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Everything posted by trintiybella

  1. Everytime we have have tried an antibiotic for either PANDAS OR Lyme, then stopped it, we noticed sleep got worse and worse afterwards. She use to be able to fall alseep by 1am. Now she is up till 6am. It is really weird. A bell just rang in my head last night, that the antibiotics (that have not helped thus far) could be causing yeast or bacteria to sky rocket and make her already horrible insomnia ten times worse! Last time she was tested her lyme/bart. was negative. Wonder if her whole problem is yeast or some other kind of bacteria??? Any comments?
  2. Has anyone ever looked into or thought about a spinal tap to figure out what type of bacteria is causing their child's suffering?
  3. My girl is quite buzzed at night and not tired. Could vitamin D3 be causing this? It is the only thing I added but she is only taking 1000 units and I refused to think this could be the problem.
  4. Is it usually a urine test or stool test that tests for candida?
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