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Are these tics or OCD


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Okay a couple of days ago I gave my son some pineapple (he hasn't had this in months). We were also having his cousins over for New Year. I noticed behavior things like laying on floor, rolling around. At first I thought it was from excitement because of the party we were having but then I realized that the pineapple is very high in Salicylate. He didn't score anything on the IgG for this but did for oranges, lemon, grapefruit, tomato. Would the pineapple have affected him. Anyway yesterday was a great day. He has been back on diet for a couple of days. Then he wakes up in the middle of the night and wants to lay with me with is fine he doesn't do this often (very minimal). But when he's asleep I notice him grinding his teeth (I used to do that alot when stressed and still do). When he wakes up I notice him tensing his body, putting his hands together (like cracking your knuckls) and stretching his arms out. He was also holding his breath. He got up and ate and just seems a little on edge. I told him that I was going to the store today to buy more of his cereal and he said to not go because what if I get into an accident ( he had this about a month ago with my husband being gone at work). Though he did get dressed and went to brush his teeth and combed hair fine. I don;t know how to explain it, he just seems a little edgy. Does anyone notice this behavior. Is it ticks/OCD??


Also I read a post back in November that I can't seem to find. There was a long letter posted by Evangelia that sounded very similar to my sons sensitivities. I would really like to talk to her but can't seem to find it now.


I am having a really hard morning, I feel like there is nothing I could feed him. I just feel like crying!



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Okay a couple of days ago I gave my son some pineapple (he hasn't had this in months). We were also having his cousins over for New Year. I noticed behavior things like laying on floor, rolling around. At first I thought it was from excitement because of the party we were having but then I realized that the pineapple is very high in Salicylate. He didn't score anything on the IgG for this but did for oranges, lemon, grapefruit, tomato. Would the pineapple have affected him. Anyway yesterday was a great day. He has been back on diet for a couple of days. Then he wakes up in the middle of the night and wants to lay with me with is fine he doesn't do this often (very minimal). But when he's asleep I notice him grinding his teeth (I used to do that alot when stressed and still do). When he wakes up I notice him tensing his body, putting his hands together (like cracking your knuckls) and stretching his arms out. He was also holding his breath. He got up and ate and just seems a little on edge. I told him that I was going to the store today to buy more of his cereal and he said to not go because what if I get into an accident ( he had this about a month ago with my husband being gone at work). Though he did get dressed and went to brush his teeth and combed hair fine. I don;t know how to explain it, he just seems a little edgy. Does anyone notice this behavior. Is it ticks/OCD??


Also I read a post back in November that I can't seem to find. There was a long letter posted by Evangelia that sounded very similar to my sons sensitivities. I would really like to talk to her but can't seem to find it now.


I am having a really hard morning, I feel like there is nothing I could feed him. I just feel like crying!





I wanted to respond because you sound so upset. I have been away from site for awhile. My son has PANDAS but the strep he got also effected his gut. In the beginning before I knew he had PANDAS food greatly effected his tics. For months he has been on gluten free, only milk sometimes when baking and nothing very acidic. I remember in the beginning I gave him apple juice and his eyes went crazy. For the time being he only drinks very good water and takes supplements along with antibiotics. For my son sugar is basicaly out as well, although I have found some cookies and such he can tolerate. This has been a balancing act. Liam"s mom, Kathy

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what you describe sounds more like some ocd behaviors, or more of a reaction of some sort. has he been ill recently or getting ill, anything, cold, virus, have you been down the path of checking for strep? I just say because it sounds almost like he's having an 'episode', some behaviors that vamp up all of a sudden. and the cracking knuckles thing sounds like a PANDAS behavior, but not sure. the teeth grinding, that's something, but don't really know if it would be a tic or ocd or something else. what kind of supplements is he on?


As far as the pineapple, yes, I think he could have a reaction to foods, but there you have to kind of experiment, I would think after an offending food is out of the system, at least four days, then things would calm. The other stuff tho, sounds like emotional, needing reassurance and worrying. I don't really see that as being a reaction to food, I would think more unruly and hyper behavior would be the kind of reaction from food sensitivities.



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Okay a couple of days ago I gave my son some pineapple (he hasn't had this in months). We were also having his cousins over for New Year. I noticed behavior things like laying on floor, rolling around. At first I thought it was from excitement because of the party we were having but then I realized that the pineapple is very high in Salicylate. He didn't score anything on the IgG for this but did for oranges, lemon, grapefruit, tomato. Would the pineapple have affected him. Anyway yesterday was a great day. He has been back on diet for a couple of days. Then he wakes up in the middle of the night and wants to lay with me with is fine he doesn't do this often (very minimal). But when he's asleep I notice him grinding his teeth (I used to do that alot when stressed and still do). When he wakes up I notice him tensing his body, putting his hands together (like cracking your knuckls) and stretching his arms out. He was also holding his breath. He got up and ate and just seems a little on edge. I told him that I was going to the store today to buy more of his cereal and he said to not go because what if I get into an accident ( he had this about a month ago with my husband being gone at work). Though he did get dressed and went to brush his teeth and combed hair fine. I don;t know how to explain it, he just seems a little edgy. Does anyone notice this behavior. Is it ticks/OCD??


Also I read a post back in November that I can't seem to find. There was a long letter posted by Evangelia that sounded very similar to my sons sensitivities. I would really like to talk to her but can't seem to find it now.


I am having a really hard morning, I feel like there is nothing I could feed him. I just feel like crying!




Hi Mar,


Just wanted to say how sorry I am you are going through this. I am also having an extremely hard time feeding my son with the 23 allergies, he doesn't want to eat anymore because there is no variety. And I don't blame him, it's tough. He is being treated for leaky gut. I'm thinking of you! It's hard enough dealing with the food, but to be adding this latest worry is very difficult I'm sure. Take care!!!

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Thank You so much for your responses!!!! I was having one of those break down moments. Well when he got home from school he seemed alot better. He seems a little (and I mean little) on edge but there was no anger or anything. I asked him to do a couple pages of homework while I took my daughter to a class. When I got back he did all five. He also read his long story for school to me without complaining at all (though he was fidgeting). He then got his sister a tissue when she needed one and even put his clothes in the hamper (which does not happen very often). Yes he has a cold and so do I, but his behavior seems good with no anger or rages. He did not object to anything. This morning he woke up and is just stuffy, runny nose and said he was cold but once again behavior wise he is fine I think. Once again ate breakfast, got dressed, brushed teach without a problem. No rolling around or crawling or procrasinating. Him and his sister did shove each other a couple of times but she instigated it half the time. By the way he has not been ticcing for awhile. His worst were lip licking, and shoulder movements, opening month, eye blinking. The only one I do notice once in a while is him moving his tongue back and forth in my mouth (if thats a tic). I know some people think pandas (which yes it crosses my mind also) but would this be typical behavior that I mentioned above? I mentioned before that my husband has TS and so I keep assuming the TS. It it so hard to figure this all out. I know he is thinking alot about this new diet he is on. He has always taken everything to heart.


Thanks for listening!


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Mar, with the family history of TS it is more than likely that your son is exhibiting TS symptoms


that's not to say that you shouldnt still investigate things that trigger the tics....IMHO that is essential as by eliminating triggers one can stop the severity and frequency of tic/OCD waxing.


but if it is TS, a level of acceptance that he IS likely going to tic is also needed. Sometimes nomatter how we are doing all the right stuff, the mysterious characteristic waxing of tics happens. In our experience tho, it has never been as bad as it used to be before we started the careful diet/supps and other trigger eliminations etc

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  • 2 weeks later...
Mar, with the family history of TS it is more than likely that your son is exhibiting TS symptoms


that's not to say that you shouldnt still investigate things that trigger the tics....IMHO that is essential as by eliminating triggers one can stop the severity and frequency of tic/OCD waxing.


but if it is TS, a level of acceptance that he IS likely going to tic is also needed. Sometimes nomatter how we are doing all the right stuff, the mysterious characteristic waxing of tics happens. In our experience tho, it has never been as bad as it used to be before we started the careful diet/supps and other trigger eliminations etc





I am sorry I know I have seem this several times on the forum but what does IMHO mean.



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