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Hi everyone. Have been appreciating your relationships and advice from the outside for a couple years now but never really had the nerve to join in. I finally realized that I need more support, particularly from people who are living this like we are... so here I finally am.


Very quick intro. Married with four amazing kids. Lots of loving supportive family but no one who lives this.


Our oldest,, 9 yr old boy has had obvious tics since about 6 yrs. but was always sensitive and tactile. Prone to anxiety over the strangest things, tough as nails with others. Been constantly researching and adapting with food changes, eliminating artificials in food, cleaning products etc. and supplementing with Acidophulus, Vitamin D, Omega 3.


Recently our 7 year old daughter is showing tics, trying not to assume too much or panic but can't imagine how to track two kids triggers when one constantly keeps me guessing. Trying not to feel resentful but keeps creeping in. She is so sweet and articulate I feel guilty at my frustration.


So...to the point. I'm hoping you all could give me maybe your top five or so suggestions as far as additional supplements or treatments. We are doing well with eliminating wheat, dairy, soy, and preservatives, no artificials a s I said above but I feel like I'm still missing something. Just a gut feeling, what is it his (and now maybe her) body"s not getting? Would love any form of advice. It's expensive to trial and error all these things, so selfishly I am hoping you can help me sift through all the stuff out there for ones that you have seen results with. Thanks so much, I look forward to getting to know you all a little better.


Hi and welcome


I honestly feel that supplements and diet are very individual specific , apart from cleaning out all the artificial additives, which I feel everyone benefits from!


however, it does seem that if one had to single out one supplement that helps most with tics it would be magnesium, which I dont see on your list?


many of us find the ionic form found in the natural Calm/kids Calm products work quickly and well, but there are other forums that are also good. Avoid mag oxide as it is so poorly absorbed that it is a waste of money!


I have a link in my signature on what has worked for my son over the years (we have been on this journey for 10years and he uses far less supps now than he used to and gets most of what he needs from his diet)


[quote name='Chemar' date='11

Thanks for your advice. I have seen Magnesium come up time and time again but wanted to find out more about it. I will definately look over your info. It's so overwhelming sometimes. We have started regularly on Acidophilus and his tics have increased (maybe die off?) Will continue hoping it balances out again. Do you know anything about L-Carnatine? It's another thing on my list to research. Thanks again.




This is such a great site for information and support. I agree with the magnesium and the clean diet. It sounds like you are on the right track.


looking forward to getting to know you better on the forum.


Take care,



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