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just was wondering if anyone had this happen before to them or to their child. i have recently posted that we don't know if he as pandas or just a tic disorder (was diagnosed by tx childrens hospital with mild tic disorder 2yrs ago) being it comes and goes and it isn't the same tics when it does come back. anyways we recently on july 22-23 had new carpet put in 4 rooms in our house. his room is upstairs and we had all upstairs completely recarpeted 3 rooms and hallway and then masterbed room downstairs. well he woke up on the july 24 and now looking back he seemed real moody,and irratable then on july 25 that sunday my husband woke him up to play golf and he was doing a new tic he had never done. he is head ticcing. popping it like he is saying yes then shaking it side to side. i was curious if this could be carpet releated. my husband also said that when they were playing golf our son could not sit still that day and that when he was making a turn he fell out of the golf cart. he was fine and my husband was not going fast at all. he said it scared him a lil but when they got home i instantly noticed the tic and my husband said he asked him several times why he was doing his head like that and my son didn't really realize he was doing anything.


we are doing allergy testing tomorrow so i will be sure to ask and let dr know about new carpet but was wondering if this could affect tics.





I have nothing to base this on except my gut and my observations. My ds16 is a PANDAS kid. We are 8 months into a horrific episode. He never "comes down with" strep and never displays outward symptoms of strep so it's always an unhappy surprise when he backslides. Even though his titers support PANDAS, each of his 3 exacerbations have coincided with some other event (or stress) in his life. Age 8 and age 11 they were emotional stressors and life changes. This time, however, all was really good. The only thing going on was that I had 10 yr old carpet pulled out of my house and laminate flooring put down. The job was done on four consecutive Saturday and the house was filled with dust and fibers every Saturday night (that I would clean up completely the next day) but the next assault would come the next Saturday. If this home project didn't push this exacerbation along, it's an awfully big coincidence. One of those things I can't prove but strongly suspect in my heart was a contributing factor. Best wishes to you. ~Gayle


yes, new carpeting is considered a vary big tic trigger!!


we have a number of threads here about it. One parent even had all the carpeting removed because it was so bad!!


There are a number of chemical factors in the new carpet itself and adhesives used when laying it that cause this. I believe that formaldehyde is one of the biggest problems in that it vaporizes and so is being breathed in continuously


ps new paint and woodwork can have a similar effect as can a new motor vehicle! all chemical related


My daughter did a science project on Carbon Monoxide at the end of the year, and since my son learned so much about fires he told her when couches and carpet burn they set off CO gases so I would say they are loaded with nasty stuff.




yes, new carpeting is considered a vary big tic trigger!!


we have a number of threads here about it. One parent even had all the carpeting removed because it was so bad!!


There are a number of chemical factors in the new carpet itself and adhesives used when laying it that cause this. I believe that formaldehyde is one of the biggest problems in that it vaporizes and so is being breathed in continuously


ps new paint and woodwork can have a similar effect as can a new motor vehicle! all chemical related




i just went and purchased two air purifiers to see if that helps. like i said we are getting allergy tested tomorrow and i will bring this up to the dr. i hope these purifiers help a little. it is wierd because today i took both my boys to there pedi because the oldest woke up this am and was saying his throat hurt. so i was like wow ticcing like crazy and now throat hurts so i called the dr. and took both boys. well got there and noticed he did not tic one time. he said it was because he was trying to be good so he could have me buy him a game after we left dr office but we were there for over an hr and he didn't tic one time. her office is all tile. he stayed the night at my mom and dads saturday night and they have older carpet and was ticcing really bad my mom gave him some tylenol and she said he kind of calmed down. we get back home and he is ticcing again. could it start and stop that fast? is this a sign of sensitive allergies or tourettes? the dr swabbed his throat but it was negative for strep so she doesn't feel like now it is pandas. i don't know. lol i am just wanting to pull my hair out. he is very aggitated and is poor pitiful me when he is ticcing like he is right now. i tend to stay on him because the whinning and poor me drives me up the wall. just hoping these allergy test can give me a direction in what we need to change or be doing .


yes, new carpeting is considered a vary big tic trigger!!


we have a number of threads here about it. One parent even had all the carpeting removed because it was so bad!!


There are a number of chemical factors in the new carpet itself and adhesives used when laying it that cause this. I believe that formaldehyde is one of the biggest problems in that it vaporizes and so is being breathed in continuously


ps new paint and woodwork can have a similar effect as can a new motor vehicle! all chemical related




i just went and purchased two air purifiers to see if that helps. like i said we are getting allergy tested tomorrow and i will bring this up to the dr. i hope these purifiers help a little. it is wierd because today i took both my boys to there pedi because the oldest woke up this am and was saying his throat hurt. so i was like wow ticcing like crazy and now throat hurts so i called the dr. and took both boys. well got there and noticed he did not tic one time. he said it was because he was trying to be good so he could have me buy him a game after we left dr office but we were there for over an hr and he didn't tic one time. her office is all tile. he stayed the night at my mom and dads saturday night and they have older carpet and was ticcing really bad my mom gave him some tylenol and she said he kind of calmed down. we get back home and he is ticcing again. could it start and stop that fast? is this a sign of sensitive allergies or tourettes? the dr swabbed his throat but it was negative for strep so she doesn't feel like now it is pandas. i don't know. lol i am just wanting to pull my hair out. he is very aggitated and is poor pitiful me when he is ticcing like he is right now. i tend to stay on him because the whinning and poor me drives me up the wall. just hoping these allergy test can give me a direction in what we need to change or be doing .





I have also removed every shred of carpet from my new house as well. I have three children all of which have motor and vocal tics. My husband and myself also have tics and many other symptoms that have only surfaced in our early "forties" after we discovered we had been living in a home that was blowing toxic mold throughout the heating/ventilation ducts for 10 years. My children were born and raised in this house until my oldest was 10 and we abandoned everything after discovering the mold. My entire family is now what I call "hyper sensitive" to moldy environments. Sitting on a carpet, (new or old) will almost immediately give me a reaction (muscle twitching). For my children, I see them react in the form of motor tics, vocal tics, hyperness, etc. Before discovering the toxic mold and moving out of the house, all of my children, my husband and myself suffered from chronic ear infections, sinus infections, tinnitus, muscle weakness, balance issues, sleep issues, concentration issues, word assimilation, arthritis, headaches, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, numbness and tingling, sleep apnea, blurred vision, gluten intolerance (at age 39), vocal and motor tics, and much more. We are all now allergic to everything....one of my children was even allergic to extreme varient temperatures. He would get hives when he came from swimming in the cold ocean water to the 90 degree air...this has never occurred again since vacating the moldy house. Since leaving the house MANY of our symptoms are gone, but there are still many that remain from the chronic exposure that caused so much damage to our nervous systems. Our symptoms now come and go so quickly when we are exposed to moldy environments, that we have to keep a very tight lid on when and especially where our children go. And, carpeting is one of the worse triggers for us. So, for us, it is not so much the chemicals, but the mold that grows and lives in the carpet fibers. Installing and/or removing carpets only disrupts the toxins into the air. These toxic molds become embedded in the body and toxin elimination is the only way to get them out. Problem is, you have to keep them out for the body to heal. Then...you have to make sure the schools they attend are not moldy!


In removing the carpeting we found that the spores were released into the air and stayed there for quite some time (months). They even affix themselves to walls (sheetrock). For us, this is why painting is such a problem. It is not actually the paint that is the issue for my family. It is the act of painting the walls which scrapes the molds embedded on the wall and releases the spores into the air causing another setback for the sufferer (in my case, for my entire family, major tic increased in everyone). HEPA air purifiers will help, but make sure they are not blowing in your children's faces when they sleep. That'll only make it worse. Clean the filters every few days while you are tyring to clean up from the carpet removal. And, I highly recommend vacuuming as much as possible until problem is resolved. Wash sheets, blankets, and pillows often, in hot water. It is really the only way to remove mold/allergen type issues. Best is to vacuum with a central vac system, but if you don't have that, make sure you are using a hepa type vacuum. I also have mold testing company which tests the molds type in your carpet which can give you an idea on what kind and/or how severe a mold problem you may have.


As you can probably tell toxic mold has caused my family much suffering, but since discovering the problem, now we have to manage the damage it has caused and try and heal from it...which is why I discovered this site and have gained a lot of useful information from it. I would just like for others to learn from the experiences we have had.....

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