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Everything posted by ilovedogs

  1. So, I figured I'd post here about the OCD that my ds has started exhibiting. What supplements/diet changes have helped the OCD for your child the most? I know some of you have kids that have both tics and OCD/anxiety. I've finally come to the conclusion that my ds's anxiety is OCD. It has really peaked lately and I feel like I'm constantly calming his fears. Most of his OCD is thought driven, not compulsions; that's why I kept thinking it was anxiety. But, he's been complaining about his thoughts getting 'stuck' in his mind and he cries about it. I've thought about the CBT, but my dh wants to start with pastoral counseling. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
  2. Well, 3 of them are distributors for the product so they're always trying to sell me on it. Honestly, their kids still get sick and still have allergies(if they had them before starting the product). We do have 2 friends who did double doses of the product for their kid's allergies and did see an improvement after about 6 months but both of them had very poor diets to start(think McDonalds and pizza daily kinda thing). We took it for a year and I saw no difference on the 'outside', but you never know how or if it helped on the inside. But, that's how it is with many supplements. I'd just hate for you to waste your money b/c there are other comparable products that sell garden/fruit blends that copy JP and they're less expensive. Maybe you could research an alternative?
  3. I was and still am a mouth breather! I have stained teeth from tea. My ds drinks acai juice and I'm wondering why his teeth haven't stained yet, either. We have a cleaning scheduled for him next week!
  4. Hey Wendy, did you find anything out about this yet? The only supplements I'm giving now are kids calm at night: 1 tsp He gets a cal/mag supplement that has Zinc and Vitamin D(it's called Floradix) and he gets GABA, 100 mg sublingual. And, I give him a probiotic and put flaxseed oil in a smoothie daily for him. I'm looking to get him on some other supplements but right now his tics wax and wane daily. Some days I see nothing until the evening, other days it starts in the AM and is on and off, and other days it's full on ticcing all day long. I still don't see a pattern nor can I tell(by reading my journal) if it's a food trigger/allergen/supplement/environment thing?! It's driving me crazy!
  5. Thanks, Cheri for that input! Always good to know. I know that this supplement is similar to the Intramax that everyone is talking about on here so hopefully they will see your reply.
  6. I don't know about the sorbitol but I can tell you that we took JP for over a year. Didn't see anything special about it. I figured ds was getting some whole foods in him anyway b/c he isn't a big fruit and veggie kid, but I didn't see any health changes in either of us. For the cost, $42 a month, I figured I could find something at the health food store that was comparable. I signed up under a friend and I felt bad when I cancelled my subscription but I felt I was wasting my money....that's just my humble opinion. I also researched it online and there was a lot of negative crud out there about it so maybe that swayed me to stop taking it, too. But, on the other hand, I have heard some people say that it helped their kids with allergies, etc. I just never saw anything firsthand and I have about 5 close friends who sell or take the product.
  7. He has another one today and again, we were outside quite a bit. I just wonder sometimes what's going on in their little bodies?!
  8. Hey all, I found this supplement online while researching the Intramax. Although they do not have a children's supplement I contacted Drucker labs and they said that kids take 1/2 the adult serving. They also have travel sizes in this, as well. What I'm trying to figure out here is if it's made by the same maker of the Intramax. I'm going to post a link here but if it's not allowed, please delete it for me moderators. Thanks! http://www.amazon.com/Panacea-Liquid-Multi...d/dp/B000MRBCUS If you'd like to look it up online, I found it as drucker labs panacea or pana c315(they had recently changed the name). The amazon link has a good shot on the label so you can see the minerals and makeup of the supplement itself. Bonnie
  9. Ds has been getting headaches pretty frequently the past few weeks. They seem like one-sided migraines but it's not debilitating. They were triggered by his all day long football tournament and I chalked it up to being outside in the sun. Today seems to be the same thing: outside a lot of the day and running around. A few folks have suggested that it's dehydration...but the headache seems to linger for a day or 2 afterwards. Any suggestions or supplements to take? I try not to give him anything unless it's really bad. He has light and sound sensitivity with these headaches, which sounds a lot like my headaches(which are not true migraines). I just don't want him to suffer the way I do with headaches, KWIM? Thanks, Bonnie
  10. Have you been to Caryn's website: http://healthy-family.org ....I hope she doesn't mind me posting the link! She's got some great recipes on there.
  11. Maybe, but he drops it soon after the complaint. It's like he just needs to have something to say! He doesn't seem to obsess but he will make comments that make me wonder about what's going on in his little brain. My grandfather is a major hypochondriac and so was I when I was a child. Come to think of it, so was my aunt! Maybe it's genetic!
  12. I'm not sure about what the best is but I just bought barlean's cinnamon flax oil. I tried it myself and hated it. I'm thinking it would be good mixed in with a smoothie or oatmeal or something! And, yes, you can use it to replace fish oil supplements for ADD/ADHD. Some of the kids here tic more on fish oil so flax, borage, and primrose oils are good supplementations for the omegas.
  13. My ds always has a complaint, yet he's VERY healthy! I mean he has allergies and tics but for the most part we don't frequent the doctor or anything. I'm just so tired of hearing: "I have a weird lump in my throat", "I have a cramp", "My head hurts", "My legs ache"....you get the picture. Now, I know that most of it is viable complaints: I'm sure his head WAS hurting after spending a day in the sun and I'm guessing his leg pains were growing pains or overexertion from football practice, etc. I guess I'm looking for advice on what to say and when to take it seriously. He's also VERY sensitive(which I know most of you are familiar with this personality type) and takes things seriously and literally. So, I can't joke with him about it or make fun of him lightheartedly b/c he'll get offended that I'm not taking him seriously. Some days I just feel at the end of my rope, KWIM? Thanks for listening, Bonnie
  14. We use a xylitol mouthwash as my son has space maintainers permanently in for now to keep his molars back. It's been in for a year and he only had strep once(for the first time in his life!). We also chew xylitol gum which does not stick to his spacers. His top spacer actually has a rubber piece that sits right up against the roof of his mouth with a wire running through it and we've not had an increase in illnesses this year. We also use the xylitol product, xlear for nasal passage cleaning. I saw someone else mentioned it, as well.
  15. I've been wondering the same thing! We're thinking of getting braces on ds this summer, too. I wonder what this will do to his very sensitive system. I know that Chemar's son reacts to anything 'toothy' with more tics but I don't know if all the kids are like this!? My ds also has tics that can be triggered by colds, his long hair, etc. I guess it's a sensory thing our kids have. Bonnie
  16. bumping!
  17. Me too! I thought Jasminky was using it?! Bonnie
  18. I doubt it, as I would have gotten it too! We shared a few water bottles recently and I'm really susceptible to gastro problems myself. It's almost a guarantee.
  19. Exactly! You know what's funny? His tics are actually minor despite my letting all the diet crud out the window b/c he's been so anxious that I'm just grateful if he's eating at all! So, here I am allowing HFCS, cookies laden with sugar, pizza, churros, etc. And, his tics are still there but barely noticeable to most people. So, what's up with that? I'm seeing a major increase in anxiety but less ticcing? Weird! The anxiety started at home, though. Hmm, now that I think about it: he threw up on Wednesday night after having eaten a huge turkey sandwich. He was VERY full and I figured he just had to 'let it go' so to speak. So, Thursday he was fine. And, then on Friday he was fine until he ate a banana in the afternoon before his football game. He said it tasted funny and then had an upset stomach at the football game: he did end up playing and having a great run in the game, too. Then we leave Saturday AM and as soon as he wakes up his stomach is upset. He is 'upset' all the way to the airport and throws up before we go through security. He again has an upset stomach on Sat. eve. and makes a huge deal at dinner and says he can't even look at pictures of food but he does end up eating his whole meal. On Sunday we go to breakfast with business friends and he's got the upset tummy going so he barely ate breakfast. He looked like he was going to hurl but managed to hold it together. Then he eats a sandwich for lunch: NO PROBLEMS! We ate outdoors at the beach and he was totally fine! Come dinner time he's all upset again and doesn't eat anything. We again were out with business associates and he threw up after dinner, as well. So, Monday comes and we're supposed to be going to Sea World. We go out for bagels and he eats most of his but still looks like he's on the verge of hurling. He's complaining to himself in the car on the way to Sea World that his tummy is upset, again. So, he looks miserable all the way until the time when we walk through the gates. Then, all of a sudden, he has a miraculous recovery and he had a great day at Sea World. Went on a roller coaster, ate a churro, had some ice cream, pet some dolphins, etc. We go out for dinner and he's looking like he's ready to lose his cookies again. BUT, he held it together through dinner and ate 2 pieces of pizza!!! So, my question is: what is going on ?????? Is this anxiety???? Is he manipulating us??? etc? And, what do I do for him/ with him? To make things better??? Hmmm? I really don't see the connection at all as I look back on the past week! Thanks for reading all this! Bonnie
  20. Thanks, Chemar. Ds does have some seasonal allergies so I'm not sure the rescue remedy would work. At this point we're going home tomorrow so I think I'll just take my chances without any supplementation. He threw up after dinner(what little he did eat) right before we were supposed to get on a train....lovely! He kept saying that just looking at everyone's plates of food was making him sick to his stomach. Oh my, how the brain does work....wish I could figure it out! He was naseaous before we got on the plane on Saturday(now we fly 3 times a year so this was totally new to me!) and threw up right before we went through security. I'm really starting to get concerned, though, b/c he's having so much trouble keeping food down b/c of the anxiety. So, that's the reason I asked about CBT. I've heard it can be really helpful in giving the child tactics for dealing with the anxiety, etc.
  21. Has anyone had experience with cognitive behavior therapy? My ds is showing a flare up in his anxiety and is worried about everything it seems. Also, what supplements have helped your child with anxiety? GABA , glutamine, etc??? I've been giving him Kids Calm before bed but that's about it right now. I have some 5-HTP at home(we are on vacation right now) but I'm not sure if that will work well for him. We've been having some major issues on vacation right now and I'm at my wits ends! Also, the tics are really flaring, too! Stomachaches from the anxiety is ruining our vacation right now! Thanks Bonnie
  22. I have to say that I agree about genetics and even how they can shape our 'habits' such as cigarette smoking or alcohol consumption or overeating. I remember studying in college and learning about oral fixations. I always wondered why I chewed my pencils, or sucked on my hair(way back in 2nd grade), or smoked. I was always putting something in my mouth(no nasty thoughts here, please!! ). Anyway, my dad is a cigarette addict, heavy drinker, etc. So, when I realized I was heading down the same path in college, I changed my 'habits'. I guess what I'm getting at here is that habits can be changed or worked with. Obviously, neurological issues have to be healed from within the body at a cellular level. And, sometimes, no matter what we do can take away that genetic link that exists in all of us. We can only work with what God gave us whether that predisposes us to cancer or to diabetes or to a neurological condition. I'm also curious as to what we CAN do to overcome(not change) our genetics. Can we make things better for ourselves and our children by boosting immune levels, by supplementing amino acids, etc? How much of a difference will these things make if we are predisposed to certain conditions? So, I know I'm asking questions that seem simple but quite frankly, I'm constantly confused by these tics and by the situation as a whole. I almost wish my son had PANDAS so at least I'd have a place to start!
  23. So, what is the answer here? I read all the articles and I have a few questions. Are they saying that we have to STAY immunized with the varicella vaccine forever to prevent outbreaks of shingles, etc. Or are they saying that no matter what we're all at risk(as a society) of outbreaks of shingles? A lot of this stuff seems over my head sometimes as I try to put the pieces together. Ds had his 1st varicella vaccine at age 1. I had pox when I was 16. My sister never had the pox b/c she had leukemia(ALL) as a child and was treated with a varicella vaccine that was only being used for cancer patients back in the 80's. You know, the more I read about all this vaccine crap(am I allowed to say this word?), the more angry I become at the government, my pediatrician, and even myself for believing all of them to begin with! What was I thinking?
  24. Amen to that! I pray every night for an aswer to these tics but I also thank God for the blessings He has given me, too!
  25. here is the full text of the article http://www.fda.gov/cder/drug/early_comm/montelukast.htm Thanks, Chemar, for the info. I was given a scrip for this for myself but never filled it. Glad I didn't!
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