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Hi all. Feeling a bit cautious about maybe starting ds9 on L-Carnitine. He is mainly Chronic vocal tics and has done well on the Natural Calm (thank you everyone who suggested this) but he still really has times when they are really bothersome for him (putting it mildly). I tend to be cautious about supplements with him as he seems to do better with diet than supps. My question is, is this one were the pros outweigh the cons generally. And if so L-Carnitine vs Acetyl L-Carnitine? I know as an amino it has its drawbacks so I really would love some first hand info. before adding it. Any and all info would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks, Megan


it really is very variable as to how individuals react to specific amino acids


for many l-carnitine seems to reduce vocals.

it did for my son when he was younger, but when he tried it again after a few years, he did not react well to it...made him edgy and spacey.

he only took one dose, decided no more and the effect wore off pretty quickly


some people feel that way first time they take it, or even find they tic more


some people prefer the acetyl-l-carnitine


it really is trial and error. it's usually 500mg a day so one can try less to start and see how it goes. stop if not a good reaction or up if things seem ok


Thanks Cheri,

Just a few more questions. Is it something that has to build up in his system or could it be used more like a PRN when waxing? Hot and humid here right now and tics have exploded as usual especially after recess at school, how long do you generally give before seeing +/- results? Thanks for all your wealth of info.!



We initially used it only as needed, based on recommendation from our doctor.


I honestly dont know what it's half life or cumulative effects are


it can take up to 2 weeks for a supplement to show full effect, but often it is more rapid, provided as well that there are not other factors triggering things


My DD 10 has been taking the L-Carnitine (500mg)for just under a month. She still seems to have her vocal tics. However she also has ADHD (inattentive type) and I have noticed a difference in her ability to focus and stay in the moment. We recently switched to the L-Carnitine Aceytle (sorry about the spelling) 250mg in the A.M. and another 250 around 3:30 and she seemed more spacy on that one - so I think I will stick with the L-Carnitine Tartrate - which we were using.


I am hoping it will help with the vocal tic. Her Motor tics have been greatly reduced - in fact I haven't seen any in about a week. She is off dairy right now and she is on other supplements and vitamins as well.

Good luck


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