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Nystatin Yeast - (mangoes and tics?)

Guest Guest_efgh

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Guest Guest_efgh



Claire, I tried the quick spit yeast test for my son at home and as Nancy mentioned

there were some stringy things and then after a while they went away. Is it supposed to be so? I called my naturopath and was discussing about yeast issues and he mentioned that two thirds of the population have yeast problems and mostly the body takes care of itself and he mentioned that one should worry a lot about it ONLY if a child had taken a lot of antibiotics and that most of the tests for yeast are only pointers and may not be 100 percent authentic.... He also added that there is no harm in my trying Nystatin for a month for my son. What are all your views on Nystatin. Has it been helpful for yeast? any side effects? Your inputs on this would be appreciated. HOw long does it take for Nystatin to help yeast...

I am in a dilemma whether to start off with nystatin for this.. your advice please!


My son is doing pretty well though he tends to tic when he watches TV. His tics are not noticeable - He is not tic free though !. He does not tic when he is occupied and has some mild tics (motor or vocal) when he is idle. I guess with his continuous use of supplements, he may improve even with regard to this. Claire, my son was on NO COMPUTER for a week .. I did not see any noticeable difference in his tics reduction that week, since his tics were anyway quite minimal for the past three months or so..


One more question - HOW many of you have noticed an increase in tics due to Mangoes.. I have noticed some tics in my son once he eats mangoes - any clues ???



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Hi efgh,



Thanks so much for informing me on your 'no computer' for a week. I hope your son was okay with doing it. I hope it makes you feel better that computer DOESN'T impact your son--that is very very good news!! And glad to hear that his tics are so minimal right now. You had been commenting on him having more complex tics a couple of weeks ago, to what do you attribute the recent improvement? Or were the complex tics from an earlier time and I misunderstood your question on them?



As I told Nancy, it would be normal for the stringy things to dissolve into water. I would suggest having you and your husband try it yourselves. Sometimes doing this will show you that not everyone gets stringy things indicating an overgrowth of yeast. (My husband's wasn't stringy)


Yeast is still a bit controversial, though less so than 10 years ago. Everyone has yeast, it is normal and healthy. It is just a matter of if there is overgrowth. Even there some doctors think an overgrowth is not a health issue. More and more doctor's believe it can be a health factor these days, but not all.


Most people get yeast from antibiotic or steroid use (e.g. steroids in asthma inhalers, or taken for poison oak/ivy). However, from what I read, elevated mercury can depress the immune system and create an environment for yeast to flourish. I believe your son has never been tested for mercury, yes? It doesn't mean that is an issue, but it does mean that you can't rule it out if he wasn't on a lot of antibiotics. My son never took the 'excessive' levels of antibiotics that they claim is needed to create a yeast problem and he still had one. I am not a doctor, but I believe in the DAN protocol (also covered in Children with Starving Brains) in checking on yeast.


Our DAN/EM doctor said that capryllic acid and nystatin were both good for intestinal yeast (some people responded better to one or the other) and that he considered nystatin was quite safe. Again, my son's yeast was milder, so he only recommended capryllic acid, but said I would need nystatin since mine was more elevated.


If you are hesitant on nystatin, you could ask your doctor. It would be great if they knew about Threelac and had an opinion. Since it is NOT just a matter of taking Nystatin or Capryllic acid, but reducing sugars and refined carbs in their diet. (Unless your child is low in these anyway). I read that Capryllic acid is fine even for a healthy digestive track, but I haven't research Nystatin yet (I will before I take it). Plus typically one must raise the probiotic level--it is not just a matter of killing the yeast, but creating a healthy intestine so it doesn't come back.


Finally, I come back to my doctor's comment on the toxins from yeast die-off being a problem if your antioxidants aren't up to par. If you have the funds, maybe you and your naturopath can discuss that $265 spectracell test for vitamin deficiencies and antioxidant levels. It would scare me to supplement with antioxidants unless I knew there was an issue.


Clearly I am not a doctor and I am basing all my comments on the protocol our DAN/EM doctor is doing for my son. In some ways our children are similar (reactions to foods, TV sensitivity), but clearly they have differences (my son never had vocal tics, your son can handle computer). But since you asked my opinion, here it is: Yes I would do something for possible yeast, though ideally I would do the $127 Great Plains urine test first. If I couldn't get that test first, then I personally would try capryllic acid over nystatin, since it is non-prescription :) I trust you to do your own decision making, in conjunction with your doctor.


Good luck with your decision process.



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Guest terrie

about mangos,

i wonder if thats why my sons tics have been more frequent in the past week and a half, we've been making smoothies with mangos.

its really hard sometimes to figure out exactly why they get triggered. but i know there are definite triggers and i've been watching closely and eliminating for many years. right now i really need some advise on how to get the entire families support and cooperation on alternative therapies, ESPECIALLY diet. i can see an immidiate difference when he comes home after being at a particular relatives house. if anyone has any good advise and suggestions on this please let me know. :)

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Hi there,

about the mango's.

I looked up the food chemicals in fruit section of the RPA hospital in Sydney allergy unit book.

It says that mangos are Moderate in salicylates. Perhaps you could experiment with other foods in the higher catergory to test the reaction.

Fruit high in salicytates are:


apricot Peach

Blueberry pomegranate

boysenberry redcurrent

Blackberry strawberry

cherry watermelon

cranberry rockmelon/cantelope

Apple- Jonathan/granny smith






There are some even higher in salicylates and the other chemicals that can cause problems are Amines and natural MSG in foods:

the MSG fruit/veg are Tomatoes,grape,plum,prune,raisin,sultana/broccoli,mushroom,spinach


If you are interested in more info just ask.

There are a lot of foods that are affected.

see ya


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Guest Guest_efgh



thanks a ton for taking your time to post to me in detail. As regards complex tics my son has been having the touching/imitating actions tendencies for around 4 months - the frequency is very less though. Its not noticable to others but to me "YES".. I just assume that since he is ten now, it could be the age thing since they say that TS tendencies are more prominent around that age.. (don't know if its true!)

Overall his tics are much improved (mainly due to no TV and no milk). An interesting observation - after a long long time he watched a movie (not LCD monitor) and I let him watch it since his tics were pretty much under control since 3 months . Guess what - I noticed a sudden increase for a day. he was more hyper, restless and irritable and was ticcing more after the movie for one whole day. . so, the TV trigger undoubtedly still exists and hence I am keen to try NAET and I welcome your views on this.

Regarding yeast, thanks so much for your inputs. I would discuss with my naturopath on this.




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Guest Jeff

Reply to terrie....

One of my daughter's is sensitive to sals, but we don't have a problem with mangoes.

Terrie, you said you've been eliminating for years. Are you aware of the Feingold Program? Their basic philosophy is to eliminate all artificial flavors and colors, and the preservatives BHA, BHT, and TBHQ. They also observe that many people react to salicylates and other foods, such as corn syrup, dairy, wheat, etc.

Members of the program have access to a Member's Bulletin Board, which is a very active forum where people share experiences, recipes, etc, and offer years of wisdom and support. The website is feingold.org.

Most of the folks follow FG to control hyperactivity in their children, but many find that it also works in controlling tics and many other symptoms (headaches, bed-wetting, ADD, etc.). Maybe you can find some ideas and support there.

We have been on FG for about 5 years now. Yes, the kids grumble and complain, and we "cheat" every so often, but they're used to it now, and it's a way of life for us.


Maybe your child is snacking on something at the relative's house that is causing a reaction.

Good luck. Jeff

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As I mentioned before, my son is on a 5 month prescription of nystatin. It was compounded by the pharmacist for him and needs to be refrigerated. According to our doctor, it is an extremely well tolerated medicine without side effects. When he first started it, my son did have some hyperventilating problems, but the doctor said that shouldn't be from the nystatin.


My son is taking the nystatin because his yeast overgrowth levels (from Great Plains Lab microbial organic acid test) didn't seem to go down as far as they should with the homeopathic drops. However, I did want to say that the doctor gave him nystatin (not as strong a prescription though) a few years ago. After finishing the nystatin then he still tested high for yeast overgrowth and he still lhad lots of tics. Our doctor, because she prescribed it again for him, obviously still holds out hope for the nystatin to work. I did notice, however, that Dr. McCandless said in a post to me back in in 2003 that she has "found most yeast nowadays has outsmarted nystatin, and it is almost useless for most kids." http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?...p?showtopic=187


We will retest after this nystatin prescription is done and I'll let you know how it has worked.

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Guest Guest_efgh



Nice of you to have patiently replied with so much detail. I read your link to Dr. McCandless posts. thanks. Did you try flagyl for your son as per Dr. McCandless's advice?

Good to know that the homeo drops finally was the thing that helped your son. How is your son doing these days?



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Hi. We never used the flagyl. When I went back to our doctor again with Dr. McCandless' suggestions, she put my son on homeopathic drops. I remember how skeptical I was at first. But they did get rid of his clostridia overgrowth finally and they also lowered his yeast overgrowth levels. My son is doing very well these days - thanks for asking. He rarely has tics and when I see them, they are very mild.

I saw on another post that your son is also doing well. That's great.


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efgh, phil, and jean



My neighbor says that one of her doctor's thinks the only way to test for yeast issues is to use Nystatin and see if the patient notices improvement!! Also, I have been giving my son magnesium taurate for 10 days now and have reduced the melatonin to 1/4 mg (from 1/3) and he is going to sleep fine. I tried 1/4 before with no luck. This weekend I will try 1/5 mg and if that goes well....1/6 next. I think sleeping with the light completely off does make a difference also. Thanks again for reporting on your success with Magnesium Taurate and sleep...wish me luck!



Wow, very interesting input from Dr. McCandless on Nystatin. I had forgotten that she had that thread and now I will scour it. I wonder if Aqua-flora (which I think you mentioned to me earlier) is the same as oxygenated water. My DAN doctor said 'all water has oxygen'!



I can definitely see how treating the digestive track would make a difference--avoiding offending foods and yeast treatment, and adding probiotics are all ways of treating the digestive track. But 9 months ago, I would have been confused by such a statement! I am very glad that your naturopath is sooo good. If they are on the DAN list, somewhere that protocol must play some factor in this, wouldn't you think? I know she did some similar testing early on...



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Guest Guest_efgh



Thanks. How old is your son? when his TS was more prominent did he have the "repeating words" (echolalia) kind of vocal tics too?? Yes, my son is doing well but I would want him to do equally well with "TV" too. Now he is on NO TV and with some food restrictions. I am JUST waiting for him to get adjusted to the TV. Did you have a family history of TS?




THat is GREAAAAAAAAAT that magnesium taurate works for your son. I am really happy for you. Ever since I started Magnesium taurate for my son (for the past 5 months), his sleep pattern has been GREAT. he had so much trouble sleeping prior to that. Goodluck to you and your son! My son is 10 , how about your son? Also wanted to share with you all that my son has put on quite some weight after all these supplements, etc and his bowels are very regular these days. Initially he was skinny, was constipated and I was a bit concerned that he was not gaining weight.


goodluck and keep us posted.

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My son has recently turned 12. The only time he was repeating words (echolalia) was when his tics first became glaringly obvious - he had a tic storm 4 years ago that included doing pirouettes and other things we haven't seen since. Interestingly enough, I later found out that just prior to having all these symptoms, my MIL had gotten him blue cotton candy at the town fair - something I'd never allow him to have! Later on we realized that food coloring is a definate trigger for his tics. Our family doesn't have a history of TS, but we do have OCD issues and allergies.


Does your family have a history of TS? It's wonderful that your son has been sleeping so much better. That was one of the first things to improve for my son also, thanks to supplements. He also used to have so much trouble sleeping - he'd take hours to fall asleep and then would practically sleep with one eye open. Adequate sleep makes such a difference!

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Guest Guest_efgh



No, we dont have a family history of TS. No family history of OCD too. What are pirouettes? How is your son;s sleep these days? How long does he sleep on an average in a day? Claire, how about your son?



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  • 7 years later...

about mangos,

i wonder if thats why my sons tics have been more frequent in the past week and a half, we've been making smoothies with mangos.

its really hard sometimes to figure out exactly why they get triggered. but i know there are definite triggers and i've been watching closely and eliminating for many years. right now i really need some advise on how to get the entire families support and cooperation on alternative therapies, ESPECIALLY diet. i can see an immidiate difference when he comes home after being at a particular relatives house. if anyone has any good advise and suggestions on this please let me know. :)


Mangos and mango sorbet seem to bring something out for sure, particularly overly ripe mangos, not so in green mangos. Not sure if its the sugar or the mango or both in the mango sorbet.

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