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  1. Hi all, You all definitely need to read the book, Minding My Mitochondria by Terry Wahls, M.D. in which she chronicles how she reversed her MS (multiple sclerosis), finally bypassing supplements to concentrate on real food instead. She has a 17-minute TED talk that gives overview. She has an extensive overview of nutrients and how to supply these with real food. The body does not produce GABA from food--but many foods are precursors to the (neurotransmitter) GABA by supplying glutamic acid and glutamate. Please see this link to get an overview of foods to promote GABA production: http://www.livestrong.com/article/535886-gaba-serotonin-diet/ I would incorporate any of these foods in a child's diet (given that none of these are allergens for the child): Almonds, which contain 10.3 grams of glutamic acid or glutamate per 6 to 8 ounces, top the list of GABA-stimulating foods. Other foods in this category -- and their glutamate/glutamic acid content per 6 to 8 ounces -- include whole wheat, whole grain, 8.6 grams; halibut, 7.9 grams; oats, whole grain, 7.5 grams; beef liver, 6.5 grams; walnuts, 5.4 grams; rice bran, 3.4 grams; lentils, 2.8 grams; brown rice, 0.94 grams; potato, 0.83 grams; broccoli, 0.74 grams; spinach, 0.68 grams; bananas, 0.22 grams; and oranges, 0.21 grams. We are slowly reducing severe almost total body ticcing with our son (age 25) by thorough diet clean-up (he had lived a typical junk-food college lifestyle until his ticcing spiraled out of control). Our son, D, is also now going: casein (milk) and gluten free; additive free, no artificial flavors or colors, no preservatives, no GMO foods (linked to immune and allergy disorders), organic when posssible, etc. I've done many posts already on the extensive list of what we are doing. it is slowly helping. We also are giving Toxin-free cod liver oil (for Omega Free Fatty Acids), trying to have him get more sunshine (he has low Vit. D levels--so critical, as Vit. D is epigenetic--controls a wide number of body reactions through several genes); etc. Thanks, Hopeful 2 (a mom)
  2. Hi Logismum, I agree with the other posters--I would not give this supplement to my child. The human body is incredibly complex and food is always your best bet. Read the work of Terry Wahls, M.D. as she worked to reverse her MS (Multiple Sclerosis)--after near disablement for 7 years, she is going on 18 miles bike rides! She first started with vitamin supplements, then bypassed this in favor of real food that supplied real nutrition. www.terrywahls.com Her work applies to all of us on this forum as well. I would go to whfoods.com (World's Healthiest Foods), click on colorful box that says "Essential Nutrients" then you will get a list that will show magnesium, among many others. Click on the "magnesium" link and you will see a wonderful overview of this nutrient and the best foods that supply it. (By the way, a handful of pumpkin seeds along with a side dish of spinach would easily supply enough for a child.) If your child has a known allergen, avoid that food. Also, there are problematic foods which I would eliminate immediately: milk, gluten products (wheat, rye, barley, and sometimes oatmeal), anything with artificial flavors, preservatives, colors, etc. Nutrition is incredibly complex--and its effect on the brain even more so. Whole food, organic when possible (to eliminate neurotoxins in the pesticide/fungicde sprays) is always best. In my humble opinion, we are all seeking some sort of magic supplement that will turn off our kids health problems. It really is just more basic--we need to be eating real food in order to help the body to heal. Thanks, Hopeful 2 (Mom)
  3. P.S. to my above post. We took our son, during our visit, to one of Michigan's so-called top (?) "Movement Disorders" neurologists-- I've never wanted to strangle a doctor in my life, but I came close this time. The doctor was very arrogant when I asked reasonable questions, he examined D and proclaimed it to be a "motor tic." In essence he said, you'll have to live with it, or we can try drugs (which can cause irreversible damage). That was the only option--terrible drugs. He basically dashed anything else we asked him about: massage, physical therapy, diet, nutritional deficiencies, etc. As an academic research librarian, I know that other doctors have reported successfully (reducing tics) with these other methods. Our son does better with massage (he gets one about every two weeks--as his back is all knotted up from constant ticcing); he is in physical therapy, to help rebalalnce muscles, and he has an extensive clean-up of his food choices. I am positive we are on the right track for D.
  4. Hi JPH, Please see my extensive post in the category: Updates from members--Successes or Not Our son is now in severe ticcing--which worsened when he began living on his own, in college, etc. and they can involve almost his entire torso. It is completely frightening to watch and we had no idea it had gotten so bad until we did a recent visit. (He is living several states away and just completed college.) You will need to get totally immersed in this. In the post I recommend relevant books to buy, as well as immediate steps to improve diet: no gluten; no casein; limiting any yeast-promoting foods that can cause Candida overgrowth; no food additives, etc. etc. In addition, you will need to do allergy proofing as much as possible from household and airborne allergens. In 4 weeks time since our son got serious about all of this (and he is an adult now, age 25) he reports that he is starting to feel better. I, his mom, am visiting right now--trying to help him sort all of this out. His diet had been terrible, so we are revamping his food choices based on what we know about food choices and ticcing. Hope this helps. Hopeful 2 mom
  5. Hi all, Our son, D, began a mild tic at age 10 and we were frantic--took him to two neurologists who said he would "out grow it." And, over the years when I, his mom, could help control the food and environment, we did ok. We noticed a huge link between allergies; digestive problems, and ticcing--all problems that D had. And now research shows that the immune system may be impaired in those suffering tics as well. Our son D has been living on his own, many states away and we knew his diet had really gotten bad--lots of fast food, and pizza with friends. He is not a drug user but he drinks an occasionally beer.. He does react to mold, dust mites (from earlier allergy testing) and milk has been a problem since he was a baby. However, here he is at 25 with severe ticcing. He did not outgrow it and it has become more severe with almost total body ticcing at times and it is taking a toll on his mental health, social life, work, and school work. He graduated recently from a big University. So we are back to square one but slowly making progress. The big difference this time, is that he is finally listening and open to try and change his life style. He hates the ticcing and it is starting to cause severe muscle aches as well. Here is what we are doing diet wise (and you MUST read labels!): *Total elimination of any artificial food colors, flavorings, food preservatives, artificial sweeteners, etc. Just real food--if it reads like a chemistry lab, don't buy it. Point in fact: When D was a kid, he could eat a Twizzler candy, with red food dye, and ticcing would be severe. I never gave him this--but somehow, if he got one we knew what was going to happen! *Total elimination of gluten (wheat, rye, barley, and sometimes oats) and all gluten byproducts (a massive number!) *Total (as much as possible) elimination of casein (a protein in milk products) we use organic rice or nuts milks instead. *Total elimination of GM foods (mainly corn, soy, canola--see NonGmoProject.org) Genetically modified foods have been linked to immune disorders and other health effects. I've read accounts from Pediatric Allergy specialists who have success treating ADHD, etc. by eliminating GMO foods. *Buying organic when possible for the worst offending foods (see ewg.org Environmental Working Group for a list of their dirty dozen foods that should be purchased organically). This is because so many neurotoxins can be sprayed on produce that will, again, cause neurological problems. *In addition, we are following the work of Dr. Bruce Semon (who promotes most of the steps mentioned above) along with foods that can reduce Candida, an intestional yeast, in the digestive tract. That means foods that do not promote yeast overgrowth: Eliminating all vinegars and malted products, all alchohol, etc. Within 4 weeks time, D is reporting some relief. We know it could take a while, as his symptoms are severe. We are also supplementing with Nordic cod liver oil for Omega 3 fatty acids. In general, D's food choices are getting a major revamping. I would highly recommend these books for all parents dealing with ticcing disorders: An Extraordinary Power to Heal by Bruce Semon, M.D. Ph.D (in Nutrition)--he has reduced ticcing by 95% in some patients just by food choices--eliminating the ones that cause problems--in general much like I just mentioned. See his Stage 4 plans which eliminates all gluten, yeast-promoting foods, etc. Natural Treatments for Tics and Tourette's by Sheila Rogers (who helped found latitudes.org) Wheat Belly by Dr. William Davis (he pulls together all the research on Gluten and its adverse effects--this is honestly one of the most frightening books I have ever read!) Minding My Mitochondria by Terry Wahls, M.D.--a overview of her recent research in how she reversed her disabling Multiple Sclerosis. --mainly through food choices. Her work is based on research by Dr. David Perlmutter, in Naples, FL. (You also need to view Youtube, etc. and find out more about Dr. Perlmutter's and Dr. Wahl's work). Dr. Wahls did a big TED talk that outlines what she did. Instead of being wheel-chair bound, she can now bicycle 18 miles! In addition, D is scheduled to see an Environmental Doctor for further allergen testing and we will fly to Florida to see Dr. Perlmutter. We are very impressed with his work. Perlmutter advocates a functional approach to neurological disorders--that means looking at food we eat, nutritional deficiencies, environmental factors, etc. He is really doing ground-breaking work. We are hopeful that we are on the right track. In addition we bought D a good HEPA vacuum cleaner (he has carpets in his apt.) and we got a good HEPA air purifier that is completely free of any ozone creation (stay away from ion generators!) We went with Consumer Reports and got a WhirlPool Whispure for a moderate sized room. It has a carbon prefilter and a HEPA main filter. The sound is also very soothing for D. I know this is a lot of absorb--but once you understand the basics, it become easy. We are hopeful that D can follow this and he has shown willingness to try. He does not want to take hard-line pharmaceuticals that can cause permanent side effects. Thanks, hope this helps, Hopeful 2 (a mom reporting)
  6. Hi all, Yes, from what I am reading, there is a profound link between allergies and tics. In fact it seems that motor tics, allergies (food and environmental, such as pollen) and digestive disorders go hand-in-hand. A lot of new research also links immune disorders to digestive disorders. Would highly recommend these two books immediately (hope you don't mind--I'm copying this from a previous post I did). The book by Dr. Semon has an important chapter on allergies as well. The treatment, in a nutshell, is elimination of the worst diet offenders: all gluten, casein (milk products), and yeast promoters (malted products, vinegars, alcohol, etc.) The book outlines in detail how food choices work. Always keep in mind, food planning is easy--poor health is hard! Regards, Hopeful 2 Wheat Belly, by William Davis, M.D. A practicing cardiologist, his book pulls together all the recent research on the dangers of gluten in our diets and how this is causing so many problems. As a practicing physician, he outlines case after case of folks he has helped with horrific digestive disorders (and other ailments) through gluten avoidance, etc. I found a case study he cited as almost miraculous, from Duke University researchers: they were treating a lady who had such bad schizophrenia (for over 53 years) that she had given up hope and was suicidal. Using no drugs, she experienced complete remission of the psychosis and suicidal thoughts within 8 days of eliminating all gluten from her diet. Wow! Again Dr. Davis points out the profound effect of our food choices on our health. After 40 years of intense breeding of our current wheat, we have created a grain with proteins that our bodies simply can't handle. This was perhaps the scariest book I have ever read and I immediately eliminated gluten from my food choices--as I've long know the link between gluten and arthritis. Since I have knee arthritis but am otherwise pretty healthy, I knew it had to go. So I'm adjusting--and have just kicked the habit. Yes, it's interesting to note that gluten byproducts attach to our opioid brain receptors, just as heroin and cocaine do--that's why we're constantly snacking, hoping for the next "hit." In fact, mindless eating of wheat products are so rampant (and contributing to obesity) that he has part of his book, called "Wheat is My Crack!" An Extraordinary Power to Heal by Bruce Semon, M.D. with a Ph.D in Nutrition. He pulls together research in Candida yeast (which can be a problem, especially after using antibiotics) and the dangers of this yeast in our system. He has thoroughly cited research and also outlines case after case of people who come to him as a last resort from all kinds of intestinal problems--headed for major surgery with conventional medicine. He advocates diet changes in 4 steps--with the Stage 4 step eliminating all gluten, casein (milk protein), along with foods that promote yeast (Candida)--the two worst offenders are vinegars and all malted products (usually the byproducts of barley malt and everywhere in our food!). Alcohol is also out, as well as other yeast-promoting foods. There is a chapter on Candida's role in allergies.
  7. Hi Sheila, Wow! We found out the hard way that it is exactly the sulfites, sulfur dioxides, and sodium benzoates that are a huge problem in asthma. When I first married my husband, in 1986, he was on two inhalers for asthma! But for the last 26 years of our marriage, he has been off of the inhalers. What did we do? I believe we stumbled (through trial and error) and, without knowing it, reproduced results that you are now citing. First, we allergy proofed most of the house: took out old carpets, took down old drapes, encased mattress/pillows in dust-mite proof materials, etc. There are a lot of websites that tell how to do this. Then we looked at diet and food choices. I have always had a life-long interest in nutrition and healthy eating--so I completely revamped what my one-time bachelor husband was eating. Gone was most fast and highly processed "convenience" food--you know the stuff loaded with unpronounceable chemicals. I cooked real food from scratch, mainly vegetarian, and in the process I must have eliminated the worst offenders. This point hit home like a sledge hammer about a year ago: my husband bought some dried fruit that had been treated with sulfur dioxide (for color retention? for asthma attacks? Why in the world do we need this stuff on our food!!). Anyway, within minutes, he was gasping for air and couldn't breathe!! He had a true asthma attack and it was scary because I hadn't seen him go through this in years. Some time later, we again gave him a small sample of the dried fruit with sulfur dioxide and he again immediately reacted with an asthma attack. We both realized that, for the most part, we eat whole real foods, without preservatives--and this must have been keeping him asthma free. I have always religiously read labels to eliminate all food coloring, flavorings, and preservatives, etc. If a label reads beyond a 5th-grade science book in chemistry--then I don't need it in my cooking! It's a sad fact today, that if you don't read labels, you could end up pretty sick. I'm also amazed that Benadryl, which is used to treat histamine allergies has Red Dye in some of its formulations--a dye which I know our son violently reacts to. Thank goodness I found dye-free Benadryl. Sheial, thanks for bringing this to our attention. Again, Wow. Hopeful 2 (a mom and research librarian)
  8. Hi Logismum, If you are dealing with any kind of Candida issue, you must read this book: in the worst cases (Stage 4) Dr. Semon will treat with Nystatin in very small doses (a naturally produced, nontoxic, anti-fungal actually produced by bacteria.). At the same time, all foods that contribute to Candida yeast must be eliminated from your food choise. According to Dr. Semon, you can't put out the fire with water, if you keep putting fuel on the fire! An Extraordinary Power to Heal by Bruce Semon, M.D. with a Ph.D in Nutrition. He pulls together research in Candida yeast (which can be a problem, especially after using antibiotics) and the dangers of this yeast in our system. He has thoroughly cited research and also outlines case after case of people who come to him as a last resort from all kinds of ailments including intestinal problems--headed for major surgery with conventional medicine. He advocates diet changes in 4 steps--with the Stage 4 step eliminating all gluten, casein (milk protein), along with foods that promote yeast (Candida)--the two worst offenders are vinegars and all malted products (usually the byproducts of barley malt and everywhere in our food!). Alcohol is also out, as well as other yeast-promoting foods. He also has success with clearing psoriasis. Anyway, just very well written and pretty incredible. Yes, according to Dr. Semon, Candida has the power to evade our immune system--and he gives a very readable overview for the lay person to understand how truly sinister this yeast can be: it can keep changing its outer covering, it can break into particles that cause havoc in our immune system--if left unchecked, it can actually kill people (those with AIDS, getting chemo, or other compromised immune systems). I am actually following most of what Dr. Semon recommends, as I have a strange skin rash that flares up every now and then for several years now. Candida can attack the skin as well--and when it does, Dr. Semon claims that psoriasis is the result. Good luck, Hopeful 2
  9. Hi Wombat, Not sure what you're going through, assuming this is for digestive problems, since it's in this post category-- and I don't know specifics about the tests your doctor is ordering. But if you are going through any kind of digestive disorder (that can effect so many other body systems) I would highly recommend these two books (along with Sheila Roger's book: Natural Treatments for Tics and Tourette's). Wheat Belly, by William Davis, M.D. A practicing cardiologist, his book pulls together all the recent research on the dangers of gluten in our diets and how this is causing so many problems. As a practicing physician, he outlines case after case of folks he has helped with horrific digestive disorders (and other ailments) through gluten avoidance, etc. I found a case study he cited as almost miraculous, from Duke University researchers: they were treating a lady who had such bad schizophrenia (for over 53 years) that she had given up hope and was suicidal. Using no drugs, she experienced complete remission of the psychosis and suicidal thoughts within 8 days of eliminating all gluten from her diet. Wow! Again Dr. Davis points out the profound effect of our food choices on our health. After 40 years of intense breeding of our current wheat, we have created a grain with proteins that our bodies simply can't handle. This was perhaps the scariest book I have ever read and I immediately eliminated gluten from my food choices--as I've long know the link between gluten and arthritis. Since I have knee arthritis but am otherwise pretty healthy, I knew it had to go. So I'm adjusting--and have just kicked the habit. Yes, it's interesting to note that gluten byproducts attach to our opioid brain receptors, just as heroin and cocaine do--that's why we're constantly snacking, hoping for the next "hit." In fact, mindless eating of wheat products are so rampant (and contributing to obesity) that he has part of his book, called "Wheat is My Crack!" An Extraordinary Power to Heal by Bruce Semon, M.D. with a Ph.D in Nutrition. He pulls together research in Candida yeast (which can be a problem, especially after using antibiotics) and the dangers of this yeast in our system. He has thoroughly cited research and also outlines case after case of people who come to him as a last resort from all kinds of intestinal problems--headed for major surgery with conventional medicine. He advocates diet changes in 4 steps--with the Stage 4 step eliminating all gluten, casein (milk protein), along with foods that promote yeast (Candida)--the two worst offenders are vinegars and all malted products (usually the byproducts of barley malt and everywhere in our food!). Alcohol is also out, as well as other yeast-promoting foods. Anyway, if I were in any kind of digestive disorder, I wouldn't hesitate to buy these two books. I have both of them and they are written for the lay person to understand, with medical references all clearly cited. Well worth the money, especially if you regain your health in the process. Good luck, Hopeful 2
  10. Hi All, I have read several postings about Restless Leg Syndrome ticcing. My husband has RLS, and I know he is able to stop it. I asked him to comment: he is in his 60's and has had it most of his life. Maybe his experiences will be helpful to those of you who do not want to take drugs to control this. He writes that it is mild--but when he goes off of his regimen, he is kicking all night long while he sleeps! For the most part, he is very healthy, and truly has an amazing diet--nearly vegan, with canned Alaskan-caught salmon 2-3 times a week, with lots of vegetables, some nuts and seeds, some fruit, and some grain. Our meals, overall, are very healthy and organic, whenever possible. My husband writes: I have a very mild version of Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS). So mild, that I did not even know I "had" something, until I read a description of it. Every once in a while I cannot help but move my leg and it is irritating. I have found a way to eliminate the symptoms. When I decided I needed to lose weight, I did a lot of research on PubMed reading abstracts of scientific articles. I stumbled upon the Calorie Restriction with Optimum Nutrition (CR) diet. The diet is a pain to follow because every day you have to measure everything you eat, enter it into software that computes your calories and all of your vitamins, minerals, etc you got for the day. The objective is to have 100% of your daily required nutrients every day, along with a low, but adequate, number of calories. In addition, I get all my nutrients from the food I eat without taking any supplements. After a few weeks I noticed a side effect. My RLS had gone away. Completely. I suspect, but do not know, that it was the nutrition, not the lower calories, that caused this. Because CR is a pain, I often get off the diet, then go back on. Every time I go off the diet, the RLS comes back. Every time I go back on the diet, it disappears. Here is a link to the CR Society website, where you can find everything about the diet. http://www.crsociety.org/ I use www.nutritiondata.com to look up foods that are high in particular nutrients. Good luck to all of you--it is possible.
  11. Hi all, I'm new to this forum, but I have read widely and would like to offer some observations. I am dealing with a family member, Dan, now in mid-20s who has motor ticcing of truck, legs, arms, that has become, now, quite severe. This developed when about 10--and seemed to wax and wane. It would definitely get worse with Red food coloring and junk food (Twizzlers were a nightmare and could set him off immediately). When he was at home, I could adjust diet and things were better--but now, after college and junk food existence, etc. we seem to be back to square one. I am a former school teacher (now an academic research/reference librarian) and I could link ADHD and junk food with clear observation. We are currently with Dan and are trying a food elimination diet--trying to tease out food allergies. He was allergic to milk as child. Also noted that allergies/gastrointestinal problems/ and motor ticcing seem to occur in threes--and this is the case with Dan. Now that Dan is older and is serious about finding a remedy and trying alternative methods-- we are hopeful. After going through two pediatric neurologists and one recent neurologist who just confirmed (again) motor tics we got the usual statement: nothing can be done, it's genetic, here are powerful drugs with some side effects that are irreversible (and fatal) ,etc. We will not be going that route. Motor tics are a neurological conditions with powerful neurotransmitters, etc. involved. Here is some breakthrough research which could be related: Dr. Terry Wahls (Internal Medicine Specialist in Iowa) has reversed her Multiple Sclerosis (MS) another neurodegenerative disease, after 7 years of disablement and 4 years of being wheel-chair bound,through diet, muscle stimulation, and exercise. She recognized that conventional medicine was not helping and she was becoming severely disabled, so, as a doctor, she researched the literature and came up with her own treatment plan. You can google her name--and see her Ted Talk (17 minutes, then another for nearly an hour). Her book, Minding My Mitochondria, 2nd ed. goes into detailed overview of the brain and nutrients needed for proper functioning. Her charts provide a diet-based approach, as she says that supplements are so meager and we really don't know enough about supplementation. I would highly advise anyone dealing with ticcing to get this book. Brain health is stressed in this book. Dr. Wahls was kind enough to respond to our family plea for help--and recommended we consult or read more about the work of Dr. David Perlmutter, a Board Certified Neurologist in Florida with a nutritional approach to brain health. Dr. Perlmutter is all over the web when you google him. Dr. Wahls also recommended the Institute for Functional Medicine to find specialists who might help. www.functionalmedicine.org We are currently working on a food elimination food plan for Dan (never say diet) that will provide food nutrients for better brain health, but eliminate the worst foods for allergies. (8 foods cause 90% of all allergies: peanuts; tree nuts; milk; eggs; gluten, soy, fish, and shell fish--this from foodalergy.org) We are also eliminating all food colorings, flavorings, preservatives, additional chemicals that could cause problems--fragrances, etc. there is a huge host of products that can cause problems--and your website here has addressed a number of these. The irony is that my husband and I really are healthy eaters, I cook from scratch, even do wheat-grass juicing--but Dan has lived a different life. Dan is now ready for anything it takes to get healthy again, so we're all working on this. I will keep you posted--and I am trying really hard to figure out the connections between all of this. Thank you, Helpful Mom
  12. Hi, thank you so much for this website. Is it possible to start a new topic that would deal with recommendations for doctors;neurologists;naturopaths; environmental doctors, etc. for specific locations around the United States? We are currently in Mid-Michigan (Lansing Area) and am struggling to find a doctor who understands tic disorders and treatments without powerful drugs. We have been very disappointed in visit to a Neurologist who simply said that only treatment would be powerful drugs with horrific side effects. I have read enough to know that there is hope and we are taking steps for alternative treatment. Thanks, Hopeful Mom
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