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I am terrified that we are heading for the psyc ward if something doesnt happen fast! My daughter completely flipped again this morning - I called my mom and she took her from the house - not a pretty scene....


She started the day just out of bed by jumping on brothers legs.... some minor ODD stuff (minor in my book... but most normal families wouldnt put ip with it... but I pick my battles)


then bam - she is nutzo.... throwing toys at 1 year old... trying to bite me - growling hissing - saying she wants to die and should just go kill herself - she is 7!!!!! She went on to DESTROY the kitchen.... pouring hersheys syrup water oatmeal and yougurt all over the floor - walked in it and splashed in rubbed it everywhere..... that is when I broke down - called my mom and asked her to take her - it was either that or the hospital and I chose my mom.....


did i do the right thing? I cant stop crying and I am trying to hold it together for the other kids but I need some advice.... help me please


I'm so sorry! This sounds like a horrible beginning to your day!


So, she was fine yesterday but today turns this 180 degrees?


Remind me, is she currently taking antibiotics? Have you ever tried or considereda "calming med" for times like these . . . risperadol or clonanzepam, something like that? Or, maybe you'd be more comfortable using a "natural" response, something like valerian root?


I only have DS12 -- no other kids -- and I know has his manic times affected me and my husband; I can't begin to imagine how tough it would have been with siblings in the mix!


I think you did the right thing, especially as your mom was willing and seems to be at least knowledgable about handling your daughter during these times. You have to do what's right for your other kids, too. Does her rage subside when she's away from home? Or in the company of her grandmother? Or when she's not competing for attention and gets her grandmother's undivided attention?


I am so sorry that you are going through this!


I think you were right to get your mom to take her...


Is she currently on antibiotic? Have you tried Motrin before?


I wish I could send a hug..........


Yes, you did do the right thing by sending her to grandmas. What a wonderful mum you are. She is with someone who also loves her dearly, and in a safe, secure place. I think that you and your other children need this space.


Please try not to feel bad about your choice, everyone of us has that breaking moment, but its the good mums that ask for help when they know they need it. I would of done the same.


Please pm if you need a shoulder, In fact pm or call anyone you can for some support


Take care



I am terrified that we are heading for the psyc ward if something doesnt happen fast! My daughter completely flipped again this morning - I called my mom and she took her from the house - not a pretty scene....


She started the day just out of bed by jumping on brothers legs.... some minor ODD stuff (minor in my book... but most normal families wouldnt put ip with it... but I pick my battles)


then bam - she is nutzo.... throwing toys at 1 year old... trying to bite me - growling hissing - saying she wants to die and should just go kill herself - she is 7!!!!! She went on to DESTROY the kitchen.... pouring hersheys syrup water oatmeal and yougurt all over the floor - walked in it and splashed in rubbed it everywhere..... that is when I broke down - called my mom and asked her to take her - it was either that or the hospital and I chose my mom.....


did i do the right thing? I cant stop crying and I am trying to hold it together for the other kids but I need some advice.... help me please

I am so sorry that you have to go through this. I have been in your exact position more times than I can count. You did the right thing by having your mom take her. Sometimes just a change in environment will help them get through it. I know that it probably is not the best thing to do but, but in a crisis situation like that, I use Benedryl. We tried lorazipam but it didn't work for him. When in crisis mode our dr. said do whatever works to keep everyone safe. I would avoid the psych ward. My 9 year old son spent 2 weeks there before we knew he had PANDAS. All that came out of hopitalization was my son with PANDAS on zoloft. Now we have to wean him off. The last time he raged it took us by surprise because he was 15 days into a 21 day steriod boost and on aug. He had been rage free since we started it. After the rage, the next day he woke up with a terrible cold/cough. The dr. changed him to azith and he has not raged since. (9 days) Maybe your daughter is sick or has been exposed to something or needs her meds changed. My thoughts and prayers are with you.



oh dear, I wish I could help in some way. I don't recall exactly if your child is on abx or meds at this time. but is there any way that something else could come into play here, like food allergies or sensitivities. Could you recall what occured in the time right before she had this tantrum? She doesn't behave that way all the time, correct? do you recall the foods she ate that morning or the night before? you never know, she may be reacting to something that puts her in this type mood. Have you ever looked at the book "Is This Your Child" by Doris Rapp? Its about child behavior and how food allergies or sensitivities can cause erratic behavior in children. Its really a good read, you could probably find it at your library. .... I recall your post recently where you say she was hardly eating anything after the tonsilectomy and her behavior was pretty pleasant. maybe take that as a clue and look a little more into diet. have you ever tried the Feingold diet? Pandas or not, there may be other things going on as well. Did you say you started fish oil? If she took it, perhaps it didn't have a good effect? I know when I gave it to my son, he ticced more, and many of us feel that fish oil increases tics, altho we don't know exactly why.


so sorry you had this experience. good luck, I hope things settle down.





I'm so sorry for you earnestfamily...I'm praying for you! We have been walking that fine line ourselves the past 3 weeks. Tried Ativan the first week...Benadryl helped just as much. One night last week I finally gave up, and called the rescue squad cause I didn't think we could get him to the ER alone. He had spent practically the whole day screaming, we couldn't do anything to help him. Of course he settled down long enough for them to put us in the ER waiting room, no hurry, kid seems fine!! After several minutes though he started getting more and more agitated. I finally got them to put us in the back in an unused room, but still not to be seen. Two hours later, around 10:00 pm I sent my husband to check when we might get a room. I don't mind the wait, but at this point I was tired of appeasing him in the ER, and I might at least have a shot of getting him to bed at home. In the process of checking on this, my husband overheard the nurses laughing at our son's behavior. Needless to say, between the wait and the unprofessional behavior we left. I managed to give the nurses a quick lesson in PANDAS and kindness before we left though. The next day I called our local psychiatric facility, just in case we got desperate again. They were very nice and sympathetic, but pretty much told me they probably couldn't take my son because there is an underlying medical condition. Interestingly enough, we dealt with a similar scenario with my dad a few years ago. He has Alzheimer's and that, like PANDAS, falls in that gray area, where its hard to get help medically, and the psychiatrists can't or often don't seem willing to help because it is "medical" and they dare not cross the line!! Anyway...I guess what I'm trying to tell you is that calling your mom was probably the best thing to do!! The ER just ended up upsetting us all the more. If we get bad off again, I don't know what I'll do, the psyche ward, another ER...who knows!! One day at a time...I guess? Remember we are all thinking about you!! And I agree, thank you Dr. T., for all your dedication and care for these children!!!


You made the right decision. My son has been inpatient twice (before we knew of PANDAS) and I don't think it was a great help medically or mentally. It did protect the family from harm at the time though. If you have a place outside of the psych ward that you can acheive this then that is what I would do. My son spent the last year before diagnosis living 5 1/2 hours away from his family with his grandmother. I am happy to report that his interaction with the family is GREATLY improved since IVIG this December. Hang in there and know that you did the right thing. PANDAS can be an absolute nightmare for the entire family! I pray that you and your family get the help and results that you so desperately need. PM me if you want more info or need to chat with another mother who has lived the nightmare for ten long years. I now have hope .......


earnest - so sorry to hear of your troubling day. this is very off-track and i feel you are certainly in good hands if you are consulting with dr. t - just something in your post made me think of this, so i wanted to mention it.


i, personally, have a history of migraine headaches with aura. although i have nothing to back it up, i believe it's got to be related to my son's pandas. i had my first migraine when i was about age 11-ish. i had come home from ice-skating and started having numbness on one side, it spread to my tongue and i couldn't speak correctly. my thoughts were also jumbled. i did not have any type of raging or anger or inappropriate flight or fight. i was fortunate in that my dad was a dr at the hospital so my treatment was most likely, extra special. however, no one had an idea what was wrong. i had many tests that showed nothing. they wanted to do a spinal tap but i fought that too hard. they discharged me after a day or two with basically no diagnosis. only a few months later, when my mom was reading one of her nursing magazines, she saw a mention of migraine with aura and investigated. i continued having migraines through teen-age years and then they stopped. they did usually seem to be somehow blood sugar related - such as missing dinner or breakfast. unfortunately, they came back after my pregnancies. i previously thought it was hormonally related, but now wonder if it's some other connection such as infection.


sorry to rattle on, just something in your post made me think of how this often comes out of nowhere for me. sometimes i may have an awareness coming on and other times, it's just on with no warning.


it could just be that they both are basal ganglia disruptions or problems but i'd be curious to know if the neurologists find any connections.


I definitely agree with the advice to culture her for strep. Make sure they grow it out fot 72 hours. Is she currently on antibiotics? Dr. T will be a great help to you.

Good luck!



I am so sorry. My son was 5 and said he wanted to go to heaven. Even when I told him that he couldn't come back and explained no one really knows what heaven is like, your body doesn't go with you, etc. He still wanted to go.



But, let me give you hope...he eventually recovered and he has no memory of those thoughts, words, or feelings. He also never acted on them and never truly tried to "go to heaven". It was more threats. Bad threats, but only threats. Still, those words hurt when you hear your child saying them. Keep strong.

I am terrified that we are heading for the psyc ward if something doesnt happen fast! My daughter completely flipped again this morning - I called my mom and she took her from the house - not a pretty scene....


She started the day just out of bed by jumping on brothers legs.... some minor ODD stuff (minor in my book... but most normal families wouldnt put ip with it... but I pick my battles)


then bam - she is nutzo.... throwing toys at 1 year old... trying to bite me - growling hissing - saying she wants to die and should just go kill herself - she is 7!!!!! She went on to DESTROY the kitchen.... pouring hersheys syrup water oatmeal and yougurt all over the floor - walked in it and splashed in rubbed it everywhere..... that is when I broke down - called my mom and asked her to take her - it was either that or the hospital and I chose my mom.....


did i do the right thing? I cant stop crying and I am trying to hold it together for the other kids but I need some advice.... help me please

Hi there,

You did the right thing. You managed to keep it together and make a good decision to keep everyone safe. How's she doing now? Thank God for your mom :)

I was trying to get your story straight and looking at your posts... you started the Omega 3-6-9 last night, is that right? Do you think that might have triggered this?

My son is on a ton of supplements, but after reading a post (I think by Dr. T?) on how some kids' immune system is on overdrive (and that seems to be my son's case), I discontinued anything that is meant to "boost" the immune system. I don't know, I'm no scientist, but it seems to me if his immune system is already rev'd up, why add more fuel to it? Just a thought.

I hope you never have to go through something like this again, but try to keep a journal and it might help find the trigger.

Let us know how things progress, and do try to get everyone tested for strep.



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