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My son's eye tics are a roll/blink. By the end of the day before bedtime, usually watching TV, he will start pushing up and holding his eyebrows or pulling at the edge of his eyes. It looks to me that he's trying to keep his eyes from blinking and holding them open. It's apparent the tics are bothering him and at times he just puts his face in his hands and with his eyes shut and rests...


Does anyone have experience with this or have children that do the same thing? He never complains, but I feel so bad for him...




yes, some of my son's first notable tics were eye rolling and blinking when he was 4yo


the eye doctors said it was because of his myopia/astigmatizm and things did settle some after he got prescription glasses...but then they returned when he had his dramatic onset of genetic Tourette Syndrome around 10yo


TV, movies, computer screens that are not LCD and in darkened rooms, fluorescent lights and any strobe type effects set his tics off. We use daylight lamps and LCD screen TV and computers only and he knows that if he goes to the movies, tics will follow! he is 20yo now so it is his choice.we have found that the extra magnesium, a good pure multivitamin, high in the B's and epsom salts soaks in a tub, does help him whenever he has any kind of tic increase


If you do a search here under the user name Claire for the word screens, you will find lots of her information on how her son being photosensitive was the main cause of his tics




Thanks Cherie,

I guess I just assumed tics were something you get use to and it just becomes part of your day... but that sounds silly now that I think about it. If my eyes were constantly blinking... I would be annoyed and tired by 9pm too. I have implemented all you suggested on the mag, Bs, multi v, and baths from previous post; however it's the TV and video games that is the most difficult for a 12 year old boy! I think I'll start with a spring break vacation where we have no electronics and see if that helps him. It's easier when he's away from his stuff.


oh believe me I know that trying to keep videogames from a 12 yo is like punishing them!


that is why we got the daylight lamps. It seemed for my son it is the flashing of the light that causes the probs, and so by keeping the daylight lamp on while he uses the screens, it seems to prevent the impact on his tics


The LCD vs CRT screens really makes a difference too


My blinking tic sometimes gets worse toward the night, although it could just be the previous dose of Clonidine wearing off. I take it at 10pm every night before bed, so it stands to reason that around 10pm the previous dose would be wearing off.


I've noticed that sometimes movies (in the theater) make it worse, and other times it doesn't make a difference. Although when I saw Avatar in 3D I was too in awe to even notice :D


My sons also seem more noticeable in the evening. He also has astygmatism(spelling) in both eyes he does wear glasses but i do see them more at night when he has an opportunity to wathc tv or get on the computer.




Thanks for the reply.


I guess I'm just trying to understand the physical feeling he is experiencing. Is it just a tired/exhausted feeling from all the blinking and you just want to rest your eyes? Or just an annoyance and you've had it by 9pm a night?


It's the mother's desire to take away all that bothers her child... if only I could.

  ShannonOtown said:
It's the mother's desire to take away all that bothers her child... if only I could.



(((HUGS))) I completely understand about wanting to make it all better for your child!


Hang in there! I know that we will all be stronger for this in the end...


I know how hard these can be. These are the worst tics for us. Right now we are in a major waning and I'm wondering if allergies are a trigger for him. He's been sniffling and he has watery eyes and by the end of the day, I can actually HEAR his eyes blinking b/c they are watering so badly. I've tried some allergy meds but I give them at bedtime so things always seem worse at night.


He's even added a head nodding to the eye blinking, which we've seen before, too. For him right now, it's more of an eye squeezing shut than just a mild wink like it was just 2 weeks ago. Things had been pretty mild for us but when the orange trees started blooming I noticed him start blinking more! We may try NAET again since the allergy meds really don't seem to be helping much!




what kind of tree allergy does your son have? and have you treated your son w/tree allergies via NAET before?


if your son is sensitive like my son, i would suggest you treat the actual tree sample rather than using the NAET vial becuze your son may have been treated and pass via the NAET vial, but if you muscle test him w/the actual tree, he may not past.


i learned this becuz after my son was treated via various NAET environmtal allergens, he was still having allergies but to a lesser degree, so i decided to collect actual samples and it helped.



  patty said:


what kind of tree allergy does your son have? and have you treated your son w/tree allergies via NAET before?


if your son is sensitive like my son, i would suggest you treat the actual tree sample rather than using the NAET vial becuze your son may have been treated and pass via the NAET vial, but if you muscle test him w/the actual tree, he may not past.


i learned this becuz after my son was treated via various NAET environmtal allergens, he was still having allergies but to a lesser degree, so i decided to collect actual samples and it helped.



You know, Patty, I don't think it's trees. Well, maybe it's the orange blossoms. We live in AZ and there are plants here from every tropical and desert area on earth. We have Australian trees, South American tipu trees, jacarandas(although, they aren't in bloom right now), pear trees(which just finished their blooming), and many plants from South Africa, and the tropics.


We had a lot of rain this winter and there are lots of wildflowers blooming right now along with the weeds. This is the worst my allergies have ever been, too! I am constantly congested and sniffling and my throat and ears are itching like crazy. I've been giving both of us quercetin, local honey, nasal washes and sprays, and we're both taking OTC allergy meds. Oh, and 1000 mg of Vitamin C daily but nothing is really gives us great relief. I'm thinking of getting him on Flonase b/c I remember that helping me the best in years past but I don't have any left at home.


Most allergists around here have a hard time pinpointing the actual allergies b/c we have so many new plants being brought in to our area yearly. So, his NAET doc just treats with the basic muscle testing. And, when we did NAET 2 years ago he didn't come up with any tree allergies, he came up sensitive to lantana and one other plant, but not trees....go figure! So, maybe it's just the weeds! The allergens in the Phoenix area change monthly as plants around here bloom on and off all year and then the trees have a different cycle. Throw in the fact that we have 2 different grasses plus native desert cactus that bloom and you've got an allergy waiting to happen. I moved here 14 years ago from MD and I never had allergies. After about 3 yrs here I started developing allergy symptoms and now I can truly say I'm blessed with almost year round allergy problems, LOL!


My husband goes to an allergist and he's on a pharmaceutical product called Xolair. He's been on it for about 4 years now and it's very expensive but it has completely eliminated his allergies and asthma. He hasn't needed an inhaler in months and he was only using it as a precaution before that. Now, this coming from a man who's eyes would swell shut at my mom's farm and he'd be gripping the car door as I drove him to the urgent care b/c he couldn't breathe. He had severe allergic asthma and that's one of the reasons we moved to AZ. So, this stuff has been a miracle to him but it's not approved for children(at least I don't think it is yet). Anyway, so while ds and I suffer all season long my dh just goes about his life happily without a sniffle!




do you notice where is your son having increase allergy reaction, at home, school, playground....? if it is at home, then i would start collecting actual samples around the house, rather it be trees, grass, flowers.... . As i have said before, your son may past the NAET tree mix or even individual tree vials, but he may not pass the ACTUAL allergens. The energy from the actual sample is more energetic than what is extracted in the NAET vials. Also, each tree is slightly different energetically. It is a long & tedious process, but it may paid off in the long run.


We used to schedule appts just to test each individual allergens around my house, my neighborhood and at school.



  patty said:


do you notice where is your son having increase allergy reaction, at home, school, playground....? if it is at home, then i would start collecting actual samples around the house, rather it be trees, grass, flowers.... . As i have said before, your son may past the NAET tree mix or even individual tree vials, but he may not pass the ACTUAL allergens. The energy from the actual sample is more energetic than what is extracted in the NAET vials. Also, each tree is slightly different energetically. It is a long & tedious process, but it may paid off in the long run.


We used to schedule appts just to test each individual allergens around my house, my neighborhood and at school.



He wakes up barely ticcing and they increase through the day. It doesn't matter if we're home all day long or if we're at the tennis courts all day long(which are 30 mins away) he still just increases the tics through the day. He does have a HEPA filter in his room and I give him allergy meds at night so that may be why he wakes up barely ticcing at all!




most allergy medicines' function is to block histamine, perhaps you should consider treating histamine if he is sensitive. have you tried giving him allergy med in the am and see if it helps w/tics? if allergy is his issue then desensitize him from allergies maybe helpful w/his tics (if the allergy med works to reduce tics).




My son's last remaining Pandas symptom is his eye tics and his doctors seem to think seasonal allergies are his triggers. His IGEs were extremely high. He is currently on Veramyst Nasal spray and started allergy shots to calm his symptoms. We do the nasal spray in the morning to get him through the day when he's out in the elements. And I believe allergy meds can cause excitement at bedtime... which we don't need.


We have noticed an upswing in his tics 1-2 days after his shots, but we figure this is just an heightened reaction to his immune symptom. They seem to calm down a few days later. We only do shots once a week on Wednesday. The allergist says his symptom will eventually 'calm' his IGE level and hopefully his eye tic should get better...


We'll see how things progress.

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