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Everything posted by trintiybella

  1. I really don't even know how to express in words what I feel for you! So thrilled about your GREAT news! Your a mommy warrior!!!!
  2. My child NEVER takes the head phones off in the car while driving with me. If she is not wearing them, she literally will flip around like a fish and sometimes even stand on her head. She tells me she is car sick and listening to music helps her. I think her racing thoughts are so severe, along with being in the car make her nauseous. Anyone have this with their child?
  3. Do you know if there will be die-off with starting zinc? Also, what is best time of day to give it? Thank You
  4. Seroquel made my daughter not be able to control what came out of her mouth. She was so embarrassed but she could not control herself.
  5. Wondering if they should be spaced apart. Thank you.
  6. The school here was willing to let my daughter come for a couple classes when she was up to it, and then send a tutor too. I am sure you explained the situation to them and your might have thought of this. Perhaps the hardest part for him is not being around his friends, so he could possible do a gym class so he is not feeling so left out. Just a thought...Thinking of you. I know, it really stinks! PM me anytime! :0)
  7. Seems to make my child more hyper.
  8. Thank you every one for your help!
  9. The doctor I am seeing has me on bactrim for lyme. I spoke to my daughters doc today and he said bactrim is not used for lyme.
  10. How about doing both at the same time? There is no way I am going off abx. right now. I finally see SOME improvement after almost 13 years of trying everything.
  11. The pain on bottom of my daughters heel is pretty unbearable for her. She said it feels like there's a pointy bone sticking out that she's walking on and pain shoots up into her calf. I guess this is the bartonella. Do you think accupuncture would help this? I know orthotics would but getting her to wear them would be tough! Any suggestions and thank you!
  12. I was wondering how it worked for you and how many you took a day to see results?? Thanks
  13. I see that my daughter still has the bartonella rash. Does that eventually go away and is it a good indicator that bartonella still needs to be treated if rash is still visible?
  14. I know it is so important to get these probiotics into our children, but they have always caused a problem here. Tried over and over....and over to get all kinds into her. What is your experience? Thanks
  15. Yes chubbiermommy, it does. LOL Say you start out with a lot of positive bands on the test, and you start treating for lyme. Do those positives start to disappear when you begin to kick the lyme? Or is it more based on your symptoms?
  16. Have you ever heard of someone having borderline lyme disease. I though either you had it or you did not. Following are my daughters recent results. Looks like lyme, right? IGG IGM 18 kDa - 18 kDa - **23-25 kDa - **23-25 kDa - 28 kDa - 28 kDa - 30 kDa - 30 kDa - ** 31 kDa - **31 kDa + ** 34 kDa - **34 kDa - ** 39 kDa IND **39 kDa IND ** 41 kDa ++ **41 kDa + 45 kDa - 45 kDa + 58 kDa - 58 kDa - 66 kDa - 66 kDa - ** 83-93 - **83-93 kDa IND
  17. mama2alex - would my child also need to off antivirals to do the Advanced Labs culture? Thanks
  18. Have you ever heard of someone having borderline lyme disease. I though either you had it or you did not. Following are my daughters recent results. Looks like lyme, right? IGG IGM 18 kDa - 18 kDa - **23-25 kDa - **23-25 kDa - 28 kDa - 28 kDa - 30 kDa - 30 kDa - ** 31 kDa - **31 kDa + ** 34 kDa - **34 kDa - ** 39 kDa IND **39 kDa IND ** 41 kDa ++ **41 kDa + 45 kDa - 45 kDa + 58 kDa - 58 kDa - 66 kDa - 66 kDa - ** 83-93 - **83-93 kDa IND
  19. Thanks to all of you for your help. She is on bactrim, so I guess that would cover the babesia, right?
  20. I have my girl on bactrim, mino, and valtrex. I am seeing some improvement with insomnia, focus, and agitation but the OCD is always there and seems to get even worse. Does it just take a longer time to see any improvement with it? Have you added anything to the antibiotics to help with the OCD. She really needs help since obsessions/anxiety are getting worse. Thanks
  21. Thanks. I added the seroquel. I remember one time that giving goldenseal put her to sleep but made her pretty hyper. I wish I could figure out what is was helping with: inflammation, viruses, infections???? So I could try to pinpoint was is causing this terrible insomnia
  22. My child is on the foliowing combination and still she does not sleep. Her eyes flutter all night and she sits up all night long. The only time I have seen her sleep is when I add 6mg seroquel into to mix, but I am hesitant because then I won't see what antibiotic or antiviral helps with the insomnia. I think I will probably have to give in soon since sleep is crucial. Any advice is welcome. This insomnia is probably her most major symptom. 10AM 1 cobiotic 1pm 1 bactrim 1 mino 2 ampho 1 vitain D3 1 Valtrex 6pm 2 ampho 1 valtrex 1 1/4 caps lysine Glutaloemine 10pm 2 ampho 1 bactirm 2 mino 1 valtrex 12pm 1 melatonin 200mg magnesium citrate 1 biotin 1 cobiotic
  23. My child is on the foliowing combination and still she does not sleep. Her eyes flutter all night and she sits up all night long. The only time I have seen her sleep is when I add 6mg seroquel into to mix, but I am hesitant because then I won't see what antibiotic or antiviral helps with the insomnia. I think I will probably have to give in soon since sleep is crucial. Any advice is welcome. This insomnia is probably her most major symptom. 10AM 1 cobiotic 1pm 1 bactrim 1 mino 2 ampho 1 vitain D3 1 Valtrex 6pm 2 ampho 1 valtrex 1 1/4 caps lysine Glutaloemine 10pm 2 ampho 1 bactirm 2 mino 1 valtrex 12pm 1 melatonin 200mg magnesium citrate 1 biotin 1 cobiotic
  24. So far....It slowed down the racing/bombarding thoughts and she can now leave the house, shower and hold a conversation with other children. Helps with sleep too.
  25. IGG is positive but not the IGM, so why does the valtrex help so much? Thanks
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