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Apples Dr Mercola newsletter this week

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Guest Guest_efgh

due to salicylate content most of us tend to avoid apples/oranges (feingold....)

are our kids missing something vital???

your feedback please..Read this newsletter from Dr Mercola..


Newest Natural Cancer-Fighting Food: Apples



The old saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" has taken on a deeper meaning. Researchers have discovered that a whole apple, especially the skin, may offer some anti-cancer benefits.


Specifically, apple skin may help to prevent colon cancer. Through studies, researchers have discovered that the skin of an apple contains various types of polyphenols, or antioxidants. The apple's cancer-fighting "power" may have derived from the procyanidins, a type of polyphenols, found in the skin that protects the fruits against the damaging effects of the sun. Procyanidins trigger signals that lead to cell suicide, thus reducing the growth and spread of cancer.


Researchers tested lab animals and found that procyanidins significantly reduced the number of precancerous lesions. The tests involved injecting rats with a substance to induce colon cancer and then feeding them a liquid containing apple-derived procyanidins.


After six weeks those rats receiving procyanidins had half the number of precancerous lesions in their colons than those rats on a regular diet.


In addition, apple skins contain high amounts of fiber. Consequently, increased fiber intake can reduce the incidence of bowel cancer. People who are at an increased risk of developing bowel cancer are those with diets low in:






By making simple lifestyle changes, it is possible to reduce the risk of developing cancer by 30-40 percent. Researchers explain that acquiring the cancer-fighting benefits from apples is feasible for anyone. Apples are easy to put into a lunch and are inexpensive. Also, apple cider is a good way to add procyanidins to a diet because it is mulled from whole apples.


BBC News October 19, 2004


Yahoo News October 19, 2004





Dr. Mercola's Comment:


It is always good to optimize your health by eating whole foods like apples. However, remember that too much of a good thing can throw your insulin levels out of balance.


Certain fruits and vegetables should be eaten in moderation because of their high sugar levels. For instance, potatoes ranked high on the list for vegetables, but are not necessarily the best choice because they cause increased insulin levels in most people.


Consider modifying your diet based on your personal metabolic type. You can discover what you metabolic type is by taking the simple test detailed in my book, TOTAL HEALTH Program.


The important thing to remember is what may be healthy for others is not necessarily healthy for you and vice-versa. And eating according to your metabolic type is really the only way to ascertain what is good for you.


In addition to eating what is tailored for your metabolic type, it is equally important to remember that omega-3 fats are essential to your health, as they help fight cancer. The best source for omega-3 is fish oil and cod liver oil. Unlike other sources such as walnuts or flax seeds, these two fatty acids are crucial to human health, DHA and EPA.


It important to realize that winter is just around the corner and for many of you that will mean that you will be getting much less sun exposure. That is why it is important to switch from fish oil to cod liver oil.


The best way to know whether your vitamin D levels are within safe limits is to check your blood level of vitamin D, but I know it's likely that many of you will not be doing that. So be on the safe side and switch over to cod liver oil now unless you know for sure that your vitamin D levels are being fulfilled.


When choosing your fish oil or cod liver oil, it is important to remember that not all brands are the same. You will want to do a little homework so you can determine the quality of the omega-3 fish or cod liver oils you consume.


Make sure that your brand is free of mercury and PCBs. This will not be on the label so you will need to:


Contact the manufacturer for their analysis

Review an independent third party that has analyzed the product

Hire a company to test the product yourself.


Confirm that there are very low oxidation products in the fish or cod liver oil.


Fish and cod liver oil have long chain unsaturated fats (primarily EPA and DHA) and they are very susceptible to oxidation or damage. If the oil is not processed properly damage will occur. Many years ago nearly all the fish oils were oxidized. That is why when you mention cod liver oil to most anyone they turn up their nose in disgust. Typically, they only taste bad when they are oxidized.


Make certain your fish oil or cod liver oil has therapeutic levels of vitamin E in it.


Because fish and cod liver oils are very susceptible to oxidation and rancidity, nearly all manufacturers insert a small amount of one unit of vitamin E per teaspoon. This is sufficient to prevent oxidation of the fish oil in the bottle. However, after you consume it this is woefully inadequate. Your body will tend to oxidize the fish oil and much larger doses of vitamin E are needed to prevent the fish oil from going rancid in your body.


But you don't have to do all that research. In my clinical experience with my patients, I have found that the Carlson's brand of fish oil/cod liver oil is of an exceptional quality and purity and recommend it highly.



Related Articles:


Apple a Day Packs Antioxidant Punch


Apples and Selenium May Lower Asthma Risk


Vitamin D Reduces Colon Cancer


Reduce Your Risk of Cancer With Sunlight Exposure


Vitamin D Reduces Colon Cancer


hi there efgh


yes, that Mercola info had me thinking too


I dont use Feingold and so cant comment specifically on that as I know that many have found tremendous benefit in following the guidelines there.


I know that a vast majority of the natural foods that Feingold restricts are what I consider to be very healthful and beneficial and certainly dont seem to be in any way detrimental to any of my family...... but then we dont exhibit food allergies so maybe that is the difference?


however, I certainly and wholeheartedly agree with the Feingold restrictions on artificial stuff


Yes, I think we all realize that many of the foods we have to eliminate on the Feingold diet are also very healthy to "every" family. It is unfortunate that our children have to miss out on the healthy nutrients that these fruits provide. However, that is the sad part.....that these same healthful foods are a trigger for tics because of the salicylates in them. It is proven by many on here. They aren't necessary allergies per se, but have a substance in them that is just not digested properly. I don't believe that the foods with salicylates show up on allergy testing even if you may have a sensitivity to them.




Hi Heather


My son eats those foods regularly with absolutely no increase in his tics!


I guess it is once again just the different metabolism that individuals have, or maybe that Tourette tics arent as impacted by the salicylates as other tics?


HI, :D

Well, here is what I love to do.....especially around this time of year when the Michigan apples are cheap and ripe.....Yum !!!!.......I wash the skins real good, cut up the apples with skins entact. Throw them into a pot of water and cook them till they are mushy, add honey, raisens, cinamon or (yes sugar) to enjoy home made .......Apple sauce !!!!!!! Good for you and tastes delicious!

Bonne" appetite!


Hi efgh,


Too funny--I actually wrote a post last night asking if those doing the Feingold/failsafe diet's restriction of fruits were supplementing with antioxidants to offset this! I deleted it because I had too many posts as it was. What a coincidence.


Ironically, my son's only fruit IgG sensitivities were to bananas and apples. We rotate them in now with no issues, but went 5 months without them.


However, I also read that the 'apple a day keeps the doctor away' was an apple growers marketing slogan!


To me this points out that after you determine this really is an issue, it would be good to supplement to offset the removal of fruits (esp berries)--antioxidants help with overall detox--esp. metals.


Also, as Chemar says, we don't all have the same issues. Just like TV/screen and gluten/casein, it is good to make sure before restricting unnecessarily. For example, my son never had an issue with berries, just with apples and bananas, and Caz' child doesn't have gluten/wheat issues, but mine does.




The more I read Mercola, he more suss I get.


Did you see how he gradually moved the conversation from apples and their benefits to his new book and then went on to talk about something completely different with fish oils?


The failsafe diet does not ban apples completely, but they suggest after the elimination test, that you try the low salycilate Golden Delicious apples to see if there is a reaction.

This way you will not neeedlessly remove apples totally from your diet.


Unless the apples are truley organic and well washed, you are more likely to consume insecticides and other chemicals anyway, which will contribute to cancer causing problems. The Mercola article fails to explain this. Rats and other animal test subjects do not have the same DNA as humans therefore, even though some test results look good on paper, they are not 100% true in relation to the results on humans.


So I have to agree with Heather's comments, that parents with children with sensitivities to salycilates ((and amines)- my comment) have a hard time not to feel guilty about depriving our children of "healthy food" unfortunately in this case it is more detrimental to give it to them.


We are lucky that we have the option to supplement if we feel the need, but look at all the people in the world who don't have fresh fruit and veges every day/ or every 2nd day for that matter and still go through life not contracting cancer or showing tic symptoms.


The more I read Mercola, he more suss I get.


Did you see how he gradually moved the conversation from apples and their benefits to his new book and then went on to talk about something completely different with fish oils?


The failsafe diet does not ban apples completely, but they suggest after the elimination test, that you try the low salycilate Golden Delicious apples to see if there is a reaction.

This way you will not neeedlessly remove apples totally from your diet.


Unless the apples are truley organic and well washed, you are more likely to consume insecticides and other chemicals anyway, which will contribute to cancer causing problems. The Mercola article fails to explain this. Rats and other animal test subjects do not have the same DNA as humans therefore, even though some test results look good on paper, they are not 100% true in relation to the results on humans.


So I have to agree with Heather's comments, that parents with children with sensitivities to salycilates ((and amines)- my comment) have a hard time not to feel guilty about depriving our children of "healthy food" unfortunately in this case it is more detrimental to give it to them.


We are lucky that we have the option to supplement if we feel the need, but look at all the people in the world who don't have fresh fruit and veges every day/ or every 2nd day for that matter and still go through life not contracting cancer or showing tic symptoms.




That is great your son does not react to the fruit and I didn't mean to imply that perhaps he was. I just want others to be aware that this could be a very real trigger for tics and is for many. There are hundreds of posts every day on the Feingold site from parents whose children react to grapes and strawberries especially. These are parents whose tests did not show an allergy to these foods when tested. When you were saying that you didn't really agree with that part of the diet since you considered these foods very healthy, I just wanted to point out that even though they are extremely healthy foods, they can pose a problem for many as triggers for tics or ADHD symptoms.


Yes, it is everyone's metabolism that makes these children react differently to different fruits. For example, my son can eat apples but not grapes and strawberries. Others can eat grapes and not apples. Feingold's advice is to eliminate them all and then reintroduce them one by one to determine what specifically your child is sensitive to. I just had a child in a classroom the other day tell me she can't eat fruit (when they were passing out watermelon) because she breaks out in rashes. It is a highly individual area of sensitivity.


Mercola has never written anything about salicylates or amines so I guess it is just one of the areas he has never researched. With all of the research being so new and anecdotal, it is really impossible to find one Doctor who has studied it all.



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