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Does anyone else's child do this?


Even on days when I think the pandas symptoms are fading, we are left with this symptom known as "scripting" among the autism community (he does not have autism but does have many symptoms of autism). Does anyone else's child do this? I am trying to figure out if it is due to yeast build-up from the abx or if it is from pandas?


He was not doing this pre-strep (over the summer).


I think I am going to throw toy story away and bring out some other movie! I am sick of toy story!!! LOL!


One other question: when he screams something over and over (last night it was, "I farted"!) is that a tic or a compulsion? I am trying to understand all of this b/c sometimes I'm not sure if it is bad behavior or part of pandas (again, he really doesn't do this pre-strep).





Have you looked into Aspergers? I know you mentioned he did not have autism. They have some of the symptoms of autism but high language and more frustration with social and emotional communication and meltdowns. They have fixed interests like movies and memorizing lines and collecting. Your son sounds alot like my son who has PANDAS and Tourettes but was diagnosed with the Aspergers in May. He also has alot of compulsions that seem to be tics and says things like you are refering to over and over and loudly that are inappropriate that seem like potty talk about farts, weiners ,butts. My son has the eye movements rolling too. They come and go but I would say that is a tic. The compulsions are the repeat behaviors like showering, or smelling, or having all the lights on. He does hair twirling during eating and gets food in his hair. He also gets up on his toes and curls them under and walks. He cracks his fingers against his body or face. I have always struggled with compulsions versus tics but I think it is all part of the Tourettes and OCD. Look on the TSA page they have a lot of great info. Even though my son is Aspergers he has friends and wants to be socially accepted. That is why he does good in school, he wants to be like the other kids and to please his teachers. I have been reading up on this for a lot of years and I think the Aspergers and tourettes go together as does tourettes and OCD. Also the TSA representative told me this. Good luck to you as you learn more. As they age sometimes things become more defined.





Does anyone else's child do this?


Even on days when I think the pandas symptoms are fading, we are left with this symptom known as "scripting" among the autism community (he does not have autism but does have many symptoms of autism). Does anyone else's child do this? I am trying to figure out if it is due to yeast build-up from the abx or if it is from pandas?


He was not doing this pre-strep (over the summer).


I think I am going to throw toy story away and bring out some other movie! I am sick of toy story!!! LOL!


One other question: when he screams something over and over (last night it was, "I farted"!) is that a tic or a compulsion? I am trying to understand all of this b/c sometimes I'm not sure if it is bad behavior or part of pandas (again, he really doesn't do this pre-strep).




My son does this to SpongeBob, Ben 10, and more. He's not in a PANDAS episode. It's just him. My husband does the same to Star Wars, Indiana Jones, etc :) Granted not exactly like my son, but he still quotes things A LOT and I catch him mumbling parts of the movie to himself (my husband). But then, they both did it pre-strep too. Imagine not EVER having a break and having two people like that!


But seriously.....Have you tried telling him he can quote the movies all he wants maybe during a certain time slot, but then he has to stop? Or he's only allowed to do one quote every half hour or hour? If you tell him if he doesn't cut back on the quoting, he won't be allowed to watch the movies help? It very well might be a compulsion and you will have to help him cut back. My son wouldn't stop compulsions on his own, I had to hold his hand through the process.


Do your guys repeat these things because they think they're funny or just like to recite it. Like when my son thinks something is funny that happened or that he saw on tv, he'll keep imitating it over and over cause he thinks its funny, but I get annoyed and lots of times have to tell him to stop and knock it off. then he'll go "okay, but can I do it one more time?"..... ..... :wacko:






Faith, I don't think my ds does this because of anything pandas related but maybe it is.. I have no idea anymore.. but if he does something that he thinks is funny he definitely does it over and over again..to where it goes from funny to annoying. I constantly am reminding him that sometimes something is funny the first time and only the first time.


I think this can be echolalia from tics also. My son does this with TV and music and loud sounds. I agree especially if they think it is funny they want to say it again. My son likes to echo my two year old because she gets mad and screams then he echos her screams. It is really annoying. Sadly he enjoys the attention he gets from being annoying. He finds it amusing. We are trying to ignore it when he does things like this for attention. Very hard for us to do. My thirteen year old can not refrain herself which ends in chaos and him getting louder. It is a vicious cycle. She doesn't get that he is enjoying seeing her get mad! We are working on this with her and the therapist. Rewarding her for ignoring his bad behaviors. We have to do something to make life less crazy around here. Everytime she ignores him she gets a penny. Saves up pennies for a reward on the weekend. We have to retrain him to get positive attention since he is getting a rush from the negative attention!



Do your guys repeat these things because they think they're funny or just like to recite it. Like when my son thinks something is funny that happened or that he saw on tv, he'll keep imitating it over and over cause he thinks its funny, but I get annoyed and lots of times have to tell him to stop and knock it off. then he'll go "okay, but can I do it one more time?"..... ..... :wacko:






If my son calls me a magical taking trash can again (from SpongeBob), I think I'm gonna scream!


This is a good example of when it's hard to decipher the disorder because it involves children. Their personalities might have also just naurally changed over the course of an episode. You really have to get to know your child all over again.


If you do suspect it s PANDAS related, sometimes you have to go with the flow during an episode, but you can attempt to overcome it by tackling it head on like some of my previous suggestions.


And I just have to do this...


"To infinity and beyond"

"Play nice"

"It's time to go home"


Some of my husband's favorite Toy Story quotes that I still have to hear till this day.


Vickie does he have other spectrum quirks? Just wondering because through all this, I now realize my husband does have some qualities. He is antisocial, doesn't use eye contact, and has trouble communicating and the moods. I really think they are connected to this PANDAS spectrum. I am dealing with both of them with issues. It certainly makes life a challenge. He has not been the best with dealing wih this for my son.



If my son calls me a taking garbage can again (from SpongeBob), I think I'm gonna scream!


This is a good example of when it's hard to decipher the disorder because it involves children. Their personalities might have also just naurally changed over the course of an episode. You really have to get to know your child all over again.


If you do suspect it s PANDAS related, sometimes you have to go with the flow during an episode, but you can attempt to overcome it by tackling it head on like some of my previous suggestions.


And I just have to do this...


"To infinity and beyond"

"Play nice"

"It's time to go home"


Some of my husband's favorite Toy Story quotes that I still have to hear till this day.


My husband has slight OCD, which I think I do too. But the kind of OCD that doesn't affect life. The kind that makes someone appear to be a perfectionist. As for his obsession with Star Wars, Indiana Jones, etc. Well, it's the geeky kind of obsession. Nothing to be concerned about. It's not an OCD obsession.


Michele, yes we have considered an asperger dx and I don't think we will ever really know. He is one of those kids that hangs out at the fine line between spectrum and non-spectrum. I also think that he vascillates between the two depending on his current biological situation (yeast, pandas, clostridia, etc...). Example, today he was acting a little "spectrum-y", little eye contact, little response to questions, depression, rituals. But I would say on most days he just has plain old pandas that we have yet to get under control.


We had him evaluated by the school board and also a child psych. They both said that he has characteristics of autism, but they don't feel that he fully fits the dx (so he's in that gray area). He scored a 29 on the CARS evaluation (30 and above being on the spectrum). So, yes I would say that he acts like an aspie sometimes but did not receive that dx. I think that when/if we get his pandas under control he will be closer to normal.





Have you looked into Aspergers? I know you mentioned he did not have autism. They have some of the symptoms of autism but high language and more frustration with social and emotional communication and meltdowns. They have fixed interests like movies and memorizing lines and collecting. Your son sounds alot like my son who has PANDAS and Tourettes but was diagnosed with the Aspergers in May. He also has alot of compulsions that seem to be tics and says things like you are refering to over and over and loudly that are inappropriate that seem like potty talk about farts, weiners ,butts. My son has the eye movements rolling too. They come and go but I would say that is a tic. The compulsions are the repeat behaviors like showering, or smelling, or having all the lights on. He does hair twirling during eating and gets food in his hair. He also gets up on his toes and curls them under and walks. He cracks his fingers against his body or face. I have always struggled with compulsions versus tics but I think it is all part of the Tourettes and OCD. Look on the TSA page they have a lot of great info. Even though my son is Aspergers he has friends and wants to be socially accepted. That is why he does good in school, he wants to be like the other kids and to please his teachers. I have been reading up on this for a lot of years and I think the Aspergers and tourettes go together as does tourettes and OCD. Also the TSA representative told me this. Good luck to you as you learn more. As they age sometimes things become more defined.





Does anyone else's child do this?


Even on days when I think the pandas symptoms are fading, we are left with this symptom known as "scripting" among the autism community (he does not have autism but does have many symptoms of autism). Does anyone else's child do this? I am trying to figure out if it is due to yeast build-up from the abx or if it is from pandas?


He was not doing this pre-strep (over the summer).


I think I am going to throw toy story away and bring out some other movie! I am sick of toy story!!! LOL!


One other question: when he screams something over and over (last night it was, "I farted"!) is that a tic or a compulsion? I am trying to understand all of this b/c sometimes I'm not sure if it is bad behavior or part of pandas (again, he really doesn't do this pre-strep).




michele, that rings a bell about your guy being amused by the negative attention. I've said many times that when my son gets going on annoying me, I swear he 'wants' to annoy me, he 'waits' for me to blow.....so many times I try to not react because I know that's what he wants, and he just keeps going, laughing and thinking he is the funniest thing going, he'll keep imitating something over and over while he's supposed to be in there doing homework, but he stops to fool around, and I'll pretend it doesn't bother me, but eventually I crack. I've told him many times, you must LIKE me to yell!! .....oh and do I !!!!!............ :lol:




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