules established by you. It's a tough decision.Last year my PANDAS son's teacher admitted she was prone to strep. Talk about stressing me out. However, I couldn't change classrooms or anything. Luckily, he did not get sick last year. You can change teachers as suggested above. This would be a good idea if you feel it is too much stress for you. If it's going to add to constant worrying, it's not worth it. If she stays, you can also establish a rule of hand sanitizer before classwork. At least that may help a little. Good luck with your decision. -
Here is an article about that antibiotic and Fragile X http://psychcentral.com/news/2010/09/14/common-antibiotic-relieves-anxiety-and-boosts-attention-in-fragile-x-syndrome-patients/18070.html I'm not sure if anyone on here has tried it.
"Inappropriate" behavior and OCD
thereishope replied to airial95's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
Actually, my 4 year old daughter often touches me, both hands openly on them pushing. I tell her to stop every time. She's had an odd curiosity about breasts (luckily, only mine) for a while. My boys never did that. For her, it's a curiosity thing or maybe she's bored. However, it has not become a ritual of doing it or asking. Like Tantrums said, it may be a mix of curiosity and OCD. The OCD being the ongoing request, almost convinced if he asks enough you might say yes. He can't miss out on that chance. Instead of saying no over an over. Tell him no once (and let him know you will say it once), then if you need to leave the room. btw...my daughter does the dramatic Pulllllease too at times. That's a mix of cute and annoying when she does that. -
If the Motrin helped with the tics, I would take that as an indicator of possibe PANDAS/PITAND. Have you done the Cunningham test or considered it?
Thanks for posting an update! I'm glad you're seeing improvement!
Thinking about "jumping ship"
thereishope replied to Stephanie2's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
. -
Having tonsils and adenoids removed in a PANDAS child (especially when the reason is PANDAS) is a personal decision. I don't think any doctor have a standard practice of automatically removing tonsils in PANDAS kids. T and A is suppose to reduce the chance of strep, but it is not 100% effective (nothing is). There are some on here who still go on to have chronic strep. There are some on here whose kids got strep rather soon after surgery. There are some who had an exacerbation following surgery. Then there are some who did completely fine and it did help control strep. This is why it is a personal deicison....the results are all over the place. My son had t and a shortly into remission from his second exacerbation. One month after surgery he had strep again and that ended up being his longest exacerbation. In hinsight, maybe I should have waited until he was recovered more. Luckily, that last strep infection post surgery was his last one so far. That was in March 2009. So, did the t and a help? I don't know. For me, I'm glad I did it becasue for my son, I see it as another defense. I had tonsilitis very often as a child and my tonsils still bother me even when they are not infected. So I feel I made the right decision for my son.
Dr K- one year post-IVIG checkup
thereishope replied to pixiesmommy's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
So it went well. That's great! I wish he had extended her scipt at least until the end if the school year, though or at until April since strep is still pretty strong even in March. Have you made any personal decisions about antibiotics after the Dr K script ends? -
Having trouble fitting in with other moms!
thereishope replied to Stephanie2's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
When my son was sick, I probably didn't socialize at all with other moms. Mix of depression, shock, exhaustion, and having to be by my son. My son wouldn't do playdates or play outside when sick due to OCD, rages,sensory, etc. I did volunteer at the school, but I felt emotionless when there. Like an out of body experience where I was suppose to pretend everything was fine and play PTA mom. Now that my child is doing well, I am more comforatble in child/parent scenarios, but I feel I have a hard time carrying conversations. I find myself deeper in my thoughts, even when around others. I've gotten better, but I'm just a different person now. -
thereishope replied to Stephanie2's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
In my instance, I would say post puberty, what I can see as symptoms, did level off but I still see some things lingering. What one would consider my last bout with it (if I did have it) would be at age 18. I still have some slight OCD, with an emphasis on reasurrance OCD mainly directed at my husband. One may say the spouse replaces the parental focus later in life. I no longer have ongoing tonsilitis even though I still my tonsils. -
thereishope replied to Stephanie2's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
I've been curious about the possibility because of what I would consider my symptoms along with have MANY bouts of tonsilitis as a child....or maybe it was strep. They never swabbed me and just automatically gave penicillin. -
Yes, have the adenoids removed while their doing the surgery. For most ENT's it's standard to do both, but make sure. I don't know answers about a possible steroid during surgery (my ENT never mentioned it). You are also not suppose to give Ibuprofen prior to surgery. As for insurance, they won't decline just because you have 2 large amounts back to back. Even though you want to limit anxiety, still tell him ahead of time he's having it done. It's alos a trust thing and you don't want to blindside him.
Welcome to the forum! May I ask if you saw a PANDAS specialist for the IVIG and did you say what antibiotics he was on before IVIG and if he is still on antibiotics now? Did you test yourself and everyone else in the house for strep?
Thank you for updating!I'm so happy for you,your son, and your family!!!!
Guess who has her medical records? :D
thereishope replied to EmersonAilidh's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
Emerson, you not only carry the weight of having PANDAS but you are playing the role of parent too. That's just so much for anyone. Let yourself get angry, but then focus and get better Then...you go back and deal with those that threw you to the curb! -
I've added culterelle and vit c
thereishope replied to saidie10's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
Omega 3 can be very beneficial. It can decrease inflammation and it is good for the brain. However, it has been noted that some people (specifically with tics) may actually experience a worsening of tics while taking fish oil. The increase in tics goes away once the supplement is stopped. I would give it. I give it to my son. If you've just added the Culturelle and Vit C, you could wait a week to start the Omega 3's. That way if there is any reaction, you know for sure what did it. When choosing an Omega 3, read all ingredients on the bottle. You don't want Omega 6 since that promotes inflammation -
". . . it will take too long. . ."
thereishope replied to smartyjones's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
I have a 9 year old son (non-PANDAS). He will BEG me to wait to shower until after the show or BEG me to wait until morning. Even at 9 he doesn't get he's wasting time fighting with me. He doesn't have meltdown but he will freak out a bit, especially if it's his favorite show or a new episode. So, that's the age answer, as for the PANDAS answer, it could be a mix of age and PANDAS. He begins with reacting like a typical 8 year old but then takes it to another level. His routine was off which can be devastating for a child with OCD. Then a child with OCD may have thoughts that they MUST finish the show. The anxiety associated with the mere though of missing it is unbearable. He also had the excitement of being at his grandparents. Honestly, there was a lot going on and I would probably give him another chance before seeing it as a seback. Just too many factors in the mix. -
My older son will occassionally say it hurts and it feels hot, but the next day he's fine. As for the hot, I wonder if my son holds it too long, as for the hurting, it could be a number of things.We even had him checked out once for a UTI and it wasn't. Push the water if you can. If he's still complaining of those sensations on Monday, call the doctor.
PANDAS & Mycoplamsa Pneumonia
thereishope replied to NewBeginnings's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
Myco P can be the trigger by itself. Or there is the possibility of a different scenario. Once the autoimmune reaction begins (regardless of what the original trigger is) other things (other bacteria, viruses, allergies) begin to cause symptoms. So.....a PANDAS child whose original trigger was strep can also then have the same reaction to Mycoplasma Pneumonia and vice versa. Long story short, you did teh right things to get her tested. -
PANDAS & Mycoplamsa Pneumonia
thereishope replied to NewBeginnings's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
PANDAS falls under the bigger umbrella of PITAND. PANDAS is just specific to strep being the original trigger. Mycoplasma Pneumonia can be a trigger for "PANDAS behavior", but if Myco P is the original trigger, the child technically would be PITAND. Different bacteria resulting in the same changes in behaviors, tics, etc. Myco P just doesn't have it's own acronymn. -
arial, how old is your son again? 2 1/2? I've heard that allergies don't really start to surface until 2 years old. So, if you were wondering if they were PANDAS related...maybe... but then perhaps he is developing allergies he would he eventually had anyway? Do you and your huband have allergies? Oddly, this year, my PANDAS son allergies aren't bad, almost non-existant. I know it's allergy season here since my non-PANDAS son's allergies are AWFUL, the worst they have ever been. My two sons usually have allergies at the same time. Are my PANDAS son's allergies a little better now becasue his PANDAS is better? Don't know. I can find questions with everything. I guess I need to be happy his allergies just aren't bad right now. As for upping the antibiotics even though you suspect allergies are playing a role...well, it's probably a good idea. If he's ramping at all from allergies, this would definitely not be the time to get strep too. Not that any time is a good time, but you know what I mean. It could really send him overboard.See the raised antibiotics as extra protection at an already vulnerable time.
My son's first and second strep triggered exacerbations took somwhere between 4-8 weeks to resolve after starting antibiotics(mind you, I caught strep #1 within 2 weeks of onset and all other strep exacerbations in a matter of a day of onset). The third strep triggered exacerbation took 6 months to resolve, but he did have residual OCD and I count that as part of his exacerbation in terms of timelines since the residual OCD was a result of PANDAS. As for non-strep triggers, they didn't last very long, but with his allergy trigger in Mar 2009, that one was severe and "strep like". However, once I got his allergies under control, I did start to see him going back on track to recovery.