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Everything posted by philamom

  1. We have a PPO NAP. We receive 70% reimbursement with all Igenex testing. It used to be 80%. We have used them nine times since 2010. I just ran the Neuroscience "Lyme ID" on myself today. The doctor said I'll probably receive full coverage (fingers crossed).
  2. He is very intrigued with the test. He will order it if you ask. You/your child must be off abx at least 4 weeks for this culture. He has not ordered many due to the cost of the test. I had my family doctor order it and had the lab forward results to Dr. J as well.
  3. Ok - I have this upstairs - it does have the IR3535 in it (didn't even realize). My husband uses it. http://shop.avon.com/shop/product.aspx?newdept=&s=bvSearch&c=Bazaar&otc=SKINSOSOFTBugGuardPlusIR3535RExpeditionTMSPF30AerosolSpray&bnd=&pf_id=33646&level1_id=300&level2_id=303&pdept_id=344&dept_id=421&ym_mid=&ym_rid= here's an avon product with 20% IR3535 But it is an aerosol. Also has sunscreen. Don't think it protects against UVB (I think the bullfrog does). Is this the only Avon repellent (Expedition unscented) that is 20% IR3535? it looks like this pump spray also has 20% IR3535 http://shop.avon.com/shop/product.aspx?pf_id=33645&level1_id=300&level2_id=303&pdept_id=344&dept_id=421 Maybe the "expedition" line is 20%? Thanks EAmom- I never realized there was a difference in potection of the IR3535 products. I just read on their Bug Guard 101 page that the Expedition pump & aerosol are recommended for hiking/camping with 20% IR3535 (pump protects for 10 hours, spray for 12 hours -ticks). The lotion is recommneded for barbecues/picnics and has 7.5% IR3535. I actually prefer the expedition aerosal because it is unscented. I wish it came unscented in the pump style.
  4. Ok - I have this upstairs - it does have the IR3535 in it (didn't even realize). My husband uses it. http://shop.avon.com/shop/product.aspx?newdept=&s=bvSearch&c=Bazaar&otc=SKINSOSOFTBugGuardPlusIR3535RExpeditionTMSPF30AerosolSpray&bnd=&pf_id=33646&level1_id=300&level2_id=303&pdept_id=344&dept_id=421&ym_mid=&ym_rid= here's an avon product with 20% IR3535 But it is an aerosol. Also has sunscreen. Don't think it protects against UVB (I think the bullfrog does). Is this the only Avon repellent (Expedition unscented) that is 20% IR3535?
  5. Thanks! . I ordered some of the Coleman wipes (IR3535 20%) to compare to the other wipes I ordered (picaridin 20%). I'll try them in Fl if there are Mosquitos. I could do one type of wipe on each side of my body to see what works best (at least for Mosquitos). Yes, do let me know.
  6. Coleman Skin Smart Deet free insect repellent with IR3535 - no sunscreen. colemanrepellents.com
  7. Ok - I have this upstairs - it does have the IR3535 in it (didn't even realize). My husband uses it. http://shop.avon.com/shop/product.aspx?newdept=&s=bvSearch&c=Bazaar&otc=SKINSOSOFTBugGuardPlusIR3535RExpeditionTMSPF30AerosolSpray&bnd=&pf_id=33646&level1_id=300&level2_id=303&pdept_id=344&dept_id=421&ym_mid=&ym_rid= here's an avon product with 20% IR3535 But it is an aerosol. Also has sunscreen. Don't think it protects against UVB (I think the bullfrog does). Ok - thx. I have all of them (I just can't read the fine print anymore -lol). My husband prefers the Bull Frog. Now I can tell him he can use it instead of the Avon. btw- Mosquito Coast repellent was recommended at the camp where my daughter got her tick bite. Unfortuantley, she got the tick bite on a preview day, when they gave out the information.
  8. Ok - I have this upstairs - it does have the IR3535 in it (didn't even realize). My husband uses it.
  9. found this online- Bullfrog Mosquito Coast with 20% IR3535. I think it's a higher % than Avon.
  10. Yeah, I wonder what is the best one. Here are the Avon wipes. They only have 10% picaridin (but I wonder if combined with SSS they have more repellent properties?). I read Picaridin has to be 20% to work for ticks. The wipes got good reviews on Amazon, but most of the reviewers mentioned mosquitos, not ticks http://www.amazon.com/Avon-Skin-Soft-Picaridin-Towelettes/dp/B001BGCB86/ref=cm_cmu_pg__header The Avon Picaridin spray is also only 10% http://www.amazon.com/Avon-Skin-GUARD-PICARIDIN-Spray/dp/B003TYGF8A/ref=pd_sim_bt_3 Pump too http://shop.avon.com/shop/product.aspx?pf_id=31314&level1_id=300&level2_id=303&pdept_id=344&dept_id=421 I ended up ordering these non-avon wipes instead (have 20% picaridin which is supposed to be effective against ticks) http://www.amazon.com/Adventure-Medical-Natrapel-Repellent-0165-6095/dp/B001ARBSTO/ref=pd_sim_hpc_14 This product, SSS bug repllent sun screen has a different chemicial (not picaridin) called IR3535 http://www.amazon.com/Avon-SKIN-SO-SOFT-Bug-Repellent-Moisturizing/dp/B0001ZWPI4/ref=cm_rdp_product This article mentions the avon IR3535 product ... may be effective against ticks for 3 hours http://www.ct.gov/caes/lib/caes/documents/publications/fact_sheets/tickbiteprevention05.pdf Natrapel has 8 hr wipes with 20% picaridin. I think I read they leave a residue though (but don't they all). All Avon IR3535 products include sunscreen. I wish they offered it without - for use at nightime (I use the picaridin at night). This is what our LLMD recommended for dd. edit- oops, I see you already mentioned the natrapel.
  11. Free shipping and on sale this weekend. I like the IR3535 lotion with built-in sunscreen. Not the kids version that goes on blue - messy. They also sell a pump spray.
  12. tpotter- trying to send you a pm. I think your inbox may be full.
  13. I love it too!! Can u pm her new location. Thx. Btw- I can recommend a great cardiologist there if ever needed.
  14. Welcome to Philly! Hopefully, you'll hear many more words moving foward. So Cute.
  15. A positive IgM result alone is not recommended for use in determining active disease in persons with illness of longer than one month duration, because the likelihood of a false-positive tests result is high for these individuals. Disagree with this line. My daughter had positive IGM (only) for over a year. Our doctor told us it was most likely due to a chronic, persistent infection. She was taken of abx late September, and in November her western blot finally tested positive both IGM & IGG. In December, we ran the new culture test and it was positive. They send you a pic of the spirochetes (yuck). At that time I also ran the Quest Elisa which was negative. edit- slowly resumed abx the end of Feb and is doing much better, again.
  16. Yes, I would try to avoid the family member as much as possible. As you know, sometimes the doctors don't even realize what can affect our children. My daughter was only around the person with shingles a few hours for two days, and can't recall how active it was. She was fine. But, she was on a combo of abx at the time, so not sure if that made a difference. I probably wouldn't have exposed her, but took my mother to visit her sister (in Fla)- no place to leave dd.
  17. Last year we visited family knowing that my uncle had shingles. I asked our PANDAS doctor before the trip if we should avoid going (uncle was only going to be around 2 days), and was told it was not a problem. Maybe because dd was on abx.
  18. Yes, when I was watching this I was thinking of some of the families who posted similiar experiences over the years. Couldn't remember who it was, but it was an OMG moment. In some of our darker moments, my daughter used to growl whenever my husband spoke, especially at the dinner table. It got so bad that we all just sat very quietly at the dinner table. If my husband began to speak I would give him the look, because I would be the one who dealt with the aftermath for hours. It was so much tension. I eventually let her have dinner in another room in front of the tv, to save our sanity and work on keeping our relationship intact. With treatment it passed. I often wondered if it was oppositional behavior, ocd, or sensory related. Ironically, my hubby is the teddy bear in the family, so it was stange that it was directed towards him.
  19. Beautiful! amazing child, amazing mama!!
  20. Yeah, the treated clothing sounds good esp if there are ticks in your yard, and it's not an occasional camping thing... Since its good for 70 washes. I wish they had more of a selection of styles, and I also hate the thought of buying stuff online and then having to send it all back when it doesn't fit right! Yeah, the children's selection isn't great (esp. for girls!). And the socks that have the insect logo on them - what were they thinking (what kid wants to advertise they're wearing special socks). Also, I've had some inconsistencies with sizing in the clothing I ordered for my husband. It does stink when you have to pay to ship it back to exchange the size. I think at places like Rei, Dicks, Orvis, you can return at the store even if it was ordered online.
  21. I'd hate to be the subject in that study, even with treated clothing. I went to a lyme meeting last month that's focus was prevention. The speaker mentioned to spray your shoes/socks with permethrin once a month if spending a lot of time outdoors. When asked if he preferred topical repellents to treated clothing, he said both, but if he could only choose one he would go for the treated clothing. You should use 3 ounces of permethrin per article of clothing (6oz. for pair of socks). He showed a picture of the Sawyer brand (not sure if it makes a difference but it's what I purchased). He also mentioned the insect shield line - the only real difference is it last for 70 washes, but is pricey compared to doing it yourself. The website shows videos how to treat your clothing (not much to it). Also, Sawyer has a how-to video on their website as well.
  22. On clothing, I thought this was very interesting. It really emphasizes the importance of also treating shoes/socks! http://www.tickencounter.org/research/summer_clothing of course my dd likes to wear those short ankle socks, and her sneakers are almost all leather. I did get her some hiking shoes with some fabric, and I'll spray everything anyway. He he...I'll look into the whole foods lice shampoo. Obviously that is something that will need to be put in another bottle if she is taking it to camp and it has the word "lice" on it!
  23. I like the idea of the pepperment/lavender soap & shampoo. I also read lemon is a great deterrent. I use "Fairy Tales" Rosemary shampoo/conditioner on dd when lice is going through the school. So far she's been lucky - not sure if it's the products. I wonder if the scent would help with ticks as well. Personally, I think I would rather have my child wearing peremethrin treated clothing for a week, than take a chance on a tick bite possibly carrying diseases.
  24. Like the stick - I might have to pick up one for myself. Deet needs to be washed off after activities. Will she be taking daily showers at camp every day? Also, www.tickencounter.org shows videos on how to apply permethrin to clothing with the spraying/soaking method. Lot of other great information as well.
  25. We use the avon products. Not sure if a child should put deet on themselves. If they do, make sure they wash their hands afterwards (pretty hard when camping). Actually, should wash hands afterwards with the avon product as well - maybe, pack some hand wipes. We own every Avon insect repellent (loaded up on a sale). I think I read somewhere the IR3535 bug guard is better than the Picaridin bug guard. I don't think either is as effective as deet though, so she probably needs to re-apply more frequent. Check on that. My daughter got her tick bite at a preview day for summmer camp. This was years ago. They recommended an insect repellent, unfortunately, it was one that didn't protect against ticks.
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