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Has anyone had success in treating tics with N.A.E.T. (Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique)? My son, age 10, has been receiving treatments. We're still working on the basics. My practitioner and I want to know which particular substances were identified and successfully treated with NAET for others with tics. Vocal tics are of particular concern for us right now.


Thanks for any input based on firsthand experience with NAET.


Hi and welcome


we have some members here who do use NAET treatment methods, and have found it helpful, but I dont believe anyone has found tics eliminated with this.


Yes, my son has success using NAET, along w/a comprehensive approach; diet change, along w/other modalities, chirop, acunpuncture, and craniosacral. With NAET, it was not an immediate reduction, it was a gradual process initially. My son has been treated w/NAET for the last 4 years. Now that he is not reactive to everything like he used to, there were several times that i can actually find out his exact tic trigger, treat it w/NAET and the tic is gone.


Good luck! My advice is to find a qualified & experienced NAET practitioner. It makes all the difference. I have actually gone thru 2 others.



Yes, my son has success using NAET, along w/a comprehensive approach; diet change, along w/other modalities, chirop, acunpuncture, and craniosacral. With NAET, it was not an immediate reduction, it was a gradual process initially. My son has been treated w/NAET for the last 4 years. Now that he is not reactive to everything like he used to, there were several times that i can actually find out his exact tic trigger, treat it w/NAET and the tic is gone.


Good luck! My advice is to find a qualified & experienced NAET practitioner. It makes all the difference. I have actually gone thru 2 others.




Thanks for the information. About how often did your son get NAET treatments over the last 4 years (once a week? twice per month?)?


Hi Patty


are you saying that NAET has totally eliminated *all* your son's tics? including the ones that resulted after the retainer? Or is it more that it helps with a specific tic at the time it manifests, but that other tics still come?


milwalkee mom,

I'd be interested to know how things progress with NAET and of some of your experiences while treating. I have tried this with my son for about six months last year (about once a week). I can't say that it had any direct impact on his tics as a whole. I am not discounting it, however, for I feel that you never know what that one thing might be that the body could be reacting too, or just that will help in other areas of health, thus having an impact on tics in the long run.


Could you give us some more background on your son's history?


have you had any interesting experiences with any of the treatments, even if you feel it didn't help tics? My son had a patch of excema on his foot and knuckles at the time we were doing NAET, and I felt it had something to do with it resolving shortly thereafter and is now gone. it seemed to be after the treatment for sugar. of course, can't be sure, and also, I really wasn't caring about any other symptoms, just really trying it hoping I might hit upon that one thing that might help his tics. There are a number of other things I hadn't got to yet and would still like to give a shot, but for the present time, I was switching gears, and as we know, it can get expensive.




Milwalkee mom,


My son rec'd NAET at various pace depending on if his symptoms. We usu do 1/2 items a week for a few months then i would like a break and see what his symptoms are, then resume.






Yes, some of my son's tics were completely gone if the trigger is treated. For example, his vocal tic was triggered by a kind of pine tree pollen. After he was treated via NAET, his vocal tic went away.


He sometimes has a infreq mild nose twitch. I believe is environmental allergy induced. However, it is so minor that it just looks like what normal people would do w/nose irritation. Since my son has sensory issues, i do notice a minor spike when he is irritated, like environmental allergies or cat danders...


The retainer triggered his vocal tics and spiked his OCDs. All symptoms are subsiding since removing the retainer along w/CST, epsom bath, magnesium supplement. He is almost back to baseline. We are seeing the NAET dr this week and plan to treat the retainer even tho he was muscle tested not sensitive.




ok so I am understanding then that the NAET takes away a specific tic each time he is treated, but it doesnt stop another tic from returning if something triggers it, yes?


just making sure I understand properly


sounds similar to what my son experiences after a visit to our acupuncture therapist who also does the reflexology and biofeedback. When my son's condition was still very severe and just after we had withdrawn the meds and started the alternative treatments, my son was having radiogenics which I think works on a similar principle to NAET.


the radiogenics practitioner would then send a detailed report to the acupuncture therapist, who would then do very specific biofeedback, reflexology and acupuncture, and my son would have resultant waning of tics, OCD etc following


it never "cured" him or totally removed all his tics, but was amazing at targeting specific tics or OCD issues

milwalkee mom,

I'd be interested to know how things progress with NAET and of some of your experiences while treating. I have tried this with my son for about six months last year (about once a week). I can't say that it had any direct impact on his tics as a whole. I am not discounting it, however, for I feel that you never know what that one thing might be that the body could be reacting too, or just that will help in other areas of health, thus having an impact on tics in the long run.


Could you give us some more background on your son's history?


have you had any interesting experiences with any of the treatments, even if you feel it didn't help tics? My son had a patch of excema on his foot and knuckles at the time we were doing NAET, and I felt it had something to do with it resolving shortly thereafter and is now gone. it seemed to be after the treatment for sugar. of course, can't be sure, and also, I really wasn't caring about any other symptoms, just really trying it hoping I might hit upon that one thing that might help his tics. There are a number of other things I hadn't got to yet and would still like to give a shot, but for the present time, I was switching gears, and as we know, it can get expensive.




Faith, Pat et al.,


I so appreciate sharing information and experiences and wish I'd joined this forum long ago.


My son's tics began when he was 3 (he's 10 now). We've seen a variety of physical tics over the years that come and go, wax and wane and have been mostly unnoticeable to the casual observer. Late February and early spring were always times when his tics would suddenly flare and eye tics would worsen. We recognized an allergy connection and went through food allergy testing (Immuno), which proved helpful for the tics and ended his stomachaches.


In May of 2007 (age 8) he developed a head nod tic which was very noticeable, especially while playing baseball. His eyes (pupils) were rolling a lot and for the first time we had to explain to others what was happening. Since then he has not had a break from having one or more obvious physical tics. Not terrible tics but obvious ones. This led us to try a low dose of Clonidine in September, hoping to give his system a break. After 1-1/2 to 2 weeks on the Clonidine, a new vocal tic emerged and became a nightmare. The neurologist said Clonidine was not helpful for vocal tics but that it surely didn't bring on his vocal tic. He wanted to increase the clonidine until we reached the appropriate level. This didn't feel right to us and with support from our pediatrician, we discontinued clonidine and went back to the 'ole drawing board.


Over the years, we've tried IgG food allergy testing, NAET/muscle testing (years ago and now we're back at it), vitamin/mineral/amino acid supplements and probiotics, chiropractic, acupuncture, neurotransmitter testing and supplementation (5-HTP, taurine, etc.), anthroposophical tinctures and remedies, craniosacral therapy, and some amateur homeopathy. Some of these things may have helped him and I always hoped that, if nothing else, we were strengthening his system.


As we could have predicted, a flare up of vocal and physical tics started at the end of February. He missed a few days of school due to an uncomfortable vocal tic. Here's what we're doing now: 1) a more scholarly job of identifying and recording possible triggers, 2) continuing with NAET, once per week since January, 3) giving Bontech ts-PLUS supplements, calcium/magnesium and a probiotic, 3) osteopathic manipulation (had first session last week and will continue once per week -- our insurance covers it which is wonderful), 4) mineral baths before bed, 5) avoiding dairy as a possible trigger, 6) air purifier in bedroom, and 7) crossing our fingers. I'm trying to move slowly but, as many of you must know, that's difficult when you're in a crisis mode.


Faith, we have had some interesting observations with NAET and I'll relay them to you in other messages.






To clarify. My son had vocal tic, facial & motor tics (fr neck to feet).


I began NAET after reading Sheila's book and decide to treat my son's underlining issues, food & environmental allergies and sensory issues and anger (those were the things that i was able to id at the time). I did not use NAET to treat his tics.


After about 6 mos of NAET, his allergy & asthma improved. He did not have asthma for 2 years until i started bioset. Well, there is another story. I cannot tell you all the tic triggers but the more we treated w/NAET, the less the tics and some of them were eventually gone. Because he only has an infreq & mild facial tic that only comes on occassionally, it makes it easy for me to figure out some of his tic triggers.


I do believe along w/diet modification and CST, it helped to calm his nervous system which in turn raise his threshold and reduce the tics. So it really is a comprehensive approach.


With acunpuncture, i have seen complete facial reduction after 2 treatments. But my son's afraid of needles so that was not an option.


Since last Dec, my son is treated using NAET for OCDs and have been getting some pretty good results. Will post more when i have more info. to share. For now, i am trying to figure out what to do w/his retainer issue that is causing some problems. Will also share that later.



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