Proposal for a working definition and classification of PITANDS
Working definition of PITANDS
1. First onset of symptoms in Pediatric age group 0-18 years
2. Acute or persistent onset of neuropsychiatric symptoms, characteristically, but not limited to tics or OCD
3. Usually, but not always, in association with an acute or persistent identified infectious triggers (GABHS, mycoplasma, others)
4. Rapid improvement of symptoms with anti-infective agents, usually antibiotics
Notice these criteria are much broader than the Swedo PANDAS criteria, still verifiable, but still including most children discussed in this forum.
Notice that the hardest to verify part, the "autoimmune" part, is left out of the criteria (though it always behind the scenes)
Type 1 PITANDS - PITANDS in an apparently immunocompetent host
A. PANDAS (exclusively streptococcal trigger) - more common in younger children
Swedo-type (classical PANDAS)
PANDAS variants OR atypical PANDAS(see PAVONE ET AL, 2006)
B. PANDAM (exclusively mycoplasma trigger)
C. PANDAF (exclusively flagellated bacteria trigger) - covers Lyme and Lyme-like cases - maybe be the most common non-PANDAX group
D. PANDAX (multiple infectious triggers) - many of our children fall into this category - more common in older children
E. Idiopathic anti-INFECTIVE-responsive neuropsychiatric disorder, not otherwise specified (PITANDS-NOS) - the wastebasket group
Type 2 PITANDS - PITANDS in an congenitally immunocompromised host
This group typically shows:
1. Lack of serological response to known triggers despite independent documentation of infection (includes culture (+) strep but antibody negative group)
2. Often, but not always, unusual response to vaccines including lack of serological response to vaccines
3. Often, but not always, a history of very frequent infections, including strep, before age 2
A. With humoral (B-cell) immunodeficiency - includes CVID, subclass deficiency, HyperIgE/Job and HyperIgM (including female type)
B. With cell-mediated (T-cell) immunodeficiency
1. Children may start off as PANDAS, PANDAM or PANDAF but as they get older and persistent infections pile up, most end up as PANDAX
2. Children with Type 1 PITANDS may start off immunocompetent but then become progressively (and usually selectively) immunocompromised. This is different that the Type 2 group where the children are immunocompromised very early on.