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Everything posted by Chemar

  1. (((lele))) all you can do is your best to have him taking wholesome nutrients in a good environment, and supplement with what helps beyond that, acceptance brings a real peace for both the parent and the child, when it is something like TS who knows, one day there may be the "cure" that totally takes care of it all...but till then it is best to make the most of your child and not let the tics etc become the primary focus. Do what you can, pray often, and enjoy your child while they are still young believe me it is so soon and they are towering over you and all grown up and doing just fine and all the worrying of the past didnt really help anything!! keep learning and using that knowledge to do things that are good for your child's overall health as well as the tics, but dont let the tics takeover your time with your child. Enjoy!!
  2. hi dut we only used GABA for a short while and in very low dose and only when my son's anxiety was sky high it seemed to calm him quickly and effectively it is very very strong and so if you are using it and seeing opposite effect, then either the dose or frequency of taking it may be too high, or it may just not be something that your child needs, hence giving extra is too much
  3. Lele putting those comments in context with the whole sentence is better. Those are accurate statements remission is when tics totally go away. very few people with genetic TS have their tics ever totally go away. but for most their tics become so mild and infrequent that they are hardly noticeable...like with my son honestly, if you go to a childrens forum of parents whose kids have cancer or other terminal diseases, tics will suddenly not seem so bad! someone suggested that to me when I couldnt break out of my doom and gloom over my son's diagnosis. it sure got my perspectives correct
  4. this thread is from 2004 so not sure if any of the original posters are still reading here footballguy Andy checked in a few months back and I recall things were going better
  5. where was that on Lele? if from the TSA then they should be ashamed to have printed something with so extreme and narrow a view It is true that Tourette Syndrome, being genetic, doesnt go "away" as such...but certainly also true that in the vast majority of cases, the TICS diminish as one gets out of the puberty years. One still has TS and yes, one still will likely have some type of tic (or OCD. etc) yet it does show improvement Lele, if your child had diabetes, or some other disorder that also may not "go away"...would you also not feel able to talk about it? or is it just TS?
  6. the LED lighting on digital clocks and dials is something that can also trigger stuff, just like fluorescent lighting can my son would get real triggered by fluorescent lighting at school, but would suppress his tics while there, and have a real tic explosion once home or in our car!
  7. yup, we were warned re car EMF as well CP I just updated on this similar thread on the pandas forum that my son also sleeps on a cotton futon with wood base...no metal and especially no coiled springs our naturopath said electricity in the room plus the metal coils in most mattresses= bad EMF He felt so strongly on it that he said even just the electric in the wiring around the house, combined with the right metals was bad EMF he recommended turning off all electrics and unplugging at night, and using single battery nightlight/flashlight if needed he also emphasized no blue or green LED lights at night fluorescent lighting is also a major trigger for my son I dont know what we are going to do if they truly do totally phase out incandescent bulbs and we are forced to use these fluorescent coil bulbs they are pushing now I agree they are more energy efficient and a good "green" idea...but many people have fluorescent light photosensitivity. many dont even realize THAT is why they always have headaches at work or in the malls. *SCHOOLS!!* etc under fluorescent lighting for hours at a time
  8. I already commented on this on the similar thread on the TS forum...but also wanted to add that it was recommended too that my son not sleep on a wire coil spring mattress because of the electromagnetic potential and so he sleeps on a futon (wood base, pure cotton and no metal at all in mattress) he knows his sleep as well as his wake up mood is better since doing so all electricity in his room is off/unplugged at night and he has a battery run night light
  9. Lele as mentioned before, the Tourette Syndrome association has really helpful free booklets to give to the school, and also to share with your child http://www.tsa-usa.org it is my personal feeling that it is far better to talk to your child at the level of age comprehension they have, than to have this "mysterious" illness in the background all the time
  10. Hi Bev I think your psychologist is very wise to suggest waiting re a TS diagnosis as your son does seem to present with symptoms that are more likely "transient" tics, or tics triggered by something other than genetic TS just an FYI, a tourette "specialist" would likely give the diagnosis and call PANDAS as well as the supplement treatment "quackery" Most of them are clueless as to anything other than TS, and usually they just prescribe those horrid drugs for it and tell you to come back in a year and yes, diet, supps etc do seem to have tremendous benefits for all kinds of tics, not just TS
  11. Hi and welcome I am glad you are going to see a physician for a diagnosis but want to caution you that they frequently dx anything involving tics as TS, when it often is something else!! as you have no family history, I would definitely advise exploring the many other possibilities the mention of Lyme set off a big alarm as yes, Lyme disease can produce the symptoms you have seen. It also seems it may be passed to others from close personal contact, as a family at our church discovered! I would suggest having Lyme tests asap, as well as checking for strep (not just a rapid throat test, but a full culture as well as blood tests to check for strep antibodies) as you read here more, you will find so many other things that can cause tics apart from Tourette here are some helpful threads to get you started http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2459
  12. I dont know much about the different forms of D only that they recommended my son specifically take D3. he takes 1000 IU daily here is iherb's info on vit D http://healthlibrary.epnet.com/GetContent....;chunkiid=21657
  13. we first heard the term tourettic OCD from a psychiatrist, who was at least informed on some of the more alternative views. He had research papers to show us on it, in journals. It was the first time my son's "morphing" of tics into OCD and OCD into tics made sense scientifically to me stuff related to serotonin and dopamine and also information on endorphins I dont remember the journals or even the authors...I looked at the papers when we were at the doc's office. He was the best psych we ever encountered! sadly not in the area anymore
  14. when my son was having the radiogenic testing (NAET is the modern form of this) we were told to do all we could to limit the EMF around our son even tho it would be so much cheaper to just have our cellphones, we have retained a regular phone service and dont use portables/wireless
  15. Guy, any time you need a title change, you can just ask me and I will do it for you. Most forums dont allow title edits. yes, my son has Crohn's Disease and yes, I have posted before that he takes extra vit D3 daily, in addition to the vit D he gets from diet as his tics are very mild, we can certainly say the extra vit D is not a trigger, and if anything a benefit vit D3 also helps with mood and depression, and is also believed to have anti-carcinogenic properties we use the small oil caplets by NOW
  16. dont forget the chicken soup!! it really works wonders for colds because of the cysteine content apparantly I simmer a 1/2 chicken breast(with bones) in a medium sz pot of water carrots, celery, salt. pepper, garlic, parsley. If you want to add noodles toward the end, that is good too. Remove the bones when it is done, and chop the chicken into small bite sized pieces hope y'all feel better soon Bonnie
  17. Hi Tracey with that long of an absence of tics and then to suddenly emerge this way, coupled with illness....definitely sounds like you need to check into PANDAS or PITANDS if it is an infection other than strep where the diet and supps are helpful, they will only help up to a point if there is an infectious component to the tics ebing triggered
  18. well so far all others on this thread who have tried this product for their kids report that it INCREASED tics so again a caution to be careful of hype about products, especially from anyone with a vested interest in selling them
  19. footballguy monolaurin is a natural antibiotic made from coconuts olive leaf extract is also a natural antibiotic as is garlic, and honey
  20. thank you because they are definitely affiliate links and so not allowed here
  21. ok but those links lead to MLM company sales I am glad it worked for you but do feel others need to be cautioned on what this product is, especially as it contains maltodextrin
  22. I just want to add a word of caution about the very pricey product referred to in the post above it is an immune boosting antioxidant product so not good for those with autoimmune issues as well as tics also, the product contains maltodextrin, which is NOT ok!! the affiliate marketing link had to be removed
  23. Stace not sure if you are an agent for selling those products but do remember no commercial links/MLM marketing allowed here
  24. that product is very high in antioxidants and immune boosting supps someone like my son would not be able to use that as too much of those would cause his autoimmune Crohn's to flare anyone else who also has autoimmune issues would need to be cautious of that product too I am glad it worked for you it does seem very pricey when one can actually get all those ingredients in extract or capsule form separately for much much less $ also CAUTION!! this product contains maltodextrin!! not good
  25. Deanna we like the Jarrow multi easy (comes in a powder that can be mixed with smoothies etc, or in capsule form) it is a multivitamin plus multimineral all in one, and has no yucky additives/fillers I get ours at iherb.com
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