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Everything posted by ilovedogs

  1. I have found nitrate free hot dogs at other supermarkets, too. Whole Foods, Fresh and Easy, and Sprouts Farmers Markets. My local Costco also carries nitrate free hot dogs: I believe the Applegate Farms brand(I'll have to check on that, though). When looking at the ingredients make sure it does not say: sodium nitrite or sodium nitrate as those are the giveaway words. I know Hebrew National DOES have nitrates! B
  2. I know most of us have used or are using probiotics and haven't seen a tic increase. We saw a minor tic increase when he started on some digestive enzymes but I couldn't directly attribute it to that b/c I had changed a few other things and we were in the spring allergy season. I think probiotics are a great idea as they help improve gut health. I just wish I remembered to give them to my son on a more regular basis. I give him so many supplements that this one seems to get put on the back burner many days of the week! Bonnie
  3. I think you said that the kavinace worked for you guys and the travacor made things worse? What's the difference between the two - I had thought that the kavinace was formulated for adults and the travacor for kids. Pat The Kavinace and the travacor are completely different formulations. It didn't matter whether the kavinace was for kids or not. I know of someone whose child was autistic and was using the Kavinace with great success for anxiety so I decided to try it out. The travacor has 5-HTP in it and I think my ds reacted to it, or it was the combination of the 2 supplements together...since he had already been on the Kavinace for about a month when we tried out the Travacor. We have also used their Endotrex spray which makes my son tic more(it a spray of theanine sublingually) but my dh loves the theanine and thinks it relaxs him. So, in other words, everybody is different. Even if they have the urine test results from Neuroscience, they can make mistakes in recommending a supplement so I think it's all trial and error. I think for Neuroscience the stuff for kids may come in powdered formulas or in smaller capsules but the formulations themselves are the same? Check out their website for more information: www.neurorelief.com Bonnie
  4. That makes sense to me! My son has unbelievable comprehension skills and spelling skills. What I don't get is how he can look at a word and spell it back to me immediately and do it correctly, but he still has trouble telling me how much 8 x 8 is???? I would think it's all memorization skills but I guess language and math use different parts of the brain! I have my son working in a 4th grade spelling book but the words are too easy so I have to move him up to the next level, yet in math he's still working in 3rd grade stuff(we homeschool). B
  5. I give him one capsule a day. In the beginning I was giving him 2. Then some days I'd forget to give him the 2nd capsule and realized that 1 seemed to be doing the trick. I know there are others here who have given GABA itself and have found results with the GABA and other amino acids for neuro support. Our naturo has us trying out L-glutamine and glycine, as well. Make sure you give a good B6 supplement with any aminos for nuero support b/c it really helps the body process things better. I know the Kavinace already has B6 in the capsule, can't remember if the Travacor, JR does/doesn't? Bonnie
  6. The name of the product is TravaCor, Jr. My son is on a Neuroscience product called Kavinace. It has completely removed his OCD symptoms(mostly intrusive thoughts) but he still has a lot of situtional anxiety. I put him on the Travacor, JR at one point but it made his OCD come back(he was already on the Kavinace) so I took out the Travacor and he's been fine ever since. We've been on the product for 6 months now and I'm happy for him. We are working with another naturopath, though, to fix his neurotransmitters a different way so that I can get him off the Kavinace eventually mainly b/c I just want to see how he's doing. Anxiety is our number one problem and the tics are a secondary thing to me. HTH! Bonnie
  7. I just wanted to say that it looks like you've gotten good info from Carolyn and Cheri. They've given you good starting points. Since adding 25 mg of B6 to my son's supplements and magnesium I have seen an improvement in his tics. We are working with 2 naturopaths right now, 1 for allergies and desensitization and 1 for working on balancing the neurotransmitters, etc. My 10 year old son started ticcing the day after he turned 9 so I've only been at this for a short period of time but I've learned a lot! Just wanted to come on and encourage you to keep researching and asking questions! Bonnie
  8. Yep, that was what I was going to suggest. My mom freezes her own fruit fresh from her garden: blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries. She cooks them briefly and then freezes in bags. She defrosts and then eats it plain, puts them on pancakes, or mixes it into yogurt or oatmeal. My mom probably has about 20 pounds of berries frozen this year. Of course, you can always buy the frozen bagged ones and make your own fruit compote. I would think it would taste better than canned. I second the Whole Foods fruit cans. But, I'd still read the ingredients carefully! Bonnie
  9. Same here. Although sometimes I check in there from time to time to get information on products and natural treatments. My aunt is an EFT coach and sometimes I look up stuff on their system b/c I'm still not sold on the idea yet.
  10. We buy it here at Sprouts farmers markets and it's sold under their name. I know they have locations in CO and CA right now. I listed the ingredients so you know what to look for in similar products.
  11. I agree, Guy, that once you have a cold you are probably going to suffer to some degree. Most of the remedies I posted are to help you get more comfortable at home without taking a ton of OTC cold stuff. I, too, have not seen a reduction in cold symptoms but I see these home methods alleviating the symptoms and just making things nicer for the patient. My ds has a cold right now and he loves smelling the essential oils! Even our naturopath today told us that most colds should just be allowed to run it's course to help the patient's immune system. Also, I forgot to add that you can gargle with apple cider vinegar to help a sore throat. And, putting a little Jack Daniels in that tea that I make will help a patient sleep better! I don't do that personally b/c we don't drink but I know folks who do! Another suggestion that my dh loves for me to make is a steam of chamomile leaves for inhalation, just like the tea tree oil. If you don't have loose chamomile you can use tea bags and just release the contents into a pot of boiling water and let it steep. Make a tent out of a towel and breathe in the steam. Helps loosen those sinues. And, of course, I don't remember if I mentioned the NETI pots! These just help keep the sinuses moist and cleaned out!
  12. So, I was wondering what cold remedies you like to use in your home? Do you use OTC cold remedies or do you try the all natural approach? I'd love to see if we can compile a nice list of home remedies that we can share with eachother since cold and flu season is here. Here's what we do at our home: I increase our Vitamin C to about 1000 mg I give whomever is sick a supplement called 'Congesteeze' which has oil of oregano, echinacea, elderberry, garlic, and ginger We take our greens drinks daily I make a hot tea in a Thermos: fresh grated ginger, lemon juice, and honey steeped in hot water. I strain it out and give it to the sicky a few times a day. Chicken noodle soup: I make homemade chicken noodle and put lots of pepper in it to open up the sinuses. We use Olbas essential oils to help open up the sinuses. I make a steam of tea tree oil and put that in the showers or in hot water and have the sick person breathe in the steam. I use an oil diffuser in the bedrooms and put eucalyptus oil in it, sometimes mixed with peppermint oil or I sprinkle the oils on a tissue and tuck it under the pillow. So, anyone care to add here? Bonnie
  13. Airbucket, what is PDD NOS? My ds has other issues, too. I believe he has sensory integration disorder, dysgraphia, and some other LD's. He has OCD and terrible anxiety along with the tics. You are not the only one. My son seems to be a bit immature emotionally and socially but he can sit through his therapy sessions. I have to tell you that we are doing CBT right now and I'm not seeing my ds be able to apply it. He wants to apply it but it's really hard for him b/c the anxiety just takes over! Although, he was having trouble sleeping over at a friend's house on Friday night, he told me on the phone that he was going to put his best foot forward and stick it out even though he missed home and missed us. He was very relieved to be home in the morning but he made it through and he knew that he worked through it all on his own. This is part of the CBT that he's doing. Most times, though, he really struggles to apply the techniques especially where his OCD/intrusive thoughts are concerned, those are the worst and he can't seem to break the cycle. Hang in there, I hope these tics go away quickly for you guys. I know how hard it is when some of the weird ones come up!!! B
  14. Faith, oil of oregano is VERY strong. I would never drink it straight up. Even gargling with it burns the throat! I use it for sore throats and it works but it's nasty stuff. I also have a friend who makes oil of oregano compresses for the feet to help eliminate viruses and toxins. I've never heard of people using it for a cough, quite frankly, just for a sore throat but I'm sure some web research will turn something up for you! Bonnie
  15. Counting things and the tics themselves are sometimes classifications of OCD. Some tics can cross the line between being a tic or an OCD type of repetitive behavior. I know that I wonder these things with my ds. We had what I thought was a sudden onset of tics a year ago but now I realize that many of his behaviors and weird quirky things were probably related to this tic disorder. My ds is also a perfectionist and has a lot of anxiety. Please ask lots of questions here and we'll be happy to help you! Bonnie
  16. One of the mom's on here got relief for her child by cutting out salicylates like tomatoes, citrus, and other fruits/juices. Look these up online and compare them with your child's diet. Just another suggestion I remember seeing helping a member. We saw no help from cutting these things out but I know it's part of Feingold and I thought I'd suggest it. B
  17. Hey Faith, I am giving Griffin L-glutamine and glycine right now and he gets a small amount of taurine in one of his Neuroscience combo supplements. Since his naturopath has him on powdered L-glutamine and glycine, I can't quote exact amounts but we aren't seeing an increase in tics at all. He's been on them for about 2 months now. Yet, I also haven't seen a decrease in tics, either. Just the normal mild wax and wane that's been around since early August. I have not tried the others that you've mentioned. Bonnie
  18. No, but I have some 5-HTP around here that I could have him try for a day or 2 and see how he does. He's out of town until Wed now, thank goodness. He's been a real drag to be around lately and I'm really hoping I can help his mental outlook!
  19. I know he's tried SJW before. I wonder if he'll try it again. I know he also said that fish oil worked for him, he's just not good about taking stuff and he travels for work so I can't stay on him like I can with ds. He really needs to be more self-motivated, hehe!
  20. Hi all, this isn't in regards to my ds, it's my dh. He is suffering from depression and he exhibits it in symptoms of anger and withdrawl from family activities, etc. He knows he has an issue but isn't ready for counseling. He's also not ready for an expensive visit to a naturopath. What can I start him on vitamin wise and supplement wise that might help him a bit. I've thought maybe upping his B vitamins and getting him on Fish Oil pills. Any other thoughts? I believe that my ds inherited his tics and other problems from my dh's anxiety and ADHD symptoms as his father also has OCD. So, I guess this is a family thing. There are other things going on as well behind the scenes that we need to work on as a family but I want to give his system a boost so that we can discuss things like adults!!! Thanks Bonnie
  21. I know how you feel! I worry about my ds, too. Yet, he hardly ever complains about his tics anyway. So, what am I worrying about, right? My ds does wax when he's sick b/c his defenses are low. I try to boost his immune system and get him on a clean diet especially when he's sick. I'd let my ds have some chocolate for Halloween but none of the lollipops or Starburst, etc. My ds also has space maintainers on his teeth so I can't allow him to have anything chewy so all that stuff gets thrown out anyway. Just tell him that when his illness clears up, you'll allow him to have a bit more candy. Sugar depresses the immune system so I'd wait until he's healthy to let him have at the Halloween candy. My ds has never felt deprived on Halloween. This year I'm making baked apples as our treat instead of candy: he's ecstatic. As I saw in another post: do take care of yourself! I have stomach problems b/c of all the worry I get myself into. It's not worth it and I'm trying very hard to not freak when I see a new tic or an increase, etc. I also have learned to not beat myself up if I let him have a Sprite or some nitrated pepperoni. As long as we're healthy overall, the few slip ups aren't a big deal. Have a great day! Bonnie
  22. I just look for vitamins that have no fillers. I give my son a capsule that is for kids b/c I don't like chewables as I think they're bad for their teeth. I have been giving him Thorne Research children's vitamins but I know other folks just use brands you can find at your local health food store. I think it's just important that there are no fillers or crud in them. That's why I stick with capsules b/c I know they won't have any sweeteners, etc. I do give my son a greens drink from Amazing Grass and I use it to mix his amino acids in it. I figure the whole foods he gets in there along with his multi should be plenty! Hope this helps! Bonnie
  23. I have this in my cabinet of 'stuff' and it upsets my stomach. So, please make sure you start the doses small to see if it's tolerated by the children. My ds doesn't like the taste of it so I found capsules that have the elderberry, garlic, ginger, echinacea, and mushroom in them for boosting immune support.
  24. I'm confused. 8.5-10 hours of sleep IS a lot. But you think he requires less sleep than normal? What do you consider normal? Or did I completely misread what you wrote? Well, most of his friends go to bed at 9 and are up at 7:30, that's 10 1/2 hrs of sleep. Some get even more than that. So, I guess I'm wondering if what he's getting is enough for a 10 year old? 8 1/2 to 10 hrs is plenty of sleep for adults but I always thought that kids needed more sleep. And, 10 hrs for him is not the norm, it's the exception such as during a growth spurt.
  25. This is why I'm thinking I need to get him to bed a bit earlier. I figure if I can get him to bed at least 1/2 hour earlier he may still sleep until the same time! He does sometimes sleep until 8:30- 9 AM but it's very infrequent, probably during growth spurts and in the winter. Most times he's up by 7-7:30, no matter what time he goes to bed! I'm just so bad at being consistent at getting us going to bed. I'm sure he'd be compliant if I told him what the plan is.....I think? B
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