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Heather last won the day on January 10 2017

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  1. Daniel, Yes, Will's tics have gone away 95% and I would say my feeling is that it Threelac has been part of that. Yes, my son developed rashes as well when we initially used the Threelac. Yeast has come back twice when we weren't using Threelac and with each time, he has had rashes when we started using the Threelac. I feel that this is part of the yeast die off. After on it a couple of weeks or so, the rashes stopped. We are also using other things (B6, Magnesium Taurate, Zinc, Primrose Oil, and a multi) so I cannot say it was entirely the Threelac that did the trick but that it did play a big part and definitely did get rid of the yeast. Heather
  2. Hi Andy, It was my naturopath who recommended the use of the NDF as my son showed high Aluminum and Mercury levels. Since using it the Mercury levels did go down and we are still working on detox. His tics have been great the last 6 months.... sometimes come back minimally. We are still working on yeast issues as well so I haven't used the NDF in awhile. Once the yeast is back down we will treat the metals again with the NDF as his Aluminum levels are still increased. Good to hear from you. I have started a new job and just haven't had time to post but I do check in. Heather
  3. Chemar and Claire, Thanks again for all the advice on calming. I have given him some epsom salt baths once again and have continued use with the Threelac in very small doses. He is much better this week. I am always interested in hearing treatments that other people have had experience with so thank you very much for the info on the capryllic acid for yeast and jasmine for calming (Chemar) and that is also very interesting regarding the Alka Seltzer Gold (Claire). Even though Will has been doing exceptionally well, I am always keen to learn more. Heather
  4. Claire, Thanks for your reply. I am going to go back to some epsom salt baths which I haven't done in a long time. However, after posting last night I am starting to think I know why the fidgeting was going on. I have been giving him treatment again for yeast issues. I use it pretty regularly for Will now because I have had 2 times in the past that yeast has come back. However, I had been using only Candicin for yeast over the past couple of months because I ran out of Threelac. There were some yeast related things I was observing and I wasn't sure how effective the Candicin was so I again went and ordered the Threelac and have been giving it to him over the past couple of weeks. Last week I was giving him probably more than usual. I don't measure it...just shake it on his food. I think it was die off from yeast that was giving him the fidgeting issues since after backing off for a couple of days on the Threelac the fidgeting seems to have gone away (along with the other signs of yeast). This is only my observation for today so we will see what the rest of the week brings. I am going to continue with the Threelac but in smaller doses. That is awesome about the excema. I had missed your report on that. Are you still doing yeast treatment for him? Is it still nystatin you are using? Heather
  5. Hi All, I know there has been a thread or two on fidgeting in the past but can't seem to find it. Will's tics are fine but he has been doing a lot of fidgeting lately....sucking his shirt around the neck, continually touching his mouth. Is there a known vitamin/mineral deficiency that is associated with fidgeting such as this? Claire? Chemar? I haven't posted in ages as I am so busy with Work but read the posts as much as I can. Heather
  6. Claire, My prayers are with you for your son's speedy recovery. You are right in that no one judges your paranoia when worrying about your son. Their systems are so fragile that every little symptom is another worry. Glad to hear you have a clear diagnosis and the treatment has started. I am sure it will be uphill from here. Heather
  7. Marie, Yes, indeed, the probiotic increase could also increase tics. Many experience a healing crisis as new supplements are introduced (including my son whose tics are now gone). It stirs things up in the body and thus the reaction with yeast die off. Hang in there and things will get better but as Allison said, reduce the amount and gradually build up. Heather
  8. The7roses, Chemar has answered most of the supplement questions so I just wanted to add a couple of other comments. First of all, I wouldn't rule out yeast even thought the spit test didn't show sinkers. I believe that most people are dealing with yeast issues. Also, my son's tics did not wax and wane either and were continuous and constant unless sleeping. This happened for a few months until we treated the yeast issues. I also believe that once you do the treatment for awhile and his immune system is boosted, you will also see a change in the selective mutism. When the immune system is compromised there are all kinds of wacky nervous systems disorders that pop up. I truly believe they are all related to this imbalance. The magnesium is definitely important but as Chemar has pointed out there are other supplements that are probably needed but it is very individual. Good luck and keep us posted. Heather
  9. The 7Roses, Yes, the tics DEFINITELY ARE related to food and the environment. The hundreds of posts on here prove it. That is exactly what this forum is all about...finding the triggers and eliminating them and then working on restoring balance to the body so that the food triggers can be one day reintroduced. There are many on here that will help you through it day by day. As Jean mentioned, I also order my magnesium taurate from the Vitamin Shoppe. It is very hard to find anywhere else other than Bonnie's supplements. Also, as you mentioned of one mom's experience there is often a worsening of symptoms before they get better. This is very common and known as the healing crisis. As the bad bacteria (yeast/parasites) are being killed in the body, toxins are released into the bloodstream that may cause symptoms to worsen for a short period. You have to believe in the treatment to continue and things will get better. My son had tics for 3 months last winter every few seconds all his waking hours as you say. Have you tried any antifungal supplements? So as to not be overwhelmed with a grocery list I suggest just trying your best to make everything from scratch and avoid additives and preservatives from packaged foods. Avoid food dyes and corn syrup. As Jean mentioned (and thanks to Claire's experience and research), try to eliminate TV for a week and see what happens. Heather
  10. I should mention to add to the above that we didn't have formal urine testing done for yeast after using the Threelac. Testing was done using the electra dermal machine which may not be 100% accurate. The real test for us was in observing reactions and reduction in symptoms in my son, daughter and myself. I could go into more detail if you like as to why I feel it works but for now I will say simply that I believe in Threelac's effectiveness very strongly from our own experience. Heather
  11. Marie, Threelac is what we have used for yeast with great results!!!!! Heather
  12. Alison, Presently my son is not ticcing even while watching TV so I didn't end up buying the LCD. We did have to eliminate TV for awhile though as it definitely was a trigger. We have an LCD computer monitor and we would rent DVD's to play on it. He did not react to this monitor but did react to the regular TV screen so in answer to your question, yes, the LCD monitor was better for Will at the time when TV watching was a concern.
  13. EFGH, I have not had a lot of time to post lately but always read every post. Glad to see you posting again too. You didn't post much in the fall either. Hope your son will do better with eliminating the TV. My son is watching unlimited TV right now and plays the gamecube as well. The tics still remain gone and he seems unaffected by the screens. I pray to God that this keeps up. I do believe there was a regrowth of yeast but the magnesium, B6 and zinc have kept the tics away. He has had some tingling in the fingers and I believe this is because of a regrowth of yeast. There were several other signs of yeast regrowth and I have read that tingling is a common symptom for yeast. We are treating for it right now again with Threelac and this time I am going to keep using a maintenance dose of an antifungal so that it doesn't happen again...or at least do it every once in awhile. I haven't done the Threelac consistently since last January and his diet was creeping back to too much refined sugar. Heather
  14. Marcia, Yes, the Magnesium Taurate is from Cardiovascular Research but unsure of what you mean by shpikes in front of it. It comes in 60 capsule bottle and is 125 mg per cap and costs $9.56. The other strengths sound reasonable to start out with to me but I am no expert. Just so you know, some children cannot use B6 in its regular form as they may lack the nutrients to break it down into its active and usable form P5P. Because of this it is sometimes wise to add a small amount of P5P which is ready for the body to use. We were using a NOW brand of P5P only but now I am using a multivitamin from Kirkman Labs that is high in P5P. As far as brands for the calcium and others, I don't have any expert advise other than using a reputable brand with no artificial ingredients. I use Solaray for Calcium and Natural Factors for Zinc. I also have used a SISU brand for Calcium/Magnesium. If the tics decrease there is no way of knowing if it is the diet or the vitamins. That is the downside of all of these supplements. It is so hard to know what is working. It may take some time and observation before you really know. Marina, The trip to the Chiropractor has been good so far. He found several sublaxations as he calls them where there appeared to be blockages in the nerve paths of the spine. He is a very young and up to date chiropractor and for some reason I trust his theory. He showed me on a chart of the spine that the very places where he has found the sublaxations are pathways directly to the intestine. He has done a couple of adjustments so far and he will do several more before we finish. Will's tingling is definitely reduced since Christmas so we shall see what the next few weeks brings. I am also back on the Threelac since I believe the yeast has regrown due to excess sugar intake.
  15. Also, as Claire mentioned above, simply cooking from scratch can do wonders. Avoiding packaged and processed foods will eliminate many of the toxins messing up the digestive system. Avoid colours & corn syrup. Heather
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