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  1. I am very interested in this as I am having some very serious issues regarding dopamine. My holistic doctor highly recommended b6 for dopamine production. Which blood test would show a deficiency?
  2. Dr. Bransfield is in NJ, an excellent psychiatrist experienced with Lyme and related issues. Was recommended to me but never used him.
  3. Swetha, High blood B12 would show a functional B12 deficiency; requiring other vitamins to help the B12. They are Betaine anyhydrous (TMG), P5P, and Methyfolate. Also, most B12 shot are cyancobalmin, not methyl which might be difficult for your child to absorb. This is a very complicated topic. I would recommend the book "Could it be B12?" available on Amazon.
  4. Dr. Schulman has now retired and moved out of the country. I do have her personal email address that she used several years ago. Perhaps it still works susanskchulmanmd@gmail.com Good Luck.
  5. Swetha, I just want to point out that if your son is on a very strict GF, DF, and egg free diet, and is vegan, he might be severely deficient in B12 and other B vitamins. This alone can cause tics! If he is positive for MTHFR, the problem is even more so, he will need to supplement with a good Methyl B Complex. I have seen very good results with supplementing with B complex patches from the company Nutripatch. Just be aware, diagnosing this issue is not so easy and is not a simple blood test. (although sometimes it will show up on regular bloodwork)
  6. wondering about lack of time awareness, otherwise known as dyschronometria?
  7. Yes I've heard of someone who developed meningitis from an epidural and needed to be rehospitalized... It was determined that she was not properly sterilized prior to epidural insertion. Having said that I have had several children without epidural, and several with. Given the choice I would definitely choose epidural. However, there are benefits to full natural births as well. The recovery is definitely much easier with no epidural, and the birth is usually faster. I would recommend taking a hypnobirthing class if you would choose delivery without epidural; having a supporting person at your side definitely helps too. (The first delivery is usually the longest labor and most difficult by the way.) And whatever happens, either way, know that the end result of a healthy mother and baby is your goal. Most deliveries are non complicated, so I wouldn't worry so much.... Best wishes for a easy delivery and healthy baby, in the right moment.
  8. So sorry I did not see this post until now! So we were looking into injections which my doctor said that the medical center would not have the correct one..... So no use. I was intrigued by mention in the book about transdermal patches. I did some research and came up with, what seems to me, the best one. The company is Nutripatch. The product is B12 complex. It has 1000mcg of methylb12, delivered transdermally to bypass all the digestive issues. We saw a tremendous improvement in the first few days!
  9. Sorry Luckyone. I agree with you that ability to participate in normal activities should not be hinged on your personal medical decisions; and also our adult children get to make their own choices whether we agree with them or not, and they get the natural consequences as well. Just to share, I have been here for a very very long time going through Pandas and Lyme etc. We FINALLY hit on our proper diagnosis of functional B12 deficiency probably due to a genetic factor of Transcobalomin 2 deficiency. It is insane that "I" had to figure this out through my own research and can't even get proper medical documentation, never mind treatment, for this "known by the medical community" type of problem. And yes, my daughter's issues started with a vaccine as well. Mercury, (removed from most vaccines in 2000) probably caused her primary deficiency and she has not caught up since. (She is 23). We finally are treating her properly. READ Could it be B!2? By Sally Pochalak
  10. You need two bands for a positive on Lyme. Usually it would be band 41 and another to show positivity.
  11. I fail to understand why people are allowing themselves to be bullied into taking this thing! (sorry...) My entire family had Covid; I myself had it twice (once during a pregnancy) and fared well. There is really nothing to worry about. For people who already took the Covid Vax and are not doing OK, dandelion supplements really help calm the inflammation. Ivermectin daily also helps for calming any reactions to spike protein exposure.
  12. I just wanted to update ya all. I have started my daughter on 10000mcg of methylated b12 and 1600 mcg of folate and also some p5p. The company is Jarrow. Its a very pleasant tasting flavor and she takes it gladly. Its on unfortunate that the many many doctors and other professionals are unaware of the easy cheap fix. Her symptoms are greatly improved. We have been into pandas/lyme for many years. She had poor appetite (borderline aneorexia). Pale complexion. Anxiety. Poor sleep. Sensory issues. Social anxiety. Executive function issues (direction, time) the list goes on and on and on. We have seen tremendous improvement almost immediately. We are hoping for more, as the myelin needs to grow back and it takes some time. Some people might need b12 injections if they can't absorb b's well or if they are very far gone. There is much information out there on B12 deficiency. But the interesting part is that it can also cause brain swelling, thereby causing similar symptoms to Pans. Good luck to all parents on their journey..... Hope you find your answers soon.
  13. This post made me cry. i am on these boards for years and never looked into B12 deficiency before. Recently, due to some severe symptoms I bumped into B12 deficiencies and all related physical and psychological ailments. My daughter has fit these ever since she was a baby. I am supplementing with good results (i think... we just started).
  14. My DD had Covid last march with no ill effects. My husband and me were much sicker, and we both turned out well after several days. I would not do the Covid shot due to its not being FDA approved! It has emergency use authorization only!
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