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Hey everybody, I just have a quick question is it possible that low self esteem, sadness, or depression can trigger tics? Also, lets say somebody who has tics and ocd goes out with friends and has very minimal tics/ocd, but once they get into their car or go sit in their room at home or any other place such as a classroom or a auditorium they start freaking out having panic attacks/tics/ocd what could possibly be the cause of this? what can possible be a trigger in these places that are mentioned. The reason im asking is because when I am out of town or out with my friends hanging out I have very minimal tics, but once I drive, sit in my bedroom, or sit in a class I start ticing and panicing. I don't think its TV related, because I watch tv other places with no problems I doubt its lightning there are lights in other houses. Could it be that my trigger is just one of the things I mentioned in my title there is many cases of anxiety and panic attacks in family.




Hi AHB900, my own personal opinion from watching and talking with my husband and son who both have tics is that mood definately plays a role. Both of them find that stress is a huge trigger. I have seen it first hand in both of them. In fact the tics will often be a telltale sign for me even when I'm unaware of their stress. Both have also told me that aware or unaware after holding back tics for example in school once home and relaxed they will have a "burst" of tics almost releasing the tension from holding in all day (as best they can). Excitement, noise and lights can be triggers as well especially if you find you are sensitive to noise, sounds or smells. It seems it can swing both ways excitement or the safety of being able to tic without concern. If my son is engaged in something he enjoys his tics often wane but if bored or tired they increase. Anxiety is such a physical thing I am not surprised they would cause more tics. As far as TV it could be the type of TV our son does fine with LCD but older TV's are an issue, even the new energy efficient bulbs if exposed and not filtered irritate his tics. Hard to ever really know! My ds does well with massage and deep breathing for anxiety but sometimes he just need to let himself release with tics and home or alone in a car is a pretty safe place! Good luck hope this helps some.




Very helpful reply, thank you. I just can't figure out my trigger. I am come to a conclusion that food is definitely not the cause, I can eat anything I want even if its all artificial, processed, etc. Supplements have not been helping me very much im not sure if they increase my tics or keep them the same. I am currently taking multivitamins (vitamin shoppe brand, L-carnitine (vitamin shoppe brand), Mag/Calc/Zinc blend (vitamin shoppe), and ZMA which is zinc, mag, and aspertine I think something like that). I have not really seen much difference from any of them I just take them because it calms my brain down since im thinking to myself at least im helping myself somehow. Its weird because its like clock work I get in my car I start having panic attacks combined with ocd and tics I have a hard time breathing (its not sometimes its every time I drive), but when I drive with a friend in the car I dont panic I just tic and ocd a little its like bare able, but alone its ######. I get into my room and sit on my couch I have panic attacks tic and ocd when I stand up in my room I have no tics or ocd no panic attacks (its weird I don't get it). When im out with friends its so minimal its almost like nothing is wrong with me at all. Does this seem normal to anyone? I really don't know what to do I hate coming home at nights, because I know im going to start having panic attacks same goes to driving.



have you tried something like lemon balm tea to help with the anxiety and panic. It also calms OCD


it would be good to have in the evenings as it mildly sedative.


a drop of jasmine oil in the car may help calm you while driving


recent studies have indicated both of these are very helpful and my son has found them quite remarkable!


not sure what the ZMA is that you are taking...may be important to check that the A part isnt a tic trigger by being dopaminergic


zma just consists of folic acid b-12 b-6 zinc and magnesium. Its meant to give you a much more relaxed deeper sleep. Its actually one of the few things I love taking and I went a week without it and if anything my tics were increased. Where can I purchase that Jasmine oil?


Thank You

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