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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Thanks for this information. I don't know where to begin. My little girl was crying tonight because her tics were so bad, but the info I have on the meds is frightening.


I started lecithin tonight, 1200 mg but she only weighs about 40 pounds.


What would you all say is the most common (tic reducer) for all ?




I am just wanting a starting point.


Thanks again.




Bonnie Grimaldi is credited with being the "expert" on vitamin & mineral supplements for help with TS


she has done extensive research (which is ongoing) and her studies show that the single most important supplement needed is MAGNESIUM


It is best taken in combination with taurine, and one can obtain it in that form as MAGNESIUM TAURATE, either direct from Bonnie ( http://www.BonnieGr.com ) or from the Vitamin Shoppe (local stores or online)


It is generally recommended that the intake of magnesium be balanced with calcium, in a ratio of 2 calcium to 1 magnesium. It is also highly adviseable to add zinc to this mix (ideally no less than 800mg calcium:400mg magnesium: 50mg zinc is what I see most recommended.)


I personally feel that it is the combination of a number of essential nutrients that produce the optimum effect of tic reduction, and that it is very important to simultaneously have a good diet with no artificial and other tic triggers, and also to have eliminated any possible background causes like PANDAs. pyroluria, Candida(yeast) and heavy metals, along with environmental things that may be specific triggers for the individual( eg allergens, chemicals, screen flicker etc)


Even if you decide not to use Bonnie's vitamins, I highly recommend her website as you will find a wealth of information there.




  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 4 weeks later...

Again, thanks so much Chemar for all your help - we pretty much do everything you've suggested but not the tuarine, we are seeing my son's DAN doc on the 21st and am going to suggest it. You had mentioned an integrative doc -and in your description I believe that is more of what our DAN doc is, but he also works with the DAN protocol. All my hugs to everyone here, you are all such a helpful, loving bunch!

Giselle :P

  • 1 month later...

Bumping up for the many newcomers who are asking about vitamins etc for tics



welcome to Latitudes and we hope you will find many answers here.

Do also read the threads that Claire has compiled that sum up many of the experiences and positive results that folks have documented here, and also Jeff's posts re elimination of artificial foodstuffs etc and his success with the Feingold dietary plan. Andy has a lot of very helpful info to on detoxification from the adverse effects of heavy metals etc. and Alison and Ronna have a wealth of info re PANDAS, plus oh so much more.........


It can all be a bit overwhelming at first as there is SO much info, but just take it a step at a time and dont hesitate to ask questions.


We have a wonderful community of people here who share freely what they are learning and experiencing...



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