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Just wanted to post that Ncholas remains tic free 110% since off soy. He has had two vials for the Micro. infection. He has had triggers this weekend that did not give him tics. video games, movie theatre movie, candy at movie (reese pieces, popcorn) I AM holding my breath and hope I am on to something. He continues to take all supplements the same in applesauce/cinnamon





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The musle testing that your doctor did on your son, was this like a NAET doctor does?



  lss said:


The musle testing that your doctor did on your son, was this like a NAET doctor does?






I don't know what a naet doctor does but this doctor is a md who has an integrative practice. He muscle tests using a third party in between him and the patient. He tested me on allergies and called everyone to the t that I am allergic to. I have tested him time and time again with Nicholas and me and he has proved right everytime. For instance this one time I brought in alot of the supps. that nick was on . When he held up the B5 he said don't give him any more of this . The next day I got his organic acid urine test done and he was off the charts on b5. Things like that. When I had him test him for the Topamax he tested no good. Nick is on the 15 mg still until I take him off.






thanks for the info re the soy. are you saying your son was getting soy yogurt almost everyday and now that you eliminated it that his tics have calmed or are gone? Please refresh me, what was his tics before? I find that very interesting, and a great boon to some foods or ingredients causing aggravation of tics.


As far as the micoplasma infection, could you tell me what that is exactly and how he came to find that? When your doctor does the muscle testing, what is he testing against, a vial of that substance? And the homeopathic remedies, is that a remedy for this micoplasma? And re the topomax, he is advising not to give it anymore? had it been helping? or not exactly. thanks





Thanks for the info. They actually gave me a script for a numbing cream to put on his legs for his allergy testing so he won't feel the needles. The food testing is going to be done on his arm and they called it a scratch test and said it does not hurt. My great nephew got it done and he said it didn't hurt and he is only 7 years old.

Would love to find a doctor like that here in Pa...... We just sent off our son's hair for a hair analysis....that they said will show metals, allergies and vitamins that the body needs. Plus we will go and see the lady and she does some kind of testing in the office where you grip some handles and a machine reads your body...hoping that will help too.



  abbe said:
[quote name='mommyof2' date='Jul




the first time I took Nick for allergy testing with a Dan doctor they tested each thing one at a time on his arm with a little needle. It took so long the process was painful. We were there all day just to test milk, wheat, soy, corn that was it. This doctor that Nick goes to now uses muscle testing through another person not just directly on Nicholas. He never knew the results of Nicks first testing yet every thing he tested him for was correct and then some. The whole process took maybe 20 minutes and he tested him for everything. He "blocked" to milk, soy, beef, apricots, oysters, string beans, navy beans and ginger. Now I know why sushi was an issue soy sauce and ginger.!!!



Hope this helps



  faith said:

thanks for the info re the soy. are you saying your son was getting soy yogurt almost everyday and now that you eliminated it that his tics have calmed or are gone? Please refresh me, what was his tics before? I find that very interesting, and a great boon to some foods or ingredients causing aggravation of tics.


As far as the micoplasma infection, could you tell me what that is exactly and how he came to find that? When your doctor does the muscle testing, what is he testing against, a vial of that substance? And the homeopathic remedies, is that a remedy for this micoplasma? And re the topomax, he is advising not to give it anymore? had it been helping? or not exactly. thanks









Hey sorry for the delay. I have been under some pretty bad back/sciatica pain lately and have been trying to re coup. So yes I eliminated yogurt which he was having everyday (soy) and his tics are ALL gone. His tics were throat clearing, eye rolling, neck movements, stomach movements, suck on shirt sleeves and breathing tic. The only was he recently had though were neck, stomach and eye. the others left awhile ago.



The infection is a form of respiratory infection. Google it to learn more that is what I did. the homeopathic remedies for him so far have been for the mold and the infection, I did not ask the dr. about not giving the topamax because I am going to be in charge of that. when he is 100% tic free for 2 to 3 months on the 15 mg I am going to go to every other night and observe and then take it from there if I am pulling him off. The topamax helped him alot and helped me get through the tough moments when I was figuring out his triggers. They made the tics less intense or frequent. hope this helps take care





Strange - my naturopath just called and said my ds blood test showed he had mycobacteria. Is that the same thing as mycoplasma infection? He wants to treat him with a series of drops that are put in the bend of the elbow for 3 weeks. Sounds bizarre. I am going to try it anyway.


Hello all,




So Nicholas has now had his 5th dose out of 10 for his mycoplasma infection he has remained off of soy since this post. Not soy lecithan just straight soy. He is still 100% tic free. He has been exposed to numerous triggers that have not been triggers....movies (3) video games, orange juice, candy and soda (at the movies) and chlorine at camp. I am truly , truly thankful to feel the benefits of all of my hard, hard work finally. I will remain with this exact program and god willing if he is tic free for 3 months on the 15mg of topamax I will begin to wean him off. I myself have had a terrible episode of back pain/sciatica got the MRI and my last disc L5 s1 is herniated. I feel to a certain extent that I have been having this bad, bad pain due to all of the repressed emotions I went through this past year with Nicholas trying to figure this mess out. I read this back book by John Sarno and it really explains what I am talking about. In any event for all of you moms (and dads) try and take care of yourself and process your emotions and anger, anxiety...





Abbe this is wonderful...I am so happy you figured this out.... I am anxious for the allergy testing and the hair analysis to come back and see if that tells me anything....




  abbe said:
Hello all,




So Nicholas has now had his 5th dose out of 10 for his mycoplasma infection he has remained off of soy since this post. Not soy lecithan just straight soy. He is still 100% tic free. He has been exposed to numerous triggers that have not been triggers....movies (3) video games, orange juice, candy and soda (at the movies) and chlorine at camp. I am truly , truly thankful to feel the benefits of all of my hard, hard work finally. I will remain with this exact program and god willing if he is tic free for 3 months on the 15mg of topamax I will begin to wean him off. I myself have had a terrible episode of back pain/sciatica got the MRI and my last disc L5 s1 is herniated. I feel to a certain extent that I have been having this bad, bad pain due to all of the repressed emotions I went through this past year with Nicholas trying to figure this mess out. I read this back book by John Sarno and it really explains what I am talking about. In any event for all of you moms (and dads) try and take care of yourself and process your emotions and anger, anxiety...





Thank you Mary and Cheri,



I am not sure like I have said before if all has been figured out but I am sure how very, very thankful I am to this board and it's members. The kind words and encouragement helped me through some of my darkest hours over this past year. Having everyone's knowledge with tics was so helpful to me because even though I knew so much about health and nutrition comparing my thoughts and ideas to past experiences of board members was very helpful.. Searching old posts from Claire and Phyl Bouncing ideas off Cheri and also Had it not been for Mary and Wendy (Myrose) I would have never had the guts to try out the topamax which was a good call in the long run. I hope that others can take my experiences and learn from them. I am here to help if I can




  abbe said:




Just took my middle son (age 14) to nicky's doctor. My son Robert has always battled add. I have never medicated him of course. He came up with lead toxicity and a wheat allergy. He got a treatment iv for the lead and did a urine test which we sent off to the lab. Dr. Chung says he treated an autistic girl with lead issues whose I Q went up 10 points after the treatment. With robert having wheat allergies and Nicky having milk and soy it's kind of a 3 ring circus at meal time but I am getting used to it. when the dr. told Robert he was allergic to wheat he thought that meant whole wheat and he was happy that he was finally going to eat the crappy white bread like all the other kids. Robert has always had eczema issues and digestive disturbances. Has anyone found any favorite wheat free snacks out there???? I live right near whole foods (thank god)







Caryn is the resident gluten-free expert here (you can search her posts). She has a lot of amazing recipies on her site (Healthyfamily.org). Keep in mind that her son is sensitive to corn as well, which causes further restrictions that you are not dealing with. Join an internet Celiac Society or club (or just lurk one!) They cannot eat wheat; so they are very knowledgeable. A local one will even direct you to restaurants in your own community, and tell you which menu items are safe.


In the meantime, go to Whole Foods. You can go to customer service at Whole Foods or Trader Joe's and ask for a gluten-free list, and they will be happy to give you a printout. If you call Whole Foods and let them know when you will be coming in, they will actually walk you around the store and point out the items to give you a visual. I would highly reccomend that since following the list in a store that size is very difficult.

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