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Everything posted by Chemar

  1. Hi Sunshine back in 2004 when I first read the Makers Diet book, I adopted some of the principles in our diet.......how I wish I had known then that my son had the beginnings of Crohn's disease...i would have implemented it fully! But at that time his symptoms were not yet such that we could get a clear dx and it wasnt until this past summer that we finally got the dx after a colonoscopy anyway about the Maker's Diet ...........I prefer the book to the online set up as online is by subscription whereas the book is inexpensive and very well formatted so that it makes an excellent reference and recipe book, as well as having a large section at the back for resources and contact info for distributers of healthy foods, supplements and a whole lot more The essence of the book is that we should be eating more of the good healthy stuff the way God created and intended for it to be used. The actual initial 40 day plan is divided into 3 two week phases, where foods are eliminated and rotated. This phased system is designed to "attack the three i's"... to balance insulin and reduce infection and inflammation. the plan has a basic, intermediate and advanced level for people to choose just how they want to follow it, based on their own lifestyle choices and health status........the more advanced levels being most recommended for those with chronic conditions. The wealth of background information on the foods and the yummy recipes appealed to me as a mom trying to take care of a sick child, while the citing of research, epidemiological studies etc appealed to my scientific side, and it has been inspiring for me to also comprehend the spiritual aspect of the food sources that God created for our nourishment and health preservation. I also like that the diet incorporates such a vast range of foods as that provides the variety and enjoyment of food that so many restrictive diets dont have I hope that gives a bit more info for you
  2. Hi Mike as the toxins from the candida leave your body, and also as your system becomes properly fed (without the candida "stealing" your nutrients) so you should not only become healthier overall but also regain energy vitality etc People with chronic candida infection crave the foods that candida thrives on, ie sugars, carbohydrates, alcohol, etc and so tend to consume more of those....hence weight gain as a possible side effect
  3. Kim dont know if you read about this on NeuroTalk, but here is something that will likely evoke every negative emotion you can imagine http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15517226/ ps apparantly the child is autistic.....hmmmm....wonder if all this started with a vaccine!!
  4. Hi Patty i posted an article a while back on the Chemistry of Tourette Syndrome, which clearly explains why corticosteroids increase tics http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=1673
  5. that is very interesting stuff Kim My son has been on extra VitD since we got the Crohn's dx as my research then kept showing vitD as important in IBS and yes, I have long believed that toxins impact our bodies in ways we havent even begun to understand! and that the generations that follow can be severely impacted Thank goodness the malathione poisoning I suffered when sprayed by a plane during an early morning walk on the beach on Captiva Island ocurred after I had kids, as who knows what that has truly done to me
  6. Hi Mike yes, NOW products are available OTC at most health food stores, and also from iHerb.com One of the things I really appreciate about iHerb.com is that they sell products often MUCH cheaper than in the stores, plus their shipping is so low that it still makes it less expensive to order from them, and they ship with lightning speed, via Priority Mail
  7. Hi Amy citrate is ok...just tends to be more associated with the laxative effect........but is way better than the oxide or carbonate forms which are not properly absorbed and of course the ever present stearate that they put as filler in so many supps overall, people with TS seem to respond well to mag taurate ... If there arent any other ingredients in the supps then it would seem to me that the increased tics may have a different trigger origin, or could be one of those times when it sometimes gets worse before it gets better........this does seem to happen in some people when they start out on a supp routine I am assuming that your child is also on a multivitamin mutimineral and so is getting a good RDA of all these nutrients? And hopefully also getting Omega EFAs It is my personal opinion that a balance of supplements is what works optimally Maybe stay with the cal/mag fro another week to ten days and see if things calm down Obviously if you see a dramatic upswing in tics, then you should rather stop the supp and see if things calm down........ as so many of us have found....different people react very differently to some supps because of their own unique biochemistry
  8. Mike you may also want to consider getting some NOW Candida Clear supplement as well I dont know how long you have to be on NYstatin, but once you have finished your course of it, maybe give the candida clear a try it is made of optimum stuff to eradicate parasites and also contains ingredients to help minimise the die off reaction Good stuff and very effective
  9. Hi Amy it would very much depend on the type and ratio of the calcium and magnesium you should look at the supplement bottle to see the "other ingredients" things like maltodextrin, or propylene glycol or some of the other stuff they stick in some supps can have adverse effects generally, magnesium when given in the correct ratio with calcium, should not increase tics, so I would think there must be another source of trigger the best types of magnesium are taurate, glycinate or lactate also, if your daughter has TS, this may be one of those waxing phases that are characteristic of TS....and tho there may be an internal or external trigger for this, it may be hard to determine
  10. Help Me I really do recommend that you visit the website www.psychcentral.com and especially the forums there which are geared to providing the help you seek http://forums.psychcentral.com/ DocJohn, Kimmydawn and the folks there at PC really are so helpful and knowledgable and caring
  11. Mike it never ceases to amaze me how many mainstream doctors refuse to acknowledge what a major problem Candida is for many people. Knowledgable doctors know that Candida is responsible for so many undiagnosed and misdiagnosed illnesses Eliminating the candida can be a lengthy process, but the sooner you start the better. Also, the more diligent you are with your diet ( ie avoiding the things that feed the yeast which are primarily sugars, starches and alcohol and eating good things that promote natural flora in your digestive system like probiotics (supplements, pure yoghurt, kefir, and cultured veggies etc) the faster the yeast will die off. The Nystatin will help to speed the process again I do want to remind you that the toxic reaction when the die off begins can make you feel even yuckier, and that you can help speed this by the water, hot lemon juice and probiotics. Acupuncture, massage, reflexology and chinese cupping are all also very helpful in the detox process and epsom salts baths are also recommended (2 cups epsom salts in a tub of hot water with a 20-30 minute soak) One thing I can tell you from personal experience.........once you start eliminating the yeast and get thru that intial die-off stage.........you will begin to feel SO much better It aint easy but it sure is worth it!!
  12. hi Mike i would highly recommend the book The Yeast Syndrome by Morton Walker and John Trowbridge as it gives details on optimizing your diet while eliminating candida (includes lots of great recipes too) do remember that candida is a parasite and as such, when it begins to die off, it releases toxins which can make you feel quite yucky drinking lots of pure water and also having hot fresh lemon water is very helpful (1/2 lemon queezed into cup boiled water) also taking probiotics is a big help! Nystatin is not my personal choice as a yeast buster...but I know many people who have found it effective I like Candida Clear by NOW, and have also heard good things about ThreeLac
  13. Hi Kim this is one of the reasons why I feel that Chiropracty is an essential part of the overall treatment regimin for people who have tics we also found that my son's tics would lead to misalignment which in turn would lead to discomfort and/or pain which in turn would trigger more tics!! the NUCCA training that certain chiros have is especially beneficial for these head/neck tics
  14. hi Claire not sure where that classification is from but I dont think I would agree with it! From experience with both my son and husband I have clearly seen that sometimes OCD can last just a few minutes but be intense enough to cause total debilitation!!! Also, just as tics wax and wane and change in frequency, duration and intensity....so too with OCD. I think that kind of time line is more a text book definition than a real life observation maybe?? Patty, I would agree tho that you shouldnt become too alarmed over this one observation re the cup....kids do just become plain fernickity sometimes here are some useful websites that I have logged on NeuroTalk's OCD board http://neurotalk.psychcentral.com/showthread.php?t=1395
  15. Cum Passus SYFO seltzer water is healthy and tastes so good Firm Believer where I agree that what God has made is best, sadly man has contaminated so much of it and even natural springs are becoming polluted and toxic we replenish our minerals that are lost in RO water by using the homeostatic products recommended in The Maker's Diet by Dr Jordan Rubin we started following the Maker's Diet principles to benefit my son, but our whole family has reaped the rewards!
  16. wow! lots to take in there Kim and I may need mrsD to translate thanks, I will spend some time looking at that info my son was relatively med free as a child and did not even have antibiotics. His first real exposure to meds was at age 10, with the dreaded brain drugs for his TS/OCD (tho of course he did have those childhood vaccinations )
  17. Debbie the yeast overgrowth in the gastro-intestinal tract that Sunshine is referring to is Candida albicans (similar to thrush, and vaginal yeast infections) if you do a search here for candida you will find much info as this is a parasite, it produces toxins in the body and also robs the body of nutrients many people have candida overgrowth, and certainly we have much anecdotal evidence here for it contributing to tics, OCD etc etc One of the prime causes of candida infection is antibiotics, which deplete the gut of its good flora (ie probiotics) and so allow the yeast to overgrow
  18. Hi Kim re the immunity...yes! sadly where immuno boosting is so good for overall health and also for people with tic and tourette disorders, yet by supercharging the immune system and not knowing there are autoimmune issues going on, one makes things worse A key issue that I am beginning to look at is hypersensitivity to medications etc as to whether that could be a clue as to an overactive immune system My son always reacted (and still does) so dramatically to meds, and even with supps, we always give the most miniscule amount first and move up as he frequently cant tolerate even the RDA It is strongly believed by one of his physicians and by me that my son's aquisition of Crohn's Disease is related to the toxic stew of drugs he was put on during that first year after the TS diagnosis There were side effects that were obvious to us and that is why we withdrew him from the meds...but the deeper and more insiduous damage to his system only became evident years later Thankfully, because of his special nutritional program for TS, along with all the other good stuff we had done in eliminating the candida, metals etc, it is proving easier to keep his Crohn's symptoms down and the flare ups are way less than we had been prepared for...........again using a good diet and optimal supplements is making all the difference here. But as I mentioned in another thread...all the immune boosting supps have had to go now because Crohn's is an autoimmune disease, and so this makes him so much more susceptible to colds etc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ re the genetics....well, something has to make genes go out of whack in the first place tho whether it is as specific as a finite generational thing.....hmmmm, I havent seen any reference to that. But certainly I do think that, where the gene is inherited, something happens, either internally or externally or perhaps both, to make it switch on and result in the manifestations of the TS symptoms I have no idea whether my older son inherited the gene too. He is 20 and has never shown any sign of TS, whereas the younger likely ticced from a very young age, although we didnt get a dx till he was 10 However, looking back on his infancy, I honestly feel that the tics were there but we did not recognise them as tics My husband remembers ticcing from the time he can remember........and unfortunately it isnt possible to get info from his mom as she refuses to acknowledge the link! It is very evident to us, now that we know about TS, that my husband's dad had TS quite severely, especially vocal tics I dont know if it has any significance but I had a very rough pregnancy with the younger. nauseous continuously.........whereas with my firstborn, it was a very easy pregnancy. So many other factors to consider too.............
  19. Julie hope you got my PM hugs and deepest sympathy from someone who also knows what it feels like to m/c
  20. Hi Daniel the Culligan Reverse Osmosis system makes the water fine for drinking Just remember to keep it well serviced Aquafina is just the bottled water we would drink when we are out etc it is also RO water
  21. there is a very good website at psychcentral.com with forums that may be helpful to many here http://forums.psychcentral.com/
  22. CP my son responds very well to the Bach Rescue Remedy as a help in relieving stress(as do I ) We dont use it daily or for minor stress...but if anxiety builds and breathing and other relaxation techniques dont help....out comes the trusty Bach's! I believe Giselle has also used it successfully
  23. Hi Andy how good to see you here again and with such encouraging updates!! Isnt it wonderful when all the research and careful attention to improving health optimally pays off!
  24. Hi Debbie a PANDAS dx doesnt only come for kids with newly developed tics...it can also be the cause of an explosion of tics and/or OCD in kids who already have a TS or transient tic dx The fact that you child is so young, and that you reported a fever prior to the escalation of tics, just truly makes me wonder if their is not an infective agent causing this. In order to fully rule out strep as the cause, you should have a blood test to assess elevated streptococcal antibodies (Anti-DNAse B and Antistreptolysin titers (ASO) Be sure to include a throat culture of group A B-hemolytic strep. Ask that the specimen be cultured, not just the rapid test. re PITANDS Quoting from a recent post from Ronna, who knows waaaaay more about PANDAS & PITANDS than I do If you start reading thru threads here you will find so much info on what can be dont to help people with tics, whether Tourette Syndrome or any other tic disorder here is what we did to help my son http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=687 Claire has some comprehensive excellent threads too accumulated info from out members on the things that have worked for them, and also on the tests that can be dont for all the warious issues that may underly the tics Just keep reading here and ask questions as you go....we have a very varied member base with lots of experience in many different areas It is good that you are here Debbie........it's very hard when one is trying to deal with this alone and having a support group is really important. We are always here for you Cheri
  25. Hi Patty we have always been told that reverse osmosis is best we have a Culligan reverse osmosis system and if we drink bottled, we use aquafina
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