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A couple of weeks ago I posted about my son's warts. We used the Oil of Oregano and applied it topically for about 2 weeks (not every night but most nights). We applied the oil at night and kept them covered overnight only. I am happy to say that they are now GONE! It was truly amazing stuff! Other than smelling like a salad dressing :D it was a fairly easy treatment. Once again, this board came through with ideas! Thank you!

A couple of weeks ago I posted about my son's warts. We used the Oil of Oregano and applied it topically for about 2 weeks (not every night but most nights). We applied the oil at night and kept them covered overnight only. I am happy to say that they are now GONE! It was truly amazing stuff! Other than smelling like a salad dressing ;) it was a fairly easy treatment. Once again, this board came through with ideas! Thank you!

Thanks for the update! I have to try it on my son... Too much going on and I forgot to do anything about them.

That's what makes this forum so awesome: people coming back with their success stories :D


I am glad to hear that the Oil of Oregano worked! I love that stuff and use if for everything: yeast infection, urinary tract infection, sore throat, etc. In fact this past weekend we all got the stomach flu. I started using it and a few hours later I felt so much better! I've also used it as an antihistimine. So many uses!!


Don't forget that, when in a pinch, you can use it for strep as well. Not sure if it is as effective as abx when used long-term, but I have used it at times when I was waiting to get my hands on abx and it really does help! It is anti-inflammatory, too.




A couple of weeks ago I posted about my son's warts. We used the Oil of Oregano and applied it topically for about 2 weeks (not every night but most nights). We applied the oil at night and kept them covered overnight only. I am happy to say that they are now GONE! It was truly amazing stuff! Other than smelling like a salad dressing :D it was a fairly easy treatment. Once again, this board came through with ideas! Thank you!

Can you add it to any cooking?Same results?How much do you use?




Thank you so much for the initial suggestion. It will definitely be a staple in our medicine cabinet from now on!


I am glad to hear that the Oil of Oregano worked! I love that stuff and use if for everything: yeast infection, urinary tract infection, sore throat, etc. In fact this past weekend we all got the stomach flu. I started using it and a few hours later I felt so much better! I've also used it as an antihistimine. So many uses!!


Don't forget that, when in a pinch, you can use it for strep as well. Not sure if it is as effective as abx when used long-term, but I have used it at times when I was waiting to get my hands on abx and it really does help! It is anti-inflammatory, too.




If you add it to cooking, do it sparingly (1-2 drops) b/c it is very strong and also you don't want to overdose your family!!



Can you add it to any cooking?Same results?How much do you use?






Oh my, Melanie, I am guessing you have never taken this stuff. When I would take it, it would be 2-4 drops at a time, I would mix it in about 1/2 cup to 1 cup water, swirl it around just before I drank it to keep it as mixed as possible, and it would just burn like crazy on the throat and all the way down. Yikes! Maybe cooking it would make it burn less, and perhaps less effective too, who knows. But, oh my, it is very unpleasant to take.




I mix 3 drops in about 1-2 tsp. of water and I add a little stevia (natural sweetener). I (and my boys) have actually grown to tolerate the taste. I syringe it into their mouthes and they don't even complain!!





Oh my, Melanie, I am guessing you have never taken this stuff. When I would take it, it would be 2-4 drops at a time, I would mix it in about 1/2 cup to 1 cup water, swirl it around just before I drank it to keep it as mixed as possible, and it would just burn like crazy on the throat and all the way down. Yikes! Maybe cooking it would make it burn less, and perhaps less effective too, who knows. But, oh my, it is very unpleasant to take.




It did not burn his skin but there is a "heat" sensation when you first put it on but the bottle says that is to be expected. I just made sure I got the oil only on the wart and not the rest of the area then we would quickly cover it with a bandaid to prevent it from running.




Did it burn his skin?


Does anyone know if it would work on athlete's foot?




What else is Oil of Oregano used for? Can you put it in a capsule?



A couple of weeks ago I posted about my son's warts. We used the Oil of Oregano and applied it topically for about 2 weeks (not every night but most nights). We applied the oil at night and kept them covered overnight only. I am happy to say that they are now GONE! It was truly amazing stuff! Other than smelling like a salad dressing -_- it was a fairly easy treatment. Once again, this board came through with ideas! Thank you!

they do..called oreganol..oil of wild oregano....i think i got them fro iherb

and i pricked one to put a drop on what looked like a wart on ds and i took the rest...

some must have gotten on the coat or my fingers and it does tingle/ burn...not forever though..


Somebody should put the stuff in gel caps, for crying out loud!

Yes, it would probably help athlete's foot as it is also antifungal. However, I would gamble to say that if you/someone has athlete's foot, you also have it elsewhere in your body and you should probably also take it internally to kill all the yeast.


BTW, make sure you get a good brand, they don't all work. I use Oreganol brand.





Did it burn his skin?


Does anyone know if it would work on athlete's foot?




It is antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral (possibly antiparasitic, not sure). I use it for almost everything! Works almost immediately. I even used it recently when I caught my son's stomach flu. I felt achy and fatigued and within an hour I felt so much better so I continued to use it for a couple days. Works well for sudden onset pandas for my boys (anti-inflammatory and kills strep - I have never tried it long term but it helps us get by until I come up with plan -_-.



What else is Oil of Oregano used for? Can you put it in a capsule?



A couple of weeks ago I posted about my son's warts. We used the Oil of Oregano and applied it topically for about 2 weeks (not every night but most nights). We applied the oil at night and kept them covered overnight only. I am happy to say that they are now GONE! It was truly amazing stuff! Other than smelling like a salad dressing :) it was a fairly easy treatment. Once again, this board came through with ideas! Thank you!

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